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  1. This is a call for the developers. But first an introduction: There is a bug with nvidia optimus technology on windows 10. It's pretty well documented and reported and pretty old. The details, along with investigation and a guide made by me can be found here: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/1008527/geforce-mobile-gpus/-guide-diagonal-screen-tearing-problems-with-optimus-nvidias-control-panel-not-working-like-it-should-need-a-fix-get-in-here/ In short, most unity games, and most games running with a Dx9 renderer, when played on a laptop with an nvidia card and windows 10 will get an awful diagonal screan tear. Yup, DIAGONAL. The easiest workaround is forcing the games to use dx11. Just try it yourself! Fire up Pillars of Eternity with vsync on (vsync have nothing to do with the bug, but deactivating it will make it pretty damn difficult to see without a trained eye... That and the tradicional horizontal tear will apear ). You will se that tear whenever you move, scroll the map or certain effects fire. Now force the game to use Dx11. BAM problem solved. Now try the same with Tyranny. The tearing is worse. Force Dx11: A pink screen. Let me also use this thread to ask: Why wasn't Dx11 implemented in Tyranny? It's a later game made by the same people and engine. What happened? Now the point of this thread should be pretty obvious! Will Deadfire come with a Dx11 option? If not, could you please reconsider? My laptop would be the best device to play the game because of it's screen, and also because of my lifestyle. (I say this before the inevitable "why are you gaming on a laptop anyway?" posts start to appear) Loving the advances of the game by the way! Great work <3
  2. I am not sure if anyone else experiences this issue or if this issue was already addressed in some other topic. I checked but I couldn't find anything relevant so if this issue was already addressed elsewhere or is otherwise known please feel free to remove this topic. I am experiencing some slight fluidity issues during the graphic transitions between one character design and another during character generation and a similar issue is present during gameplay as well. When I switch between character appearances (e.g. between male and female or between races) for the first time the transition has a slight tearing. After the first time it works perfectly, meaning if I return to an already seen character design there is no tearing at all. The tearing during gameplay is similar. I often experience a slight stop when I enter in a new section on the map but after the first time everything is fine. I have a close to recommended hardware so I suspect these issues are software related. My hardware is: Processor: Intel i5-2410 CPU @ 2.30Ghz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M Installed memory: 8,00 GB My OS is: Windows 7 Pro 64-bit with all the latest update. The resolution was 1366x768 because I used my laptop's display and not a monitor, although I intend to play it on a larger monitor. This is not a terribly annoying issue and it has not affected my game experience so far but maybe it can be fixed somehow and if that's the case I would like to know how. Thanks in advance!
  3. The Problem: Polygon tearing in upper left corner of screen during initial loading screen and then when panning in game. Polygon appears black during loading screen (see attachment), then goes away about midload. Polygon reappears (but as transparent) when panning. Temporary Resolution: Disable Crossfire in Catalyst Control Center System: AMD Phenom II 945 8 gig RAM KDE Desktop Debian Jessie Crossfire 6870's Proprietary Drivers 14.9(?) from Debian Non-Free Repository Any additional information needed, just ask. Edit: I can not get the image to attach. Using Basic and Advanced uploader. Tried Firefox and Internet Explorer. Presuming moderator approval needed as this is a new account (even though the upload section doesn't make that clear).
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