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Found 9 results

  1. Hi, so I just finished putting the ingredients into the Javamatic and as soon as the cinematic with the ants attacking was shown, the game is now stuck in an iffy slightly zoomed in view. I have an ultrawide (Samsung CHG90) and had no issues so far, with over 240 hours in-game. I've tried changing numerous graphics settings. Tried some stuff in-game i.e. sleeping, dying, saving then loading but nothing has fixed it. If I go to third person it's still zoomed in. One thing that has sort-of mitigated it is going to third-person view and ramping the FOV up to 120, however it's still a bit off and I really prefer to play the game first-person. I've attached images so you can see. (Somehow the site let me upload five pictures originally, but after having to redo the post it's now limiting me to two...) P.S thanks to the devs for such an amazing game! It's one of the best games I've played in recent years and I am still hooked on it. Despite the odd bug here-and-there nothing has really bothered me up until now (ok, maybe the broken Natural Explorer for a little while lol). Keep it up and really looking forward to future expansions!
  2. When zooming constantly in/out (achieved by spinning the right stick) the background music cuts out. Not all sound effects, just the background music. Really strange.
  3. Hello Dev's, mod and whomever else looks at this. I am able to launch Pillars Of Eternity: Deadfire, however, a bug basically prevents me from doing much as my vision of the starter menu Is confined to this. Before this image is presented to me, I have a series of black and grey screen moments as the game launches alongside the in-game representation of the mouse itself. Sometimes the game is also just a horizontal line at the upper corner of my screen. output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  4. See here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72151-how-to-zoom-in-close/ My game is not zooming in all the way. It looks like the zoom level stops at around backer beta level and stays there. I'm playing the GoG version.
  5. So apologies if this has already been posted and I've missed it. I've noticed that more often than not there is a glitch that occurs when you're indoors and you attempt to zoom in. The scene itself doesn't zoom but the perspectives for some of the NPCs and lighting changes. Some of the NPCs will have transparent doubles that will move outwards when scrolling in and back until they merge with their respective NPCs. Not sure how else to describe it, hopefully I'm not the only one to have noticed or have it happening. Thanks all. And Obsidian, your game is freaking amazing. Keep up the great work, looking forward to seeing what future updates will hold.
  6. Every so often the zoom bugs out (I think sometimes when I alt tab? Not sure.) and it'll only zoom the Fog of War and some visual effects like shadows, whereas the actual view stays the same. Reloading fixes it. I can't attach an image right now because I can't reproduce it, but it's happened twice.
  7. I've been playing the beta and I find the camera to be too zoomed in. As far as I know there is no way to zoom out. As it is; the game feels cramped and constrained. It's hard to capture the IE feel when my characters are about twice as big as they should be.
  8. Hi.. I own an Eyefinity-System and I love playing games in huge resolutions (5780x1080). As a matter of fact, a game like Project Eterniy is not the typical type of game supporting huge resulitions because of the restrictions/size of maps/dungeons/whatever. Nonetheless a proper support of eyefinty(AMD)/Surround(Nvidia) with a centered UI and proper "zoom" would be a great plus to the game. Maybe it would be possible to use the both side monitors for maps/inventory etc.
  9. What kind of movement options will be available? Traditional point&click like in IE? WASD? Will there be a zoom? If so, any plans for an auto-zoom to show all party members? And what about the dialogue? Will it be a carbon copy of IE games or can we expect some innovation, like finding from the journal the dialogue that triggered that entry?
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