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  1. Its going to be ok Gromnir, I see your words and I validate your feelings. *patpat* Now you have created an entire narrative that exists only in your head. Please try to address what I actually say, and not what you imagine in my posts. but you don't like having what you say addressed... not that am surprised. *chuckle* the real victim here is not the homeless, but is gifted? what a tragedy. HA! Good Fun!
  2. is no reason for "pissing" from us. as we said before, is up to you to decide if you will help those in need in spite o' those who will take advantage. you may likewise ignore those blameless needy 'cause o' your soused layabouts potential living it up *snort* off of gifted's potential charity. like or not, the US does focus 'pon self-reliance means charity is less 'bout taxes and more 'bout the voluntary. you choose as your conscience dictates. only thing we genuine were even a smidge annoyed with were gifted's victim ploy... which he has thankful now abandoned. great. HA! Good Fun!
  3. Uproar gonna uproar. Just pick the flavor of the day. When PoE was still in development, Obs released a concept art of a character called Cadegund, who was wearing boobplate: image Then a terrific cry rose up from the forums! "This isn't realistic!" they said. "It would actually cause MORE damage by channeling the blow to the sternum!" they exclaimed. "Millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced."...ok, that last one was me....but trust me....uproars happen for any and no reasons. Obs was forced to change that concept art to one with no boobplate, and iirc, the character wasn't even in the game. am knowing Gromnir didn't bother with such silliness 'til a cry went up from the defenders o' b00b plate insisting it were realistic. we personal didn't care if stuff was or wasn't realistic, but were no way to argue b00b plate or b00b chainmail were anything but pandering to a particular taste in feminine form. were all kinda valid defenses for b00b armour, but realism were exposing the asinine lengths folks were going to defend. 'course am thinking gifted missed the larger takeaway from his shared recollection o' the b00b plate kerfuffle: people bought poe in spite o' a shift towards more understated b00b armour. the sky did not fall. fans did not abandon the game 'cause o' lack o' more pronounced mammary displays. the poe purchasers were, shocking, less concerned with gratuitous content than they were with actual gameplay. a slight shift away from overt appeals to adolescent fascination with b00bies went unnoticed by any save for folks such as Gromnir and gifted who witnessed the tumult resulting from cadegund's "armour," which woulda' been more appropriate on a usc cheerleader than anybody engaging in combat. dig through the deadfire wishlist and recommendation threads. parse the endless poe criticism threads. am having a difficult time recalling appeals for more pronounced b00b armour. if there were such, they were comic few in number. kept b00n armour in poe and folks woulda' continued to complain. became an issue on the boards precisely 'cause some folks were all twisted up over armour designs. removal o' such armour were noticed by almost nobody. *shrug* seems like it were an easy win for obsidian. HA! Good Fun!
  4. you would be wrong. we had a recent reunion with our college teammates, and we played football with a number o' guys who went on to the pros. (actual, as hard as it is to believe, we played high school with 2 guys who eventual played nfl.) this is news, and is increasingly discussed by those who played. the guys on the team who hit so hard they broke helmets were heroes back in the 80s. today, most o' us look back and say, "how could we have been so stupid?" think 'bout it; the guys we played college football were already representing the top .05% athletic gifted people in the US. in general, these were some o' the healthiest guys you would ever meet, and they exercised strenuous and regular for most o' their lives. our reunions is disturbing for the myriad health problems we display as a group. beyond the expected orthopedic stuff, our reunion were marred by more than a couple missing suicides. folks with mental health problems and persistent/terrible headaches who showed at reunion told us o' the numerous folks who did not make it to the reunion and how the absent folks were often far worse off than any o' us present. and yeah, we is honest to admit how if we were 20 years old today, chances are if we thought we had a real chance to play pro ball (we didn't btw), we would take the risks even knowing the future consequences... consequences we didn't fully realize at the time. the thing is, at 48, such a choice has far different calculus. most o' the guys we played with were the best-o'-the-best athletes in the nation. no joke. they woulda' excelled at soccer or lacrosse or baseball or whatever. chances is good most o' the guys we played with woulda' been able to get a scholarship to play any number o' sports if they coulda' gone back in time and started _______ when they instead started playing football. at 48, the notion o' receiving a scholarship to Cal for soccer instead o' football has appeal we couldn't possible have comprehended at 20. even so, the new brain study stuff is news, and it is discussed. is a constant fear for any guy who played college or pro football and can't find the tv remote or his car keys a bit too frequent these days. is craig's emerging temper issues a personality/character problem, or is he gonna end up like mike webster in 10 years? this stuff scares the p00p outta many nfl players, and more than a few college players, and is not something which were discussed much even back in the 90s. is not particular funny.
  5. not the star wars historian some others may be, but am recollecting ewoks preparing to roast han solo, alive, over an open flame. ewok intent to burn alive, and presumably eat other sentient beings were overlooked rather quickly by the band o' heroes.... racism aside. 'course most offensive were the culinary preparation o' han solo which had him being cooked, fully clothed, w/o any pre-seasoning, and absent any kinda wine as far as we could tell. what sort of animal cooks w/o, at the very least, salt and wine? still, the initial joke, when we saw it a week or so ago, were worth a small chuckle. was onboard with gifted 'til the "moronic masses" bit. HA! Good Fun!
  6. graph shows we ain't even back to pre-housing bubble burst. use 2008 as your benchmark is kinda wacky. from wod source: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-is-the-real-unemployment-rate/ kinda funny, but were trump who were claiming the real unemployment rate in early 2016 were +40%. can do all kinda fun things with numbers. no doubt will confuse the hell outta gifted. HA! Good Fun!
  7. is bad logic, but comforting, to see all "fear reports" as somehow identical in value. a positive and a negative cancel each other out, or some such nonsense. you not like the content o' the report and chances are you can find a report condemning the exact opposite danger. sure, such ain't actual what happened above with your linked article as you misidentified the danger, but even so, you ain't alone in finding illusory comfort in conflicting "fear reports." could be worse, gifted could subscribe to the inevitability o' doom. why worry if we is all doomed anyways, yes? HA! Good Fun!
  8. outrage at robots would be curious as the article linked observes how "costs remain too high for robots to replace most farm work for low-value crops." perhaps outrage should be directed at stephen miller and donald trump who eschewed facts in favor o' a "common sense approach" to arrive at the conclusion lower-income and low-skill american workers would benefit from the void left by absent foreign labor. is gifted shocked that american workers don't wanna fill those open farm labor jobs? doubt it. *shrug* has been our opinion that immigration reform is needed, but our conclusion were diametric opposite o' the wh. need more legal immigration as 'posed to less. fearmongering has the wh advocating the exact opposite kinda reform we need. regardless, if you got concerns 'bout farm labour, your outrage likely should be directed at trump as 'posed to robots. sure, we all know our evil robot overlords is simple biding their time until skynet is activated, but am doubtful the ai apocalypse will come at you in the form of automated lettuce weeders. HA! Good Fun!
  9. I do not agree. Nobody really knows it because nobody really watched much of the 49ers last year, but Kaepernick performed pretty well in a bad situation. He's been growing as a player, but the general fanbase hasn't noticed much. He's a legit starter in the NFL. Probably an above-average one. disagree. kaepernick is a significant below-average qb with above average athleticism. his accuracy is nowhere near starter levels. kaepernick did well in one particular system with one particular coach. kaepernick has proven he is incapable o' grasping the intricacies o' complex nfl offenses and he has never learned how to throw the ball with touch when necessary. kaepernick is the proverbial coach killer. 'cause o' his athleticism and arm strength, he will succeed on occasion in spite o' bad decision making and poor accuracy-- he is a less polished version o' jay cutler. he is a tim tebow, without the in-your-face christianity. tim tebow ain't playing football either. even so, am thinking kaepernick has value as a third-string guy. he is not the player you want to build a team 'round, but his physical ability is unquestionable and particular for a defense likely prepared for qb1 or qb 2, kaepernick presents unique challenges... as a backup. from a football standpoint, we can't see kaepernick as a starter anywhere in the league. we don't even see kaepernick as a great backup option, but is not a good football reason he ain't been signed yet as most teams carry 3 qbs. HA! Good Fun! ps is a bit dated, but kaepernick skills and mental preparations ain't improved since the following: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fancy-stats/wp/2015/11/03/colin-kaepernick-doesnt-deserve-a-second-chance-as-an-nfl-starter/?utm_term=.5ba1294d7d9a he is a round peg for square-hole qb opportunities. he ain't a starter. he ain't the qb o' the future. he ain't the ideal mentor for the franchise qb o' the future. he is an athletically gifted backup for a team who wants to win now rather than take a risk on young/cheap talent.
  10. true, but not necessarily for the correct reason. am getting the humor o' gifted response, but am certain the irs would be shocked to realize paizo is a billion dollar publisher. got ~50 employees at a single location in washington. generate a bit better than $10 million a year. so unless their office happens to be resting on the richest unobtanium deposit within 200 klicks in any direction, am not seeing how they is a billion dollar publisher. HA! Good Fun!
  11. am aware some people see numbers as colors. synesthesia? am not knowing much 'bout the "condition." in any event, one s'poses is possible to see letters as colors as well, and regardless, letters may be expressed as numbers, so the question is not the kinda cheshire cat query gifted might have expected. HA! Good Fun!
  12. am knowing gifted would likely prefer if the drone were dropping cybernetic sharks into the ocean, sharks with freakin' lasers on their heads, to attack something sinister. a raft full o' hippies? perhaps evil border crossers, stymied by trump's wall, forced to try a seaward violation o' american sovereignty? conspicuous consumption ny giants fans on a party boat? *shrug* regardless, am occasional impressed enough with such video footage to share in spite o' fact the liberal science geeks is clearly using the drones wrong. HA! Good Fun!
  13. well, the XXII amendment weren't added to the Constitution until 1947, so am guessing even if are limiting to US history, one can find some basis for figuring out how such a thing might work. HA! Good Fun! ps our snarkiness is high today 'cause am not sure if we is being punk'd by gifted and am having needs deal with others we know is doing the brainfreeze bit unintentional.
  14. gonna keep doing this 'til am certain. you need to subtract, not add. you subtract from the estimated reduction, 'cause you do not know what is the estimated increase. 'cause gifted hasn't bothered to check, all you know is: A) amount of global warming due to US if they exit the Paris Agreement. B) the amount global warming will be lessened by the Paris Agreement. from A and B you do not know the projected amount of global warming anticipated with or w/o the Paris Agreement. HA! Good Fun!
  15. again, you have revered 'cause such should be our line. HA! Good Fun! Slurring speech too. if in the present disagreement with wod, Gromnir suggests, "clearly The Media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic National Committee," folks is clear understanding it is used as humorous exaggeration. maybe we add an *insert eye-roll here* for folks. is sardonic. this is the way intended hyperbolic metaphor is 'posed to be utilized. were wod attempting to poke fun at the notion o' the dnc and The Media being aligned? no. wod trying to have both ways. makes an initial ridiculous observation which he attempts to defend. when defense proves untenable, then he wants to claim exaggeration... for dramatic effect? attempts to validate with poorly understood literary technique. as to gifted characterization, am indeed glad municipalities and states and corporate entities is stepping up to fill the void. even so, the paris agreement were asking individual nations to make voluntary reductions o' carbon emissions. if the tea tax (which ironic lowered the cost o' tea) were left entirely up to the 13 colonies to set whatever amount they felt appropriate, am doubting folks woulda' seen Georgie as being in anybody's face. is what Paris Agreement does. HA! Good Fun! ps edited out a rather tame twilight zone reference after seeing amentep remarks. apologies nonetheless.
  16. I suppose part of my objection is the pulling of numbers out of asses. Planet climate is a terrifically complicated matter that we do not come close to fully understanding yet. Then that lack of knowledge is used to create echo chambers and panicky declarations (even when the statement itself says "worst case scenario"). What? There is absolutely no way to prove that statement. am agreeing in part. .3 degrees is representing a massive impact, but there must needs be guesswork to determine how much change would occur for the next 87 years with Paris v. w/o. assuming current rates w/o matching Paris promises is gonna be fundamental flawed, no? is far too simplistic. is not easy math and kinda feels as if these meteorologists pulled a worst-case scenario outta their arses. even so, the .3 degrees in 87 years is scary big. is +.3 simple for not staying with Paris. is s'posed to be shockingly large number rather than dismissed 'cause is insignificant. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/how-America-stacks-up-greenhouse-gas-emissions-180963560/ is not per capita totals shown in the linked article. folks here wanna self-applaud for steps US has already taken at reduction? fine, but US is still contributing more per capita than just 'bout anybody, and more total than anybody save china. is kinda like dieting, no? mindy, cheryl and pam all go on a diet. mindy loses 10 pounds. cheryl loses 7 pounds and pam loses 4. have mindy brag 'bout her weight loss compared to the other two ladies is ridiculous when you realize mindy started out at 350lb while cheryl and pam were closer to 130. mindy needs to burn off a few more pounds 'fore she can start bragging or getting complacent 'bout diets. even so, am agreeing much o' the science is speculative. our issue were the curious way gifted criticized. the meteorologists attempted to scare gifted with a crazy-big and scary number given mere decades o' time. weird reaction from gifted. HA! Good Fun!
  17. current scheme doesn't strike us as particular enlightened. sure, anti-icbm tech were considered counter-productive for much o' the cold war era, but the "hitting a bullet with a bullet" approach seems inherent flawed. heck, to make gifted glow, we suggest deploying swarms o' drones, carried in high altitude balloons, which could be released as needed to intercept icbms. one o' the more interesting approaches we recollect from the star wars defense era were small nukes studded with powerful x-ray lasers. the limits 'pon power o' lasers is the power source, and a fission reaction offers a considerable kick. high altitude explosion o' smallish nukes literal covered with x-ray lasers could intercept numerous incoming icbms. 'course limits 'pon atmospheric nuke testing understandable prevented meaningful development. drones. swarms o' kamikaze drones. HA! Good Fun!
  18. to be fair, there is Constitutional limitations regarding what books can be exorcised from school reading lists. is quite ambiguous what such limits is, but most attempts to ban individual books fail in the courts 'cause reasons for doing so is too transparent content-based prohibitions. typical cannot remove books from shelves simply 'cause the state doesn't like the message. one o' the justifications by the courts for defending school/library books from banning is the educational value o' books. even so, the statues and memorials is viewed different than books, for what we would think would be obvious reasons. huckleberry finn may offend or trigger or whatever is the in vogue language o' the day, but while people may be offended by concepts in the book, twain's book gotta be read extreme narrow to be seen as advocating racism. have somebody at hurlshot's school actual teach advocacy o' racism using huckleberry finn would last 'bout 10 seconds, no? confederate flags (which again, only gained usage during and after the civil war) and statues of folks who is inextricable linked with the perpetuation o' slavery is gonna understandable annoy many. is the statue o' jefferson davis having an educational purpose? is the jefferson davis statute in fact being used to educate people 'bout the inadequacy o' a decentralized government in times o' crisis? is no doubt why you got a grand old statue to show how bad were the situation jefferson davis were facing. make an enormous statue o' a drinking fountain with the label "colored" 'pon it. do it up in bronze or marble. maybe have some famous southern politician standing next to the fountain... or not. set it down in the center o' charleston south carolina. private property? not much the government can do. thank goodness. but public property? tell us it represents decades o' southern traditions. tell us the folks o' charleston shouldn't be able to ask for the removal o' the statue to a museum rather than a park. even if gifted thinks the statue has educational value, you still thinks folks in charleston should have no say in removal? and yes, statues enjoy same protections as paintings. gifted's painting or Gromnir's painting enjoys protection. state wanna tell gifted he cant have a statue o' a gold drone displayed in his gallery or home? such ain't gonna work. converse, some city hall yutz gives gifted permission to display his statue in the richard j. daley and it not mean we is stuck having to endure gifted's statue in perpetuity. HA! Good Fun!
  19. eh? who are you talking to? what book burnings do you see paralleling the placing o' statues into a museum rather than having 'em public displayed? go ahead and try to take Gromnir's books, or gifted's books? Constitution protects. at the same time, your link includes burnings of books by private citizens. such burnings is Protected here in the US, in case you were unaware. wanna make a political statement by burning the right stuff? go for it. at the same time, "hide" away books in a government building where folks can voluntarily visit (or not) and still see 'em and read 'em. one wonders what might we call such a building to house books? am knowing you think there is a parallel, but you ain't actual making one. HA! Good Fun!
  20. That is a case of strategy not really catching up with technology. 90% of the Officers of both sides (this would drop a LOT by war's end) were graduates of West Point, VMI, and places like that. They were taught Napoleonic tactics because that is what suited the weapons of the day. Many of them were also veterans of Mexico and there the infantry used the .69 caliber model 1816 musket. Smooth bore muskets were fast to reload but useless beyond 75 yards and very inaccurate. The only way to use them effectively was to fire in unison from a massed formation. By 1861 some of the state militias were still using them and many southern militias were using the British Brown Bess, but most of the regular army were carrying the 1861 Springfield. It was a muzzle loaded percussion rifle. They had a max range of 500 yards but were deadly inside of 300. Marching in formation against that was suicidal. Just ask Col Oliver Howard who got the 3rd & 4th Maine regiment killed almost to the last man assaulting the bald hills at Bull Run. By the time the Manassas Campaing was finished both sides had changed tactics to firing and advancing by regiment rather than the stand and fire of the musket days. And by the Battle of Yellow Tavern near the war's end even that was gone and regimental sized engagements became company sized since it was easier to cover the movements of small bodies of troops, is no question tactics failed to match new technologies. took far too long for lee to recognize. there were officers, north and south, who did see that the fundamental changes in warfare required changes in strategy and tactics. lee were honorable and brilliant, but he didn't comprehend how warfare had evolved 'til it were too late. shoulda' listened to longstreet and others. given the disadvantages the south had in terms o' manpower, manufacturing, and the absence o' an empowered centralized government, lee were fighting the war the wrong way. is perhaps a sad/welcome (depending on your geographic location) irony to be recognizing how lee's brilliance prevented any chance o' a military leader other than lee being placed in charge o' southern forces. lee's many victories were pyrrhic. the victories lee achieved, victories which saw the sacrifice o' many thousands o' irreplaceable men and tons o' slow replaced material, doomed the south. if lee had lost more frequent, perhaps the south would tried to fight a different war. will never know. the gifted book example is hardly analogous. would only apply to government approved books, no? have a city take a book off required reading list 'cause it glorifies misogyny or slavery might be actual parallel. where does one have books forced 'pon them by tthe government save in school? even so, am agreeing how removal o' books such as huckleberry finn and the sun also rises, books frequent accused o' racism and misogyny, is disappointing. am saddened when such books is removed from high school lists 'cause o' misguided notions o' cultural or gender sensitivity. has always been a problem with democracy, eh? get enough stoopid people to agree to something and it becomes law just so long as it don't violate the constitution. keep in mind the present issue is only referencing public statuary and monuments. the state/local/fed government puts up a statue and am not seeing any good reason for preventing removal by the same process. private owned is a far different scenario. if gifted wants to keep his nathan bedford forrest or lawn jockey statue in his backyard, we would be questioning his taste and judgement, but would be little the government could/should do 'bout it. keep your offensive books. keep your curious statue o' ______. public display o' such stuff is a complete different issue, no? HA! Good Fun! ps the notion o' endurance granting historical significance worthy o' insulation is asinine. one argument for maintaining southern slavery (pre civil war) and racism (post civil war) were the idiocy o' a need to maintain southern culture and heritage. do something bad for a long enough time don't grant historical significance. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/80345-charleston-church-massacre/?p=1710589
  21. gifted has ruined us. can't see a quirky drone story w/o thinking we should link in this place, 'cause o' gifted. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/one-day-marines-could-be-building-drones-battlefield-180963383/ as to civil war monuments, am admitted conflicted. is understandable for folks to reject the glorification o' certain personages. monuments to nathan bedford forrest is gonna deserve questioning. idolize those who prosecuted a war in part to maintain slavery is o' dubious merit. at same time, act as if it would be better to erase or forget james longstreet is equal repugnant to us. oh, and robert e. lee, while a brilliant general, were ultimate the wrong general for the south. the north never genuine committed its full resources to the war, which is kinda bizarre when you think 'bout it. everyday life in nyc remained largely unchanged during the war, and those northern ivy league schools were still having rowing competitions on sunday afternoons. is our opinion lee were the wrong kinda general for the war the south shoulda' been fighting. massed men walking 'cross fields into waves o' oncoming rifle fire were wrong tactics. attempt to attack north in 1863 were clear wrong approach. lee were a brilliant military commander fighting the wrong way in a bad war. regardless, we don't mind removal o' all the old civil war monuments much. am worried 'bout attempts to forget rather than confront. alternative suggestion: paint all such monuments lurid red. all those nice bronze statues o' lee and davis and jackson could stay, but only if painted a symbolic bright red. do same for ole miss mascot. stone mountain. etc. paint the marble and bronze red makes less likely to forget than removal, yes? 'course am doubtful most sons o' the south would approve o' our solution. HA! Good Fun!
  22. lack o' clear and convincing evidence at this time is why there should be an investigation. not need an investigation if everything were simple and obvious. famous athlete is at scene of a murder. only witnesses is the athlete, the deceased, and members o' the athlete's entourage. chicago tribune prints a story which indicates at least one witness, who remains unidentified for personal safety concerns, has fingered the athlete as the killer. the deceased ain't talking. the athlete provides a narrative o' his innocence, a narrative which ain't actual consistent with the other witnesses. nevertheless, everybody at the scene public claims the athlete is innocent. case closed? given admitted limited facts, would gifted start with belief in the athlete's story, or would he be suspicious? yeah, the folks in the room during trump's meeting with the russians is not gonna be subject to a real investigation. ain't gonna be interrogations o' the president and kislyak. is unlikely we ever get a statement o' facts which is beyond question. even so, we want investigators to be suspicious. am thinking gifted, faced with similar circumstances not related to trump would be suspicious. who wouldn't be suspicious? HA! Good Fun! ps at the coast guard grad commencement today, trump observed "No politician in history has been treated worse or more unfairly" than himself. ... funny stuff.
  23. before the trojan horse, the story o' pandora existed... and pandora were a trojan horse. pandora, a created being, were imbued with many gifts from the gods, but is hermes who made her, uh, well, a treacherous slattern. pandora were gifted to epimetheus so as to destroy man/men. HA! Good Fun!
  24. Aren't these two objectives mutually exclusive? not at all, particular for folks who is recalling how poe combat were first appreciated at the start o' the beta. one o' the most frequent complaints o' poe combat is related to pace-- is too frenetic. for those o' us who has played the game to death, such speed issues is forgotten or unnoticeable, but many players, particular new players, see poe combat as fast and unforgiving. having a dependable tank which needs less micromanagement (while still providing options if a player so desires to use 'em) is gonna be a boon for many. regardless, the objectives is not mutual exclusive. a low-maintenance class will not demand a player's constant attention, but labeling as such does not preclude the possibility o the developers having provided many combat (and non-combat) options for the player who desires more control o' the particular class. late edit: am aware 'o the tendency o' low-maintenace to seem boring. even with all the actual fighter options, if one simple uses as a low-maintenance meat shield, then the fighter very well could seem boring. however, with 11 classes, one need not like every class, yes? you wanna play more active tank which produces greater dps? is monks and barbarians and paladins and chanters which work excellent as tanks. Gromnir, for example, dislikes chanters. the chanter class is powerful and works as intended, but we prefer priests and paladins for support as we find the chants and invocations mechanics to be less than ideal to our playing style. 11 classes means roles should be more limited. more limited roles means a greater likelihood somebody won't like a particular class. however, eleven classes also means there is likely to be an alternative class available which should meet a player's expectations. This is my main issue. In the IE games, which PoE is supposed to be a spiritual successor of, fighter-types were not only capable of holding back melee enemies, but they were capable of dishing out damage as well. Korgan dual-wielding the Axe of the Unyielding and Crom Frayer was a terrifying sight indeed. lord, save us from the "spiritual successor" stuff. it means nothing. while obsidian never promised such, whatever you mean by such a label is gonna be different than what Gromnir or maxquest or gifted might mean. whatever is the essential qualities and aspects o' spiritual successor is so elastic as to deprive the shibboleth o' any actual meaning. poe has classes and familiar races and an isometric top-down view o' a multi-character party. is many ways in which poe and the ie games were similar. why ain't the poe gestalt o' familiar ie features enough to be making it a spiritual successor? 'cause the poe fighter ain't enough like the bg2 fighter? is different for you than for many others. pointless to claim spiritual successor failure for a specific feature. (insert eye-roll here) poe fighters were identified, from the earliest days o' the poe development, as being different from the ie class o' the same name... which, ridiculously, is what folks is getting hung up 'pon. if the poe fighter were having been called a defender, and the rogue had been identified as a skirmisher, am suspecting most complaints wherein ghost o' ie were raised would never have happened. why should name be the problem when the developers made very clear the ie and poe versions would be different? nobody were snookered or tricked and nobody save for karakov complained... which ain't throwing him under the bus, but is rather an acknowledgement that he alone o' the folks complaining during the beta who had also posted in the fighter intro thread had some justification for doing so. you point to a horribly broken bg2 example o' a well nigh unstoppable korgan dual-wielding overpowered weapons as to what is wrong, what is missing, from poe. no. just no. HA! Good Fun!
  25. This is hilarious to me. am actual sympathizing. initially, bio romances bothered Gromnir only in the abstract. bio romances, being optional and tangential, could simple be ignored. wasted resources? *shrug* no biggie. the increasing numerous and vocal promancers, on the other hand, were a blight 'pon the bio boards. the inability to romance bethany hawke in da2 were serious debated? our initial indifference towards bio romances were indeed colored by the vocal proponents o' bio romances. sports metaphors don't do well in this place or we woulda' used boston red sox or dallas cowboy fans to illustrate. HA! Good Fun! ps the cowboys bit were included 'cause gifted is reading. mostly kidding. mostly.
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