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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. Objectivism believe in morality and purpose. So, what are you talking about?
  2. It's funny how anti-GG posters can be such malicious, harassing, misogynist scumbags while at the same time pretending that they are the pinnacle of righteousness.
  3. Whether that's good or bad is subjective.
  4. Nope. The word "libertarian" actually originates with a socialist when he was describing himself.
  5. Isn't Socialist and Anti-Government a contradiction? Not always. The are libertarian socialists that don't like the government.
  6. How did a libertarian get a 0 on liberalism?
  7. I haven't seen that recently. But you clearly need reschooling in Martin Luther King. His final speech covered the importance of economic boycott. Plus it's possibly the most amazing speech I've ever heard. It starts slow, but is well worth sticking with. Like The Blues Brothers. Make up your own minds whether MLK would support what is happening today. CONSPIRACY NOTE: The full version of this speech, which mentions economic boycott _keeps being taken down from Youtube_ and replaced with the neutered version that is much shorter. I don't think that Bruce is denying the validity of boycotting itself as much as he is wondering why Macy's is being targeted.
  8. I guess they expected him to be a clone of Jango Fett.
  9. I kind of like that expectations are so low. When people expected greatness; we get the prequels. When they expected crap; we got the originals.
  10. You are a Conservative Libertarian Isolationist Humanist Libertine Collectivism Score: -67% Authoritarianism Score: -50% Internationalism Score: -67% Tribalism Score: -67% Liberalism Score: 100% EDIT: I'm a lot of things!
  11. @Longknife: There's no one in the world I respect more than my grandfather. He was great person. Hearing you talk smack about your grandfather makes me glad mine was such an awesome guy.
  12. Got it. Please try to keep fecal matter out of the discussion though; it just makes conversation toxic.
  13. I'd definitely prefer to see engagement removed, but considering OE has already stated they'll be working on it even more in the future. I get the feeling it isn't going anywhere. Sensuki; maybe you should start a thread about your mod. It warrants discussion since it will require reworking certain abilities to be balanced.
  14. If you start a thread about it I'll be happy to discuss it there.
  15. I argue for capitalism in person just as much as over the internet.
  16. Guys! If you want to talk about removing engagement please do so on another thread. We all know there isn't a snowballs chance in hell it's going to get cut at this point. I agree that engagement is bad, but I'd rather discuss how to make it better than discuss how wonderful life would have been without it. Problem for me is; I don't have any good ideas on the matter.
  17. Great CRPGs tend to be economically unsuccessful. Sad but true. If everything Obsidian cares about right now is profit, PoE is doomed. (Doomed as a good RPG I mean, not financially.) Not the IE games. They were successful. Which great CRPG's weren't?
  18. No, but naked wizards. They fight with the power of naked. Don't play this way around other people; it'll be humiliating.
  19. Of course it isn't. Nobody is claiming it is.More wrong assumptions. Honestly I don't really know what you are talking about. What is Katniss? Never mind, I don't want to know. Isn't that from Justice League Unlimited?
  20. The hilt blades are stupid.
  21. If you insist. Though I was still partially correct: I don't know why I like using this clip to admit defeat.
  22. That's true, but even so; it ain't the same.
  23. The hint was a reference to The Highlander where semi-divine siblings of a sort fight for power. I get that's it's not exactly the same, but that general premise is used a lot in fantasy. They all add a twist. That doesn't make it non-cliche.
  24. I just double checked myself, and you're right. I made a bit of an error thanks to the two fighters I rushed into creation looking the same. Oops... ANYWAY, the weight/armor issue remains true. I also got distracted because I gave them funny names.
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