Have you emailed support@obsidian.net? Posting here may generate a response if the developers see it, but they are not as active here as they once were, but the email will be seen by someone and directed to the appropriate area for review. Obsidian also says it will help if you can provide any of the following:
What platform are you on? Stream/Android/iPad, etc.
What version of the OS are you running? Android 4.4, iOS 9.3, etc.
What model is the device? Galaxy Tab 3, iPad Mini 4, etc.
What is your PFID#? (Located in the settings menu)
Is pass & play on? Is permadeath on?
Tutorial, Story Mode, or Quest Mode? (If not quest mode, did you recently enter it?)
Characters in Party
Location of each character
Turn Order
Scenario & Scenario Difficulty. If on non-normal difficulties, which wildcard powers are in play?
What card was encountered when the issue occurred? (Or check, or card just played, etc)
Did the issue occur on the first explore or a subsequent explore? If subsequent, what card did you last encounter? What was its resolution? (IE, you just encountered an enchanter and failed the check, and on an additional explore you ran into a blessing of the gods but didn't auto acquire it)
Did other characters aid the check? What did they use to aid it?
Was the encounter a Horde? (Skeleton Horde, Goblin Raid, Zombie Nest, Zombie Horde, Garrison Location Power w/ multiple characters, Henchmen encounter in Black Fang w/ multiple characters)