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Everything posted by Bazooka

  1. That's no bug.... Visas can be turned 'light' in a single long conversation.....
  2. No not true.... There are a lot of people with different hardware configurations who aren't having any problems (beside gameply bugs) at all.... So it's not just as simple as that... you cannot say that the engine suxxx, and a driver update won't help you.... A lot of Ati owners were able to increase performance dramatically by using other driver versions (including me). So don't give me this bullsh*t like it's completely the engine and a driver change won't help for sure....
  3. You have to add 4 mines to every minefield. Just put them between the others. You'll get a message when it's ok.
  4. Maybe not supported by your graphics card???
  5. **spoiler ahead** well at a certain point after you have talked to Kreia about a saber you can talk to Bao-Dur about creating a saber. He will tell you that you need 3 parts... you get one on Telos (either from the Ithorians or Czerka), you get one from Visas when she attacks you... (you must be underway to dark or lightside to get here movie, right after that she appears in the Ebon Hawk), the final part can be obtained on the first planet you go to.... I dont know where it is on Dxun, cause I never did that planet first......
  6. It's not possible to get a lightsaber during the part of the game he played.... Even when you do all the sidequests... He has only done Peragus and Telos, and you cannot get a lightsaber there....
  7. Written by one of Obsidian Developers. So basicly anyone who is experiencing a loading problem (like me) will not be able to fix it, damn! and there is more, if you are in a buggy area in your save game and you can't advance and you have a save game only in this place, then you too will have to start things all over again, really great! I hope that someday LucasArts and Obsidian will realize that they should not be in a rush to release the game, otherwise it will be suck, a shame they didn't realize it from KOTOR I. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Loading problems will be fixed as long as you start a new game.... I don't think that will be a problem for most people if they know they can play without (or at least with less) bugs.
  8. <sigh> Lies!?! <laughing> Don't you think that's a bit melodramatic, child? A fix is not necessarily a fix for everyone, son. The vast majority of people who were actually having video driver problems who have tried this have had much success. I've played through the game twice with not even a hiccup with a Radeon 9800 Pro. Did you consider that this fix will not work with your particular crappy card? Did you consider that your problems might not even be your video driver? No, the saber 'glow' does not work with most ATI drivers. It's sad, I know. Let's all take a moment to cry about it. This fix works with most of the mainstream ATI cards. I'm sorry if it doesn't work for you. That doesn't make it, <laughing again> LIES!!! Please grow up a bit before posting........LIES!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't agree with you... For some Ati users it works, that's correct... I myself have had no problems at all with my Ati card. But there are a lot of people on this (and other) forum that can't get the game to work at all, no matter which driver version is used. That means IMO that the QA work isn't done correctly.
  9. works ok with me...
  10. For me it's just the opposite... I had tons of troubles with KotOR1 and none with KotOr2
  11. try uninstalling your drivers and installing them again... maybe try using drivercleaner...
  12. 6600gt supports openGL 1.3 if I'm correct, and that should be ok since nvidia cards only need version 1.3... Only Ati cards need 1.4 (correct me if I'm wrong)....
  13. There is a room on the Star Forge with a box that has two robes in it. If you are bad, you get Revans robes, if your good, some really weird lightside robe. ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This forum is called KotOR 2 spoilers, you're talking about KotOR 1....
  14. Bull ****.... has nothing to do here... This is way off topic and has nothing to do with KotOR 2 spoilers....
  15. This just really doesnt belong here.... post this somewhere else please...
  16. If you have the power it appears in your friendly powers bar (bottomleft) and you don't need to go into first person to use it...
  17. There's an infinite Hsisss spawn point in the cave on korriban... There's a dead jedi lying around, and you can select it over and over again to spawn Hsisss...
  18. Its used for cinematic if its the one at docks, mira take you there as LS when you go to meet visquis, a doze you with some toxic to go in your place. So its only there for cinematics a presume :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did you even read this topic... What you said has been said before at least 3 times, and it isn't correct, we're t5alking about other rooms
  19. In most cases you're completely right, but in this case that's bullsh*t.... There are not just problems on some configurations, but there are problems on (allmost) all configurations with Ati cards and particular sound cards... IMO that's just crappy QA work. The 'funny' thing is that the same problems existed with the initial pc version of KotOR1, and after it was patched, a lot of problems were solved. But for KotOR 2 they used the unpatched engine they also used in the initial KotOR 1 release... That's something I really don't understand. That's just doing your work in a really crappy way.
  20. The powers you get from visas and kreia are very different...
  21. This naturally only applies to North America, for Europe its Activision. LA won't even read your mail if you aren't from North America, merely say it's not their job. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> From the activision site:
  22. If Obsidian was an established developer with enough clout to tell the publishers whats what I'd agree, but the problem is it was either do it under LA's terms, or not make a game at all, then all the nice people at Obsidian would be looking for new jobs. Personally, I think what Obsidian should do is push to get the job making KotOR3, point to all the complaints about KotOR2 so they can get a better amount of time to make it, and stick one or 2 guys on finishing up the KotOR2 ending as bonus content to be released with KotOR3. And as a response to the thread title, they did... on the Bioware boards. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well, that really would be cool... I'd really wanna play the ending that was intended...
  23. I'm not sure what's worse - that computers specs or your sense of wit. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> believe me, a P4 2.0 GHz isn't that bad, and 512 MB RAM isn't bad either, just the graphics card is crap.... You're talking about a computer from the 21st century, well the 2.0 GHz P4 was released in the year 2001 I believe, so stop bitching... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No sh1t sherlock. You're obvioulsy unfamiliar with the concept of sarcasm. And if anyone's bitching it's you dumbass. So be a good n00b and run along now. Shoo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm... first person calling me a n00b... nice experience considering I have 18 years of computer hardware experience and am working at Cisco....
  24. I had no problems at all with KotOR 1 and my 845 chipset back then....
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