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Everything posted by Reveilled

  1. Te hotel shelling very likely was an accident. When the town near Colditz was liberated during WWII, american tanks fired on the castle, their crews having forgotten in the heat of battle that it was a POW camp. When you're under fire in a warzone, it's not always easy to remember what not to shoot at. As to bombing Al Jazeera, it's a really, really silly idea. Prior to the invasions, Al Jazeera was one of the most pro-western (not so much in terms of countries as in terms of secular democratic ideology) news stations in the area. They've been banned or their journalists persecuted in many so-called "islamofascist" states in the region for denouncing their restrictions on the freedom of the press and anti-democratic practices, and while you can't expect impartiality in a place like the middle east, they're really not some sounding board for terrorists as many seem to believe (ask yourself whether Osama Bin Laden would like his opinions to be broadcast by a female Al Jazeera newsreader in western-style clothing).
  2. I don't believe it. I don't farking believe it! GODDAMN. The first time I decide not to attack London would have to be the first time the support was misordered. This Sucks. :'(
  3. Eh, sorry. My bad. I'll get it done ASAP.
  4. Why, Eris, of course. Discordianism is the only path to salvation. All other roads lead to Thud. And you don't want to go to Thud. It's muddy and it rains a lot. Plus, it's cold. And there's nothing to drink. Nasty place, Thud. Too much water and limestone.
  5. Well, I'm not a saint, I'm just a lowly Pope, but someday I dream of becoming a Saint Second-class. Of course, there is something of a problem in that the doctrine is ambiguous on whether people of the Faith are allowed to become Saints, or if you can become a Saint only after posthumous conversion. Thus, my ingenious plan is to forsake my goddess on my deathbed and be baptised after my passing. Elysium, here I come!
  6. Pff. Only losers dress up as vulcans. All the cool trekkies dress up as Trill.
  7. But does not every saint die for their peity?
  8. The jist of it is that while M$ might have at one time been witty and innovative (except that it wasn't, because the dollar-sign is so bleedin' obvious that it never contained much wit or innovation), now it's just silly and childish, and the sort of thing only sad people living with their parents and dressing up as star trek characters would do as anything other than an ironic statement on those same people. Ooo! I know! Microsoft makes a lot of money, so I'll show how much I dislike them by putting a dollar sign in their name! That'll show The Man! "
  9. Fruit is a tool of Greyface. Truly pious people, like me, only eat deep-fried meats and potato products. And hot dogs on fridays. "
  10. I agree with Hades, but that is not mutually exclusive of the point I made. If I buy as spanking new PC and it doesn't work, you can bet the retailer / brand owner / lots of senior marketing people who pay the salaries of the people who make the PC that I bought / popular press / etc will all know exactly how peed off I am and to what decimal degree, within very short order, AND what I expect the recompense should be. This "send 'em out and we'll see what's wrong with them when the returns come back" QA attitude of M$, first seen in their marketspeak sofware and now crossing over into their hardware (never had these problems with a M$ keyboard or mouse) should not be tolerated in any way shape or form. It's either negligence or false advertising and consequential larceny, on a scale unheard of previously. What's next, the M$ keyboards will start to assign random keycodes to the buttons as someone types? Exactly. If the production of the product is too much for them, they shouldn't be allowed to make them, let alone advertise them. Kitchens and heat, dontchaknow? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "
  11. Free will predates the existence of god. Free will is not bestowed upon us by her, as she did not create it. She embodies it. Consult your pineal gland.
  12. But baby, she ain't got no style!
  13. Exactly! And the only thing sexier than the curves of a flintlock pistol are the curves of a lady. :D
  14. Well, then when you meet bad people, you'll be able to kill them.
  15. Ah, you missed a fun-filled 18 weeks! The last few months have been packed with secret forums, silly semantics based arguments, some welcome entrances, and a very dramatic exit, stage left, for the man with the #1 postcount! And as to guns...
  16. Also, inflation in Civ 4 is a fixed value increase, not a per-turn increase. An inflation value of 23% means everything is 23% more expensive than it was in 4000BC, not 23% more expensive than it was last turn. Going by that system, inflation values of several thousand percent would be appropriate for real-life modern day countries. Inflation in civ 3 as the term is used in the real world would be measured in fractions of a percentage point per turn. So 23% isn't all that remarkable.
  17. Any kid who can't get around his school's and parents' restrictions on the use of the internet isn't much of a kid at all. If his parents say "close your myspace account", all he has to do is only log in when his parents aren't in the room, and remember to delete the history file. " The only danger (speaking from experience) is when you forget about the deleting the history part, and the websites you've been to are a whole lot more illegal for minors to view than myspace.com. :">
  18. The inflation increases by a fixed value over time, from what I understand. There is apparently nothing the player can do to affect its increase.
  19. Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer?
  20. Searching for my username just returns a bunch of my own posts, and web pages of people who don't know how to spell "revealed". " And my real name is shared with an accountant at a swiss confectionary export firm, a vice president in an IT outsourcing company, a racecar driver, and with some sort of important visual scientist who gives a lot of speeches and lectures at conferences and universities.
  21. What is *that* ?!? :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Uhh...Eevee, Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Umbreon and Espeon?
  22. There was another good SportKa one involving a bird, which was also bloody funny. There might have been one with a Squirrel too, but I might just be imagining that one...
  23. The Email doesn't list the A War build. I assume that was an omission there?
  24. Nah, alignment is too poorly defined as a consequence of it being misunderstood in the first place. There is plenty of scope for two lawful good characters to be fighting each other, for example: if an evil potentate makes a bad law, then the lawful good sherrif either: follows the law, because that's what she does, or protects the innocent, because that's what she does. Therefore, two characters of the same alignment can quite easily interpret the same situation differently and still be within their alignment. I know option A seems more lawful, and option B seems more good, but I could also argue that A is lawful-neutral, and B is neutral-good. (Assuming for the purposes of this example that the sherrif couldn't change the law; a Kobayashi Maru, is better to test ethical boundaries.) The crux is the semantics of "law": does lawful mean "obey laws of society", like democracy, or does it mean "obey the laws of God", like a theocracy? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The only problem being here that if this was the situation in a module by the guy who invented the alignment system, the "can't change the law" assumption would be invalid, as the correct solution in a Gary Gygax campaign would be for the Sherrif to go to the taven, find out where the potentate's castle is, find the castle, and then battle through fourteen hundred floors of monsters crammed by the thousand into tiny room after tiny room. Whereupon reaching the fourteen hundredth floor, the sherrif (and his party) would discover that the potentate had retreated to his secret lair in the underdark (in the module titled Vault of a Thousand Billion Drow), only accessible by first completing the modules Against the Megadeath Giants, Against the Killamawhatsit Giants and Against the Ohmygodtheresfiftymillionineachencounter Giants.
  25. As far as I could ever tell, the only pro to keeping Eevee as Eevee is if you are going to use it for a duplication trick (Well, that was what I used mine for in Pokemon Red/Blue) or breeding so that you can get multiple evolved Eevees, or if you have all the evolved ones already and just want to have an unevolved one for your collection.
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