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Everything posted by Bendu

  1. Risen. Finished the quests in the bandit camp. Really, Piranha Bytes needs better writers. The dialoge is Oblivion level. And the pacing of the story could be better.
  2. Anomaly Warzone Earth Capsized Eschalon: Book 1 Eschalon: Book 2 Divinity II - The Dragon Knight Saga Frozen Synapse Neverwinter Nights 2 Risen Dawn of War II - Complete Star Wars: Empire at War Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic X-Superbox The Dig Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Total War: Shogun 2 DLC = 120 Euro No more games this year! I swear!*
  3. It's just a recap. But FNV + DLC is for sale again.
  4. 11. But I have seen people with over 30 already.
  5. Finally, NWN2 for 6,79 Euro and X-Superbox for 9,99 Euro.
  6. Yes, you have to sell more than 100,000 gold. But there is a trick. Sell those items, buy them back and sell them again.
  7. It's not possible. You have to visit the Queen.
  8. Bought it. This wasn't planed. I hope it is worth the money! Otherwise I blame you, Mister!
  9. Empire & Napoleon Total War GOTY for 10 Euro. Awesome deal.
  10. C&C3 is okay. Better than Tiberian Sun, not as good as the first C&C. But there are better RTS out there.
  11. Bought Risen. Surly it's better than modding Oblivion for hours and only play some minutes in the end. Still 4 games on my list. Come on NWN2, I want you for 5 Euro...
  12. Risen for 7,50 Euro. Sold.
  13. Just look here: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=58130 Playing with Reinhart on hardcore is actually easy.
  14. There is only one rule for the Steam sales. Wait for the dailies, otherwise buy on the last day.
  15. Interested in the Left 4 Dead bundle. Can someone tell me something about the singleplayer? I always thought this is a multplayer title...
  16. Onyx is fine. Compare DS3 to the leaked Alien RPG footage and you will get an idea what kind of games they can make. And they can develop the Onyx further, like BioWare did with its own engine. Aren't NWN, KotOR, JE and Dragon Age 1 + 2 based on the same engine?
  17. I'm gonna add Rajani. She is probably the most interesting character after Jeyne for me. What I really like about her is when you spare her life and send her back, your actions made an impression on her and she changed her view about the legion. It wasn't the usual "You made a mistake the last time by sparing my life, now you gonna die. Har har har." stuff.
  18. One of my favorite locations of the game. So bring on additional DLC in that area!
  19. In this case the installation should be just drag and drop. Only for Western Sky and Better Burned Man you have to enable the .esp file.
  20. Yeah, CoP and Clear Sky are available. Don't know why SoC isn't.
  21. Damn, Stalker - SoC is not available on the German Steam market.
  22. I like those: http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38196 http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38285 http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34971 http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35497 http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41974
  23. Patch Changelog
  24. Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues Screenshots
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