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Everything posted by dbn

  1. (I originally posted this incorrectly in the patch beta forum) This is my 4th play through and have completed this quest successfully on the other play throughs. I did things in a different order this time and... If I complete the quest Dirty Laundry before I talk to Udyne in the bathhouse, she doesn't respawn following the private party and then I can't continue Serafen's quest. I went to Sayuka after discovering this in the off chance that Remaro would be there and he wasn't. As it is, I cannot complete this quest. My solutions would be to ensure that Udyne respawns after the Dirty Laundry quest and also have Remaro be at Sayuka in true open world style.
  2. I'm guessing this is probably a case of blindness on my part, but... The Technical Support forum only has subforums for backer beta, patch beta, and modding. Thanks!
  3. This is my 4th play through and have completed this quest successfully on the other play throughs. I did things in a different order this time and... If I complete the quest Dirty Laundry before I talk to Udyne in the bathhouse, she doesn't respawn following the private party and then I can't continue Serafen's quest. I went to Sayuka after discovering this in the off chance that Remaro would be there and he wasn't. As it is, I cannot complete this quest. My solutions would be to ensure that Udyne respawns after the Dirty Laundry quest and also have Remaro be at Sayuka in true open world style.
  4. Hi all, POE2 does not locate my save files from POE1. Where does it expect them to be so that I can move them there? Or is there a way to point POE2 to the proper location on my computer. Thanks!
  5. I would like the following 1. Addressing current weaker subclasses; THEN new subclasses. 1. New areas for exploration with new quests. 2. More love to ship combat.
  6. I would like to see a surrender button and/or the ability to exit the game when you know you're going to die. No sails and you're perpendicular to the enemy ship = a long and prolonged death.
  7. After a prolonged sea battle many of my crew were on injured status, some out for a few days, others out for a week or more. I had enough medical supplies to treat half of the wounded, but not enough for the rest. I put in to port, got more supplies. Back at sea, no one received healing and no medical supplies were deducted. At some later point, I entered another sea battle and it seemed that the injured crewmen were healed? In addition to the above, the injury data for crewmen should tell how many days until healed. Also, not clear how to send a patient to the surgeon, if that's actually a thing.
  8. The longer it takes to get a new beta, the more time I have to play bg2 and planescape: torment. Actually I haven't played this beta version at all, because, frankly, the mechanics are in too raw a state and I'm not really seeing substantial effort on the part of Obsidian to fix these mechanics in a way that gives me confidence in the process. I am hoping that much will have happened to address the many issues that have been raised for the next update despite the relative lack of communication on their part.
  9. Here are some bugs that I've encountered that for the most part haven't been mentioned yet (that I've noticed) or may have been buried. 1. Occasionally I'll get the message that someone has discovered something... and there is no indication whatsoever of what was discovered... ever. This has happened in 2 locations: I've also noticed in general that discovered traps etc. don't remain red consistently after discovery. 2. Shop inventory: food stuffs displays ALL rather than just food stuffs I also noticed that Vektor doesn't carry any food stuffs besides hard tack and water after the update. 3. The order of active abilities displayed on the character sheet is in alphabetical order, which is not the order of active abilities during level up. 4. Discovered trap overlies character. (This has been noted recently.) 5. When hovering over an ability in combat: damage and penetration are duplicated. 6. Insect swarm: raw or pierced damage. Which is it? 7. Revealed map location... before party has visited that area. I've noticed this in other maps as well. In this case, the Adra pillar room is revealed before the party has reached that area. 8. When mousing over geographic locations (like deadfire archipelago), the associated ability increase that is relevant only during character creation is included. This I think has been reported already. 9. Duplicated string during level-up: 10. Not really a bug, but I would like to have the current character level/class displayed on all of the screens associated with leveling up (skill point selection, weapon prefs, etc.). Sometimes real-life intrudes and I have to step away and then sometimes I can't remember which character is being leveled up.
  10. Ability to access character/party inventory while sailing or traveling overland on the world map. -We often find things to be added to the inventory, most go straight into the party stash. Some, however, are items that would benefit individual characters. I then have to remember that I found such an item the next time I'm at a "local" location. This might be some long time later depending on how much map exploration I'm doing.
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  11. There is a skeleton that contains that key on the far side of the room with the spiders.
  12. For me, the change works because I don't generally play characters with a super maxed out stat and one very low stat; the lowest I ever go with is a 9 in any stat. I generally play mixed melee/caster types; I just have to be more strategic about spell selection and combat may take a little longer. This change helps my characters, but this change doesn't drastically change how I will play. I prefer the storytelling aspect of the game where having investment in even "dump" stats can pay dividends in the story narrative. Granted, if you're playing PotD, you probably don't care about that part of the game as much as someone like me. I like the change, but if they decide to go back to the previous version of Might, then I think the best use of Resolve as an attribute would be to affect concentration/ability to withstand interrupts/decrease debuff durations, etc. (I saw this suggestion somewhere... can't remember where.) It could also play a greater role in the non-combat interaction part of the game. (I know... this is what Insight/Diplomacy/Intimidate/etc. are for. But, maybe Resolve could enhance those interactions in some way.) How about you get a bonus to skill points at each level based on how much Resolve you have?????? This way, people who prefer the combat aspects of the game get what they want, and I (and others who prefer the story aspect) get what they want. Reading the above discussion I am struck by the idea that you would dump 9 points of resolve as a baseline... that means that instead of having 15 points to distribute among 6 attributes, you now have 24 points to distribute among 5 attributes. These two scenarios result in very different types of characters and probably different types of games (see above). Obsidian has said they want to support both styles of play so good luck to them to figure this out.
  13. I've had the same thing happen. I've played from several saves before and also restarted a whole new game after "repairing" the installation through GOG and then going directly there with a new game. Happens everytime: allows entry into the Poko Kohara Ruins map one time, on return I get either black screen with frozen pipe or message saying the map file is corrupt. I now uninstalled POE2 and will reinstall to see what happens.
  14. Playing new beta update. Not sure how I got here, but one of my party got trapped amongst the rubble just to the right of the stairs leading up to the Engwithan Waystation. This occurred after defeating the titan and the scarab. Save game attached. This is most recent save I have in my save folder, but no idea if this is infact the correct save since the system won't let you make your own saves.
  15. On my fifth play through I've encountered the following annoying problem: My custom Sharpshooter/Priest of Wael character, built through the hireling interface, frequently attacks herself. Happens in every combat. Not sure if this is the same as with the skeletons, etc. attacking themselves that has been reported previously. Targeting problem? (How do characters pick the next target?)
  16. This has happened to me when another character has a food type assigned, but you are out of that food. Clicking on that characters food slot to make it go away fixes this problem for me.
  17. Regarding the off-screen Character Position Portraits: It is NOT who is in 5th position, but whoever was created last (which is usually who is in the 5th position). I created a new fighter character at the "tavern" to replace the Mercenary Fighter and then moved her to the 2nd position. It is her portrait which is shown for the off-screen portraits.
  18. Yes, exactly like that! Right-click would bring up a window box with relevant info until closed.
  19. When you select a location from the list of known locations to travel to, but that location is on a different island AND it is not an anchor point, and then you click on that location that your ship will travel to the nearest anchor point on that island rather than to the nearest point in the water to that location (e.g. Poko Kahara Ruins). (At least have that as an option.) Thanks!
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  20. Not sure if this is a bug or not, but... It would be real nice if during character creation that when I mouse over Might, Con, Dex, etc. when I'm assigning points that it would display what that stat does instead of having to assign or remove a point to see the details. I believe this is similar for the skills.
  21. To add to the above, it is incredibly annoying when you've supercharged your one use of Minoletta's Concussive Missiles and then you abandon it.... Seems like the wizard in this case would probably take the risk of damage (if this is truly due to engagement) to finish this spell.
  22. This is more a request than a bug (I think): I've noticed that actions are occasionally abandoned (not interrupted) for no discernible (to me) reason. Would it be possible to mouse over the abandoned action message in the log and have it say why the action was abandoned? This way, I can figure out if it's me doing something wrong or some other reason. Thanks!
  23. Both the Skulking Terror and the Luminous Revenants award 20 experience points. Both of these are more powerful than many other creatures that award more experience. Another thing that is confusing is that the log showing *quest* experience uses experience awarded to the party and to the player's main character interchangeably. "Total quest experience: x" for party, "Total quest experience: x/5" for player. (Sorry, away from my laptop with the game on it so can't give more details.) Short of using console commands, is it possible to advance beyond level 7 in the game? I've played through 2 times now and I get extremely close to level 8, but not quite there. If it is possible, perhaps there is a quest that I'm not aware of? I'm aware of 2 quests and 1 task. Cheers!
  24. When in dialog with the laguafeth broodmother, I get the option to send my animal companion to "sniff" her out. ([ranger] ...) However, as a ghost heart ranger, I wouldn't have a readily available animal companion for this purpose. Sorry, no screen shot.
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