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Everything posted by Wompoo

  1. So what would be the point of hiring any hirelings then? Or rebuilding things that don't have a function beyond prestige/security and cosmetics? Good for the story and rp value, adds a nice touch to the game "if you want it", BG2's strongholds for example... there's nothing must have about the stronghold, just an added layer to create a sense of belonging in the game world. Not everything must have a purpose, not everything must be balanced imho
  2. Act 2 on 45,000 credits all building bar one completed at the stronghold. No need to buy everything you see (only things I go out of my way to buy are summon items and the odd jewellery upgrades if they are of a significant upgrade, as things just don't stack "item wise"). More then enough coin around.
  3. Well I know that my Wizard gets focused quite a lot, especially after I lay down one or 2 high damage spells (buffs are my friend)... or they just ignore the fighter completely run around him, and head straight for me (again buffs are my friend)... or I get chain charmed (love that one not :D ). At the moment trying a fighter wizard (just had to try and recreate one of my BG2 favourites) based around Concelhaut's Parasitic staff, this weapon is an exceptional quality gives +8 to hit and drains endurance (heavy armour and buffs are my life line with front line spell spams) early days, but fun, which is what games are about. Fast cast buffs, chaining them using shift and pause when needed.
  4. Mobs are not attacking: Elder Lions, Feral Druids (one only the Dwarf attacks), Lioness, Pwgra ... all just stand there (remain passive) while you attack Reloaded from Autosave, problem remains...
  5. Well just booted the game and PC up and noticed the download was 856.5 meg, build number V1.0.3.0526 did not get a second download so I ran verify integrity... only one patch. Wonder if Steam had a random glitch?
  6. Kalakoth's Minor Blight burn - has a bug, that unfortunately trashed my Wizard 1. I can't select weapon load outs... I can remove weapon with right click, but cannot re-equip them, slots become red for any wand (the ability still shows to be taking up all slot even though they are all empty) 2. My Grimoire has disappeared and I cannot equip any other Grimoire 3. My character just runs up and starts punching the target (head butting would be less painful) 4. Have reloaded, rested multiple times, zoned multiple times, kicked the neighbours cat (twice) and she is still broken 5. one of the weapions I removed after the bug was Kalakoth's Minor Blight itself Had I realised it earlier I could of reload from an auto save, but unfortunately I had saved and zoned several times just doing exploration (and minor theft.... a lot of minor theft). can I recreate? no for obvious reasons. essentially the game is now broken
  7. They have very low health (3 x Endurance)... they are: Might low, health very low, accuracy very low (which surprises me seeing how often Durance hits) and deflection low. But some how they can survive and survive quite nicely as well, even running around in nothing but a underwear waving a stick that goes pew pew. :D
  8. Early game difficulty was a mixed bag in say in BG2 as well, one simply levelled the character or acquired better gear or more party members and returned (say Kanggaxx or the rogue stone chain),,. not all quests should be predictable, not all quests/encounters should be doable at the same point in the same area, accept that and return when your character/party has grown. The uncertainty of encounters was one of the things that made these types of games enjoyable... exploration came with the potential of massive failure. It made you stop taking progression with such a cavalier attitude, which is oh so prevalent in modern gaming. No, definitely not all encounters should be equal or doable within a given area at any given time. Some should be easy, some should be challenging, some should require gear and levelling.
  9. Running one as a tank now and they make excellent main/offtanks... high deflection, summons make up for missing damage, party buffs and constant endurance regeneration is excellent (lots of gear/food/rest/spells to boost certain stats in the game as well) so yes they are excellent. Well, at least my experience has been a very positive one.
  10. Didn't know they were Backer npcs, nor do I care really. As quite a few of the stories I read were well done... as for emersion breaking, really, that is quite unusual... I found reading their soul (story) to be what Watchers do. After a number of them I just stopped reading. No they are the furtherest thing from emersion breaking for me.
  11. Running a Aumaua with stats 21,5,17,10,16,10 danage out put is extremely good and she survives quite well, she is a burst build. Good controller and excellent dps... no real down side, just use per encounter abilities to fill the gaps on trash mobs and per rest abilities on emergencies, hard encounters or bosses, its all about pacing yourself ( although I so miss my BG2 Wizard, god bless time stop, maze and finger of death etc :D )
  12. I'm having isues at Raedric keep as well... more so with the transition to the Scriptorium where the game just rolls over and dies, will not load after three attempts, game just crashes.
  13. Same issue, tutorial scroll sound is in a loop... turning it off does help (but that is not a solution for everyone)... other then that great game
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