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Alien Love Gardener

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Everything posted by Alien Love Gardener

  1. This is very true. I tend to give them some slack though since they ran out of money and basically had to cobble it together from whatever material they could reuse. Also, Akira the manga is so much better than the movie it's not funny. And Berserk is indeed excellent, even if it might make a dodgy initial impression.
  2. Yes. You do have to install it. You will do so now, in fact. And you will love it.
  3. In alphabethical order: Baldur's Gate 2 + Throne of Bhaal Beyond Good & Evil Fallout Ground Control Grin Fandango Half-Life Half-Life 2 Halo Neverwinter Nights + expansions Planescape: Torment Rome: Total War Soldat Soul Reaver System Shock Starcraft Thief Gold Thief 2 Thief 3 Unreal Tournament Urban Chaos Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
  4. No it's not. Psionics is such a miniscule part of the Fallout universe (unless I'm mistaken, it was completely ignored in the sequel), it has no impact impact on gameplay whatsoever. You can rip it out entirely and noone would notice. Which makes pointing out that Fallout is an excellent example of how one can do a roleplaying game in a fantastical setting without throwing magic into the mix entirely valid.
  5. Which was sort of my point. There's some enemies with psionics in the master's lair, iirc, and that's it.
  6. And of course, psionics were such a vital component of the gameplay experience. Why, I couldn't possibly imagine what Fallout would've been like if psionics hadn't been a part of it.
  7. Though call, assuming we leave mods and expansions out of the discussion. I dislike them both, but it did take longer for Morrowind's myriad flaws to really start grating, so it has to get the nod. Things arriving first on the X-box doesn't bother me *that* much, as long as it's just a couple of months. Especially if it means I get a superior game.
  8. Chalk up another vote for Pippin singing for Denetrhor while Faramir leads his men to a senseless death. Brilliantly executed scene.
  9. Definitely getting it on release day, or as close to it as possible. I've an rpg itch that needs scratching. Bad.
  10. I can't possibly limit myself to one movie, so this'll be another top five list. Because loves top 5 lists. And I recently watched High Fidelity again. 1. The Incredibles 2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 3. Oldboy 4. Collateral 5. Kill Bill vol. 2 Honorable mentions to Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, Memories of Murder and Open Water. Dishonarable mention: I, Robot. Not so much for the actual movie, it was a competent enough sci-fi action flick, but for the fact that it included gratuitous glowing red audi logos, ten minute shots of jvc stereos and 'vintage' 2004 sneakers. I was not amused.
  11. 1. Girls who smell good 2. Stories that don't end well 3. Strawberries with ice cream 4. Rediscovering something I like that I've forgotten I liked 5. Endorphin highs 1. Irony-deficiency 2. The big stompy boots of fascism 3. People that don't like naked people 4. Installers that lie about where they place shorcuts 5. Having to exercising to get an endorphin high.
  12. My first ever post was this one. Hello. And stuff.
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