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Everything posted by ctn2003

  1. Its a tade strang but its really fun to find stuff hidden - not well inplamted but fun like most of gta san andreas lol
  2. You trying to sell me yea greedy basterd~! For the last few months i have been thinking about the worth of the physical boxed copys of kickstarter games, Like Wastland 2 and Poe. what does GayStop Half Priced Books think about theboxed kickstarter cds, Well they take them? (not that i would give ANYthing to them) but it just cross my mind, how mutch are they worth exacly? When ive played poe for a wile im acouly planning on selling my boxed copy copy to help fund a charity (not as soon as i get it but at least within a year or 2 after ive injoyed it.) Ive seen wastland 2 boxed copys get sold less than 10 hours for 80 bucks online so whats does that say about a Poe boxed copys? or the Collecters Edition?? www.gofundme.com floaters reserch This is the charity - ^^ take a look if you wish. not 100% if you allowed to put links.
  3. Awww im sorry bro but at least you give me hope for mine they might diapear agean like they did before i got new ones last few weeks. - well... if you wish the Gofundme is trying to make a Treatment to wher you just may be cured. :D using a enzym/eye drop and them their gone.
  4. Wow good thing i dont use guns in real life after that story im never using a gun EVER
  5. A few people get tinnitus pretty bad though, and it can impact the quality of their life. Personally I get vertigo from time to time, which can significantly limit my activity. You don't really get used to it; just learn to tolerate it. Thank you very mutch ill give it a shot why not might get ride of the couple of have. Psst, he was talking about his poop. How dare you sir! Not really funny but my parents said the same thing :/ not well known eye problom but one day if this Gofundme works out we may not have to worry about it as mutch
  6. A few people get tinnitus pretty bad though, and it can impact the quality of their life. Personally I get vertigo from time to time, which can significantly limit my activity. You don't really get used to it; just learn to tolerate it. I've had tinnitus my entire life, and I would say that I am used to it, but I have to have some background noise such as music or TV when I go to sleep or sometimes the noise will keep me awake all night. I had that for wile when i was about 17 whats wird is one day it just disapeard i wish my flouters whould :/
  7. Very true i have new ones and i hope it wont effect my POE playthrew.
  8. i well doo. lol
  9. Well i hope thats true but so far it looks like i wont get used to it. and if i do itl be years
  10. not 100% shure but mine looks like it had somthing to due with small trama to my eye. - black specks
  11. Well yes but however doset seem to go away with a computer. and outside - and mine are weird black specks
  12. Thank you very mutch ill give it a shot why not might get ride of the couple of have.
  13. I am a suffer of eye flouters as im shure many obsidian fans are so i though id though id try and raise awarness of a charity for research on a new drug - and or possble eye drop that could possbley treat them as their are no real treatments at the momment without surgery. But their could be a safe treatment in out mist if you wish to donat. http://www.gofundme.com/floaters
  14. Tryed to watch star Chrystel and i i HAD to stop it was sooo bad most b movies are be movies but omg ...not as bad a gor thow
  15. Glade its gone i have bad flashbacks with TES
  16. been a wile any word on the new update?
  17. Thats a good idea.
  18. I agree that Heart of Fury was a great feature of IWDs. But it's not a difficulty option, it's New Game+. PotD is a difficulty option, like Insane in the IE games. Playing on Insane didn't have any additional reward in the IE games. Yea now that i think of it 90% of games dont have rewards - lol duke nukem 3d Dawm im good was a nighmare and all you got at the end was a crappy ending hahah
  19. NO! Josh is the perfect guy for the i mean he created Icewind dale 2 less than 10 months and its one of my fav RPG's they ALL have to work as a team to get poe made the right way. and their doing a good job but their are a few od ball things is all. josh understands dnd and story telling VERY well. perfect for poe
  20. From what im sering so far I cant help to wonder if poe is hoing to get slamed by reveiwrs for the combat and the bugs I mean im worreid that when this game comes out thell drop about 3 patches then never suppost it from then on. Thats what worries me the most.
  21. Well their be a sound slider for it?? id be a od ball thing to leave it out :/
  22. yea at this point -glitches who cares put all those fixes in the seqile or expansin :/
  23. WHAT they got rid of the pistels?? thats kinda weird i mean a lot of backers really injoyed them.
  24. Should Poe be delayed again? seems like this game was beanafit GREATLY from 1 more long delay- i undersatnd money and stuff like that but if they had more time they scould fix some of the od ball things in the game like the path finding thats still needs work or even the WEIRD ASS stealth system and theirs no arrows! lol a mean ammo Eric Arrow the Raindeer
  25. I agree with this one. I don't like this either. If the developers don't accommodate us with this, it can be modded out. This is an option. I prefer it to be enabled everywhere because it makes the inventory less annoying, and since you can craft/enchant anywhere as well. You can in the IE mod I agree about this one. Different kinds of ammo, and special ammo would have been cool. Not super upset about it though. Agree about this one. I too would prefer a higher isometric angle for outside as well as inside, it would also be much more practical. Yeah I think walking would have been better. In future expansions etc they could have a combat movement animation or something. Probably expensive to make though. Kind of agree about this one, but you can simply edit the string file yourself and change it to whatever you want. This isn't a super constructive thread but I might have some more points to add later when I have some more energy. Acouly a lot of peaple have said the game should have been turn based. it whould have fixed a lot of things - but this is a IE game (kinda) but i just kinda wish some of the things like this waset in the game - no running from combat?? thats like 90% of bulders gate 1 RUN FROM THE WOLFS
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