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Hiro Protagonist

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist

  1. Meanwhile in Australia, two years without a boat arrival. http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/2016/07/27/pm-marks-two-years-without-boat-arrival And this has saved lives. Under the previous shocking government... That's 50,000 people on 800 boats in a period of 6 years between 2007-2013.
  2. Here's some information from the comics co-written by George Miller.
  3. If you're into reptiles, then that might be a redeemable quality.
  4. Seriously? Could you be more pedantic? It's clearly an American song about the current American Presidential election with American iconography in the video. And it's most likely aimed at an American audience. Trump has been saying all along about getting jobs back into America, manufacturing plants back in America and making America great again. it's probably why Trump resonates with a lot of blue collar workers. If anything it's a joke video and nothing to get serious over. Someone like yourself getting serious over this video is quite amusing.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfj5s5r7_14
  6. I thought the message of the video is fight for American rights since that's what he's been saying in person and the video shows American icons. I don't see other countries shown in the video.
  7. It's also reminiscent of Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. But mostly Mao for me.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF2mFs_rxDg
  9. Australia has already been down that road with a Carbon Tax and it was thrown out (with the Government of the day) at the following election.
  10. Hilary is looking at a Carbon Tax?
  11. I hope you watched 'the Gathering' before Season 1 as that's the pilot episode that aired the year before.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGHWou0h1kk
  13. That reminds me of this article back in 2010. http://www.originalprop.com/blog/2010/04/12/shall-we-play-a-game-original-imsai-8080-computer-movie-prop-from-wargames-to-be-sold/
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnhGMUKeq1A
  15. Perhaps money can be diverted to treating this mental illness. Maybe some doctors can come forward and explain this mental illness to the public as well as possible ongoing treatment. And perhaps the medical journals can be updated too.
  16. Nope, still haven't answered my question. That's okay Hurlshot, I can understand you don't want to admit you were responding to me with your original post.
  17. Ah good to see you're going to contribute with answering questions. Here it is again. And who were you responding to (or post) in this thread if not me?
  18. There there Hurlshot. Can't even answer a question?
  19. I don't prefer either. That's just me., Good to see you admit to prefer being passive aggressive. And who were you responding to (or post) in this thread if not me?
  20. I'm the only one that's brought up mental illness and you've responded immediately after my post. Nice passive aggressive defensive position you've taken there.
  21. Never said that but good try Hurlshot. Reaching at straws again.
  22. Another one of those people with mental issues again.
  23. Now that I think about it. Joe R. Lansdale and Timothy Truman's version of Jonah Hex was excellent and the movie version of him was terrible.
  24. Glued the front soles back onto my shoes with some shoe glue (didn't know you could buy this). The soles at the front had come off by about 2 inches. The Missus wanted me to buy new shoes which I did but didn't want to give these up as I've had them for years. Been to many countries and definitely one of the most comfortable shoes I've worn. Had to rig some clamps together and let them bond overnight. Both shoes are fixed and ready to go.
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