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Hiro Protagonist

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist

  1. I don't see it as a poor question at all. As a presidential candidate, Johnson should be looking at current world affairs including current conflicts as well as what other world leaders are saying. As I said, this has been in the media all week including accusations of chemical warfare with the chlorine attack a couple of days ago. This is current news when Johnson went on and he had no idea. We're talking chemical attacks that have been reported in the media this week and the presidential hopeful has no idea. This to me is a fairly major news story. An interviewer asking about 'Aleppo' shouldn't have to give context. Johnson should already know. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/aleppos-children/suspected-aleppo-chlorine-attack-sickens-dozens-syria-doctors-say-n643706 http://edition.cnn.com/2016/09/07/middleeast/syria-aleppo-chlorine-attack/ http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-aleppo-idUSKCN11C1S5 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/chlorine-attack-deepens-fears-among-besieged-aleppo-residents/2016/09/06/96c86796-7441-11e6-9781-49e591781754_story.html https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/06/syrian-government-chlorine-gas-aleppo http://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/09/aleppo-chlorine-attack/498923/ http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/09/06/syria-activists-warplanes-dropped-chlorine-bombs-in-aleppo0.html
  2. It wasn't a gotcha question. Would it be the same if a question was asked about Nice during the same week of the attack? Aleppo has been in the media all week including comments from other heads of state like Merkel. It's a relevant question at the time since it's being covered in the media. Why wouldn't the interviewer ask something that's current? I get the impression Johnson isn't reading up on what's happening in world current affairs.
  3. Thinking more about Johnson and Aleppo. He was clearly making it up as he went along and didn't know what he was talking about. There's been so much media attention in the last week, I have to wonder what information he's receiving from people or following in other areas. Is he even looking at the news? I mean there was a Chlorine attack and accusations of chemical warfare a couple of days ago, and Merkel was talking about the US/Russian ceasefire yesterday.
  4. You're not familiar with the Chinese? Chinese like white people. Blacks (or darker skinned), Muslims and Lebanese not so. It's quite a fascinating insight including the reasons they come up with. The prejudice against those I've mentioned is known. But I won't take this off topic anymore than it is. The information is out there including talking to Chinese to find out why the prejudice exists. Also good to get the female Chinese perspective on it as well.
  5. That was painful to watch. Not just the 'what is Aleppo' part but the whole thing.
  6. Obama fuelling the stereotype?
  7. 'London is generally safe - but be careful in areas populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people': Chinese airline condemned for in-flight magazine's 'racist' advice http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3777759/London-generally-safe-careful-areas-populated-Indians-Pakistanis-black-people-Chinese-airline-condemned-flight-magazine-s-racist-advice.html On a side note: It's not the first time a Chinese company has been caught up in a race row over advertorial or commercial content. In May a Chinese cosmetics company had to apologise for a detergent advert which showed a black man being put in a washing machine and emerging as a smiling, clean, Asian man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq-I0JRhvt4
  8. Pepe's Tadpoles.
  9. Hillary has more than a frog in her throat. That's nasty.
  10. Looks at my ten HDDs. I've downloaded so much that I'm set for the next 30 years.
  11. Elderly Japanese fisherman uses karate skills to fight off black bear in mountains http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-09-02/japanese-fisherman-uses-karate-skills-to-fight-off-bear/7810940
  12. Speak for yourself. You don't speak for me.
  13. Damn that looks good. Can't wait until the whole story is released.
  14. Sweden No? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/refugee-crisis-asylum-seekers-sweden-applications-withdrawn-record-numbers-a7209231.html
  15. Trainspotting becomes a reality. Firemen rescue Norwegian man stuck inside public drop toilet after trying to retrieve phone http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-27/norway-man-rescued-from-inside-drop-toilet-after-losing-phone/7790980
  16. Looks like the God Emperor may get up and the Hilldog is on her way out.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9j-TJdJRmM
  18. Reported today but looking at the comments, it may be going back to April this year. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3743648/Afghan-asylum-seeker-22-rapes-four-year-old-boy-toilet-cubicle-German-migrant-centre.html
  19. The Harpoon is the new machete. Man attacked with hatchets and HARPOONS after taking pictures of women in burkinis http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/700015/Burkini-riot-Corsica-France-pictures-hatchets-harpoons-North-Africa A mass brawl broke out on a packed beach after men of North African descent reportedly took offence to a male taking photographs of women in the full-body swimwear.
  20. Best Korea wins another gold medal.
  21. https://streamable.com/0s9a ROFL.
  22. Anybody watching the Gymnastics?
  23. I'm glad beach volleyball is an Olympic sport.
  24. It does look like they're trying to cover every base. Also, extermination can cover animals. They probably would have tried the animal angle at some stage. Presumably blaming it on the ordinance that was used during the war. noun noun: extermination; plural noun: exterminations killing, especially of a whole group of people or animals.
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