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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. I ordered and watched the entire original BSG plus all the episodes of Galactica 1980 (guys on eBay have this). I have to say that, when you watch them in chronological order, it makes much more sense. The new ones blow it away but I still like the originals....Dirk Benedict and Richard Hatch did some great acting there. it is also interesting to see such blatantly sexist themes pop up in the dialogue from time to time. (w00t)
  2. Excuse me, but amateur, unofficial content is amateur, unofficial content regards of whether one board does a better job than others. Anyone who weighs in on something that LFL has not weighed in on is GUESSING or, in your case, HOPING. well, we know that he is referred to as "Darth Revan" in both KOTOR 1 and 2. Malak is also "Darth Malak". LFL has not yet defined anything else about their names. If Revan is a given name as well as a "Darth name", then that would represent a HUGE continuity shift and, when it is all said and done, I don't think they will actually do that, Revan sicophants notwithstanding..
  3. I think the series was good in the very beginning....but they really cheesed it up as the series progressed.
  4. right, Guild Wars is selling you the storyline (at least it has a storyline) and doing it via individual shrinkwraps. if you don't care about story progression, you can (at least in theory) keep playing the old chapters.
  5. not sure. I haven't seen The Break Down, if it is, in fact, a real movie.
  6. just saw "The Break-Up" (at cinema). I liked it.
  7. Wooki/Wiki-pedia is amateur content...might be right, might not be. until LFL establishes more about the identities or Revan and the Exile, they will just be in limbo. I also believe this is one of the big holdups with K3....all the dangling continuity issues by having a pregen with a premade backstory. we CANNOT have another Revan nor even another Exile.
  8. right, and that is one reason I like K2 better---YOU have more ownership of the protagonist's identity. still, they can't keep having "placeholder names" anymore than they can keep having out and out pregens. I think the long term solution is to have a fixed surname with multiple backstories possible.
  9. IMO, what Lucas should do is make another trilogy and NOT USE ANY CG GRAPHICS!!! that would enshrine his legacy. the main problem with the prequels is that he was trying to push the envelope with what you could do with CG. but the bottom line is that some things are best left to traditional cimematography. sometimes a real desert is better than a CG desert.
  10. Demons and Wizards -- Touched By the Crimson King (album) WOW! this is some good power metal.
  11. well, yeah, they would probably base it off the comic instead of directly off the game. still, it is a long shot.
  12. less reliance on Force Bonds as a storytelling technique would be good.
  13. recently saw The Omen (the remake that is now at cinema). I thought it was very good....it was, essentially, very faithful to the original and possibly better than the original.
  14. well, stranger things have happened. I hate to say it but the biggest obstacle to it would probably be GL himself...he would want to micromanage it and it would not turn out as well as it would if he let someone else write the screenplay and direct it. plus, this is soooo not his material...I doubt he would want to let someone else's SW material make it onto the silver screen. and that is too bad.
  15. nothing new here but, here goes: * changing day/night patterns (does NOT have to involve actual time logging). * changing weather. * more illusionary open-endedness (factions, more potential NPCs than the max slot number on your ship). * customizable lightsaber hilts. * more "regular clothing" and disguises. * more of a squad-based mentality (i.e. your entire squad needs the same disguise, SQUAD COMMANDS in combat, etc). * REAL bounty hunting (not contract killings)....bounty hunting is the quintessential side quest. * better influence system...not alignment based and the ability to allocate points into different aspects of influence. * the ability to advance in a specific lightsaber form. * the ability to spend large sums of money (major ship upgrades or even real estate purchases). * the ability to take a padawan and have an intense, dialogue-heavy relationship with that character. * storytelling and Force training is broken up into many different forms.....your mentor is not hanging onto you like a cheap suit. * the ability to go to jail (as in, unscripted). * more long-range missions (that swoop bike is not just a toy).
  16. bottom line is that it is a very amorphous concept....it cannot be limited to paintings, sculptures and the like. but where exactly the fault lines are is anyone's guess (and/or opinion).
  17. BG is Wagon Train, that is why it works...humanity on the run, trying to survive. it is a setting in which the internal conflicts provide just as much (if not more) material than external conflicts. BG could run for a long time since Moore is exploring the internal conflicts and characters to such a degree. I also like how the Cylon backstory has changed. In the original series, the Cylon robots were made by a lizard-like race that had died out. In the reimagined series, the Cylons were servants of man, created by man....the warrior Cylons were created so that the 12 colonies could wage war on each other....much more gripping backstory there.
  18. actually, Endor was the best part. it was the only part that did not seem like a repackaging of the other two. the swoop bike combat was outstanding. hmmm, I may just watch ROTJ tonight.
  19. you are looking at the OT through the rose colored glasses of your childhood....it wasn't that great, it was just different than anything else. The ESB, however, was a great film, no question.
  20. the Empire Strikes Back is head and shoulders above the rest. it is interesting that the poll shows ESB as number 1 and Ep3 as number 2. actually, I agree with that. Ep3 is the second best movie in the franchise to date.
  21. Ep 3 was the best prequel film, no question. I personally, think that it would be nice to see a trilogy placed in between Ep 3 and Ep 4. however, it appears the tv show will be set during that time.. hopefully, George will do a great job with it.
  22. I agree that PBS news really isn't bad and is probably the best on the U.S. market. I generally watch ABC News at 630 and Jim Lehrer at 7. I think ABC is (while not *unbiased*) probably the best commercial news syndicate. Peter Jennings brought a certain sophistication and international perspective to it that is still there (and still not there on the others, IMO).
  23. for the record, I do think that the "fan painting" is art. I think that *anything* that is "creative" or "fictitious" is art. I have a very broad definition of the term. at the local malls where I live, there is often a "deco art" shop in which you can buy paintings of surf crashing, lighthouses, ships, etc. the painters keep painting the same pictures over and over again. are they producing art?
  24. I played about 60-70% of the way through Jedi Outcast but stopped playing because the gameplay was so horrible...way too "sardine can puzzles". It did, however, have a really decent story. Jedi Academy: I've probably only completed about 5% of it and I can tell that the story is nowhere near as good....and WAY too many poorly-used cameos from the movies. however, it is with Jedi Academy that you start to see something of a LS/DS split emerge, with regard to Force Powers anyway. that, plus the different fighting forms and combat on swoop bikes, make it worthwhile to check out, I think. but the KOTORs blow these games out of the water...no question. I would love to see the Kyle Katarn saga morph into Knights of the New Republic....NO MORE JEDI KNIGHT!!!!
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