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Everything posted by LordRaven

  1. Hiya, been a while since I have posted here. I have a few ideas for the storyline of K3. I think that you should start the game as a Jedi padawan 15 years after K2. Instead of going through the same tired "I have no memory or I lost my powers and crashed on this planet with these people I do not know and need to spend the first 3hrs of the game just getting to someplace where I can look at a light saber yadaa yadaa yadaa." By starting as a padwan you can train the new players that may be picking the game up for the first time in the basics of the game and give all of us that have played since 1 what we really want and that is a light saber from the start. The starting light saber can be just that. A training saber. It does a base damage and can not be upgraded. Your main char will be a paddy on the verge of his knight trials. The start of the game could consist of various Jedi training such as basic force power use and basic saber forms. The last part of your training could be going into some crystal cave and finding your force crystal and tuning it. Then crafting your saber. You can choose from 10 types of hilts and several possible color crystals. The hilt is a fixed part of you char from the start. The color crystals can still be looted/found etc... Throughout the game as well as the power ups. Once you have completed all of this you are ready for your knight trial. You will be summoned to the council
  2. I have been playing SWG for a little while now. I am still grinding my elite combat proff and I am looking forward to the FS grind. I may just be lucky though. I found a great guild whose members are all mature gamers that are intrestead in helping one another with thier respective grinds and with any other things that you could need. Yeah grinding can be tedious but there are so many ways that you can grind that it does not always need to be. There are numerous theme parks ( A theme park is a set of missions that you get from cannon movie/eu char) Most of which yield very good XP. Sometimes I'm not in the mood to really run any missions and just standing in the middle of a field on Dantooine hacking up pikets is fun to me. To say that the game is not good is wrong. It obviously is a very good game or the thousands of people across the world that play it would not be doing so and the game would be defunct and not continue to sell the way it has. I can undestand if you did not enjoy the game. Some games do not suit certain tastes. You not likeing the game does not make it bad. If someone does not like KOTOR does that make it a bad game? Maybe to that one person but not overall. What it all boils down too is it is a good game that people keep purchasing everyday and despite what anyone says on this little board it will not change that.
  3. No I did not. I thought that they were very confining and felt more linear than they did in the first game.
  4. Dirty Dirty Cheater heads
  5. not really meant it as you cluttering the boards. just that people have already given their views so you might not get many replies. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Np Thanks for the info.
  6. Thanks. I ddi not see any threads on this so sorry for cluttering the board.
  7. I was thinking about picking Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines up but I do not know if it is any good. I never played the first one because when it came out my computer could not play it. Since then I have a new and recently upgraded puter and I can handle just about any game around so I have a chance to play all of those games that will never grace a console. If anyone has played it I would appreciate the skinny.
  8. Vampire the Masquerade. Modern Nights.
  9. Choo Choo rocket!!!!!!!!!!!! Why has noone mentioned Choo Choo Rocket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Vandar was not on dantooine he was with the repiblic fleet.
  11. While it doesn't have the almost instant gratification that us Kotorians are used to and it does require what some refer to as "GRINDING" I have had a lot of fun with it. Here are the things I like about it. 1) It looks really good. The planets all look how you would imagine them to look. Etc............. The char models are fun and diverse. 2) There is so much that you can do. You could spend all of your time doing such things as being a chef or a starship builder. 3) Yes you need to grind out in the field if you want to be a combat bad ass. But in this regard it is no diffrent than say Final Fantasy. It differs from the standard "GRINDING" however in the fact that you can form large hunting party's with other players. 4) My exp with the ppl in the universe has been suprisingly pleasant as well. There are a lot of mature gamers that are willing to impart some wisdom etc..... 5) Becoming a jedi is hard. A month of playing is what I have heard is the min to get a force sensitive char slot and then you can create your jedi. The jedi system is awsome though. You have to go through the trials etc............. The game will always be able to throw challanges at you as well. So if you just want to play a Je di Kotor may just be the game for you. 6) It takes place right after the destuction of the first death star and the galactic civil war is heating up now. With the jump to lightspeed exspansion you can be a rebel, imperial, privateer, or smuggler pilot.. If you have a decent puter and the time to play a rpg that you could not possibly beat in a weekend, then this is the one. Buy it play it make your own decision. There are thousands that love it and play it religiously. I would hesitate to say they all feel they are playing a bad game.
  12. HE IS A MAN BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Well, weight could mean something. Even if the actual weight is the same, the shorter the blade gets, the closer the saber is to the expected weight. For instance, a lightsaber with a 2 inch blade is so close to the weight that it would be if the blade was made of metal, that it is a lot easier to be aware of the position of the blade relative to yourself. The longer the blade gets, the harder it gets to work out where the blades are. Even a Jedi is likely to cut his arm off with a double saber if he's used to a single because he can't picture where both blades are at the same time. So I suppose if one blade is shorter than the other, you are less likely to cut yourself if you lose awareness of the blade's position. That's just me playing devil's advocate, though, because I'd have to agree that it does still seem rather strange. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Light Sabers have know weight except for the handle. Which is why only someone who is attuned to the force can wield one effectively.
  14. Well all of my stuff came in last night. After about 20 frustrating minutes of try to change static sensitive componets. ( I was constantly toching my kitchen sink to discharge whatever static electricity I had. I think it just made me look like an idiot. I was able to get the RAM and Graphics Card installed. I must say that the results are amazing. I now have 1.25 GB of RAM and my computers graphics are sharper and more clear than I thought it could ever be. It is like when I got my first HI-def TV. Thank You all for your support and advice.
  15. None knows how revan died. He may have passed out in alley on tattoine wearing a too too and a leapord print thong with jawa juice sprayed all over his face for all we know. You Nerf Hearder
  16. Yeah what he said
  17. Why did you post that here? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah that was weak. But you find it in the apple cart in the valley of the lost wookie near on endor.
  18. No wonder I thought the question to be strange... Seems like I've misread it. My pardons, LordRaven. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nothing to be sorry for I probably did not explain myself correctly
  19. When you speak to party members and gain influence with them they will quickly mirror your alignment
  20. Who cares if the game is not speled gooder than you be talikn. Stup beings a pretansuos jark.
  21. Game informer is as reputable as any other industry rag. They would not print it if it were just a rumor. These are not tabloids.
  22. EU rocks nuff said
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