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About Jedi_Master_Darkor

  • Rank
    (4) Theurgist
    (4) Theurgist

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    Surfing on the internet, KOTOR, KOTOR II.
  1. Guardian and Sentinel.
  2. Yes but if you lost a certain amount of influence with someone, new dialogue options appear. Influence works both ways.
  3. 19-25...
  4. Yeah, I agree. In K1, I felt more of an observer. In K2, I felt more of a participant.
  5. It's not all that great...
  6. Like that'll ever happen...
  7. Yeah, I agree. There are 0 risks in K2. <_<
  8. That's the stupidest thing you could do to the game.
  9. I felt more manipulative than I ever did in K1.
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