After waiting a week and change for some part to come in for my passenger window, I finally managed to get the damn vehicle into the shop today. I go to work, punch in, secure a ride back from a coworker, and am back on the job in twenty minutes. Two hours later I see the dealership left me a voicemail. Sweet, I'm thinking to myself, I'm back in action. Instead, I get a weird message to phone them as soon as I can. I do so, only to find out they broke the window. My fiancee picked me up after work tonight, and my mom ( man, that sounds even more lame when I type it out) is working in the morning and can shuttle me to work.
Not having a car = suckage. Having a car and not being able to drive it is worse. It's like your independence goes right out the window. There's no pun intended there, I think.
On the plus side, it's all covered under warranty.
If it's not done tomorrow I'm going to try and snake a dealership vehicle for sunday. It's the least they can do for ****ing up this job royally.