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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. is as far as I dare into the world of jazz.
  2. Well, here's hoping he has a stellar season setting up Selanne.
  3. It's going to be weird seeing Koivu in Anaheim. Pus, Joe Sakic is expected to retire today. One of the greatest players of the last two decades, easily.
  4. Oh, so she's pregnant, good luck "trump my baby and you're dead" and he wonders why i never call...
  5. I'm trying to discreetly organize a family dinner at my parents house. My brother and his wife are in town ( and they just told us they're expecting) and I figure if I do it without everyone there I'll catch all sorts of hell.
  6. I just picked up and made my last payment on my engagement ring. I think I'm gonna propose friday night.
  7. Remember to post a few pictures of the wedding day, you glorious bastard! Oh, we won't be getting married for about two years: one for me to get out of debt, and the other to save up for a down payment on our future home.
  8. I just made the second last payment on my engagement ring. Now if the damn thing would just get shipped...
  9. Meh, after Terminator: Salvation I'm getting a little sick of Christian Bale. Watched Transformers 2 the other day. There's some giant robots, but I wasn't really wowed or anything.
  10. Since Gomez is gone, and Antropov just signed with the Thrashers, who is the Rangers top line center now, Volo? Isn't Drury a winger?
  11. And now Havlat goes to the Wild. At least this July 1st wasn't boring, hockey wise.
  12. Khabibulin has been a nemesis to the Flames since the '04 cup final. But he does seem to miss a fair bit of time with injuries. And I'm on the fence about Heatley. I can't see him scoring 50 playing for Edmonton, and now I wonder about his attitude.
  13. Hey, Khabibulin wants to play in Edmonton! Or he liked the piles of cash they threw at him:)
  14. Hossa to Chicago.
  15. Goddamn, that's just sad. Yet funny at the same time.
  16. Flamers sign J-Bo? Shocking! But not as shocking as the oil picking up Heatley.
  17. Gomez to the Habs.
  18. I played this to, went 10 rounds with Frazier vs. Ali and got knocked out. Good game Yep, and they made the training a lot more difficult this time around too.
  19. Fight Night Round 4. I duck, bob, weave, counter...and then get knocked out. It's fun though.
  20. I started off today by sleeping through my alarm. Now I'm late for work. Maybe I should quit pissing around on the internet?
  21. You're trying to get me arrested again, aren't you?
  22. Probably not, Wals.
  23. If cancer was a person, I'd punch him/her in the face. Repeatedly.
  24. Kings Of Leon - True Love Way
  25. I just came home from a hot dog roast out at my folks acreage. My girlfriend, a couple of her kids, her sister and her little one, and her folks all came out as well. I ended up sneaking off with my girls dad to ask permission to marry her. He said yes, although it wouldn't have stopped me if he would have answered any other way. Now, I'm full of cheap dogs, soda and cole slaw. Ouch.
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