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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. Yep, old B.C. nailed the E.P....
  2. I was just listening to Glass Houses the other day...
  3. I thought Bubba Ho-Tep wasn't bad for an indie film. Lots of people who saw it said it was sh*t but it had a few really funny parts (anything to do with elvis' crankshaft!) but was a little cheesy. As far as zombie movies go, I'd say Evil Dead2 is my favorite. There is a commentary track on the dvd with Bruce and Sam that is just hilarious! Shawn of the Dead was great, as was Dawn of the Dead. 28 days later was okay but I thought it just wasn't creepy enough...
  4. I don't think I would buy a SW game if it didn't have Jedi in it as playable characters. That's about 90% of the appeal of the whole thing to me. The other ten percent is reserved for Leia in her slave outfit and the dancer uniform from K2.
  5. The episode 3 game looks like an old school side scroller, think Double Dragon with lightsabres.
  6. Are chainsaws allowed?
  7. 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart' is a song performed by , oh sh*t, now I can't remem...Bonnie Tyler. It was a big hit in the early eighties. It's not that bad, Jag. At least it wasn't an REO Speedwagon song...
  8. Does normal decapitation work or do we only get to shoot them in the head?...
  9. The screwdriver is one of my favorite drinks. Its Vodka and orange juice. I'm not a pansy waist, but I am considered a lightweight...
  10. Actually the plot twist to K3 is that Revan's teddy was the True Sith in disguise and it's been calling for (insert female/male) Revan to return because (s)he's missed tea time for the last twenty or so odd years.
  11. Not to sound all homo (because I'm not, and there isn't anything wrong with that...) but that's just about how you sum up Atton, isn't it? To me he was a useless jedi, but his wit made me want to keep him in my party...
  12. I liked how some of the humor seemed a little darker in K2 than in the first...
  13. "this is going to get interesting" "define interesting" "oh god oh god we're all going to die" that's right beatuiful Joss Whedon should pen the Star Wars TV series...
  14. I kept expecting him to tug on the bottom of my robe to get my attention or something. It's like Mini-me with rat ears...
  15. They should novelize TOTJ:Redemption.
  16. Aw the mods will shut us down anyway...the downside to mushrooms is that they are all not created alike. Two grams one time, five the next, then back to one. Not that I'm complaining or do a lot of drugs...
  17. Black Rain was an ultracool movie when it came out. I loved the sparks from the sword leading up to Andy Garcia's beheading...
  18. Mushrooms aren't bad if you know what to eat with them. Beer hasn't been a good example in my experience. Root Beer, on the other hand, makes zoomers a little more palatable. And a really sweet orange juice like Sunny D works too...
  19. I liked my personal crystal. I enjoyed watching Bao-Dur and the Handmaiden's faces change with their alignment. The tie breaker card just about made Pazaak enjoyable. And I can't forget the dancer's outfit you can put on the female members of the party...
  20. That fight scene was better than any of the ones in that Revelations fanfilm. Cool post...
  21. I was kinda wondering what was up with that...
  22. Cold and Rainy from when i visited there...
  23. Soundgarden was one of the Seattle, Washington bands that came to rise in the early nineties. They, and anything that had distorted guitars and flannel shirts became known as GRUNGE music. Then Nirvana exploded in '90 or something like that and all the hair bands of the eighties died off, only to return in the new millenium...
  24. Screw you Mr.Hand!!!
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