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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. I'll gladly shell out the money for this game.
  2. I for one am extremely dissapointed there wasn't any late games tonight. And the Oilers game is a matinee. And I'm working!! At least I kicked ass in my hockey pool. I'd likes to give mad props to Sergei Gonchar.
  3. The only game I didn't like for my Atari was the Dungeons and Dragons game. I had absolutely no clue what was going on in that game.
  4. Ah the memories of a cold Christmas Eve in 1981. Pretending to be asleep, I overhear this fateful conversation between my parents. Mom: "Do you think we should put the Atari under the tree yet?" Dad: " Jesus, it's only ten thirty!" I went to sleep a happy boy that night. My brother and I must have played Asteriods for at least seven hours straight before Dad went ballistic.
  5. Activision was the absolute shizznit back in the day, wasn't it? They also had that wickedly fun RiverRaid. If that's the right name.
  6. barrel, barrel, rope, jump ...crocodile! mine was on the Atari 2600 though
  7. I am shamed to admit that I've played two hundred and ninetytwo hands of online poker since this. And I'm two bucks ahead! (w00t)
  8. And speaking of Harrison Ford, I watched The Mosquito Coast last night. It's not his best film. It's a bit out there. I would watch it over Hollywood Homicide though. Twenty minutes of that show was about nineteen too much for me.
  9. I can't bitch about Jagrs' output. Between he and Petr Sykora I've been holding down first place in my hockey pool for a week. At least your team isn't lying down and taking it. Unlike a certain favorite team of mine who totally mailed in a pretty bad performance last night. Plus we lost Marty Reasoner. I guess the great teams find a way to win with players out, and merely good teams lose.
  10. Actually I think Surreptishus wrote a review of Nartwak that said " Brevitiy is ace" and left it at that.
  11. "Well I guess Spot was kind of the right name anyway" Thanks for posting that Calax.
  12. I liked that one Pixie. It reminded me of the music from the old spaghetti westerns.
  13. I played Road Rash on the Genesis as well. My favorite snowboard game would be the first two CoolBoarders.
  14. Teenage Wristband / the Afghan Whigs Actually Pixies you gave me an idea. Hopefully the mods can delete half of these 'my music is better than yours' threads and just start another one called 'musical arguements'. Then all the close minded people can rip on each other in one spot instead of littering up the forum.
  15. The Breakup Song / The Greg Kihn Band Notice I don't start a new thread to talk about white popsters from the eighties. How many threads do we need to discuss this stuff?
  16. Radio Radio / Elvis Costello
  17. Ugh, how could I forget Track & Field for the NES? I used to get terrible blisters playing that game.
  18. It's weird because for the most part not a lot of Canadians 'got' the Kids In The Hall. But man was there some good laughs in there. "I'm crushing your head" was a favorite of mine. And I remember a sketch where Scott Thompson trades his denim jacket to Satan in exchange for a never ending supply of weed. Good times indeed.
  19. 'My name is Earl' is up there right now. Aside from that I hear lots of things about 'scrubs' and ' the office' but don't watch them. 'Arrested Development' was great but wasn't a hit at all.
  20. heh
  21. You're right. Bad on me. As for Aquaman, he's the president of the ' just leave me in the Hall Of Justice until we hit the water episode club'. Since we're renaming the characters , I think 'El Polo Loco' would be a better fit for El Dorado.
  22. Flaming aside, Aquaman was even lamer than the Wonder Twins.
  23. I think he should have been named Awesome Apache , or grows-really-tall.
  24. Dumb / Nirvana
  25. Great neptune you're right Draken!! I love the blatant racial stereotypes portrayed by such memorables such as Black Vulkan, Apache Indian and El Dorado. Way to educate!! Here is a parody with an overdub from office space.
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