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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. Interesting thoughts, Drabek. hmmmm :Eldar's looking thoughtful as he tries to wake up in the morning icon: Oh, I'm listening to the computer hum in my sister and brother-in-law's guest bedroom.
  2. I wasn't really worried about the phrase "under God." I was responding to my neutral friend's comment quote about treason. Treason is something different than simple dissent.
  3. Once a thread is created, it belongs to the board. :D
  4. ShadowStrider, my young friend. Not the German SS from world war II. D'oh. That doesn't look good, huh?
  5. I can't make it either. I'm in Vegas right now. My mom broke her arm, actually it was shattered, and she went into surgery today. It went well, but she's got something like 11 steel pins and a steel plate in her arm now holding it together. It's been an ordeal, but I can't really get on mIRC here in Vegas. Isn't it ironic that I can't play our game set in Las Vegas because I'm in Las Vegas? I'd really like to get into another game.
  6. Treason is not acceptable. I think SS managed to convey my thoughts and so I will just affirm his statement.
  7. You people truly scare me. At any rate, I like the pictures of the hottie storm troopers. I'll take out the pruning sheers for some of the other stuff. I want this thread to go on for a bit longer.
  8. Gorth the Gargantuan Destroyer might be a good one. ...Or, maybe, Gorthfreid.
  9. Truly she is beautiful. The Lord has looked down and blessed the world, for Zoe is an angel upon the earth. In times of trouble, she is calm. In times of darkness, she is light. In times of despair, she is hope. Free from hatred, may Zoe be love within your household for all the days of you life. God bless and keep her. :Eldar's smile of exhuberance as he shares the joy of the community icon:
  10. Invisible Touch -- Phil Collins
  11. Okay, flamethrowerboy!
  12. hahahaha. But locked. :D
  13. Okay, in all seriousness, kumquat will remain the fruit of his first choosing. Child of Flame is much more descriptive of the artist formerly known as Servant of Eru. Gorth should come to master his fear of apes and fruit. Alan should get over his infatuation with pictures of flame throwers. Finally, Laozi should be careful regarding any part of his body that starts oozing puss mixed with blood. If it continues, please see a doctor to make sure that there isn't a serious underlying condition. The common thread running through this topic is that there is no discernable thread. That means the thread is about, indeed, nothing. In reality, however, the thread is about those of us on a message board. It's about community. For that reason, I am not closing the thread just yet. I feel a closure coming, but as long as I can convince myself that Darque's thread has some worthy feature, I will hold the hand that locks.
  14. Child was once a Servant of the great god, Eru. Recently, he has fallen from the ways of the Eldar and embraced the flame.
  15. Yeah, but you guys don't start any real flames. Then I will close the thread and Darque will come after you!
  16. You'll always be Gorth to me!
  17. Are you sure, Child? I'm pretty damned arrogant!
  18. Well, I see a lot of potential for lock or closure. ...But it's late, I'm in Las Vegas, and I don't feel like locking it right now. I.... feel nothing. :D
  19. There are people who would have sworn this thread would be locked or deleted by page three. This is an awesome thread. My hands-down favorite. Thanks for the lyrics and keep them coming.
  20. Modereldar. hahahaha. Comedy. For this board, the only doctor of any use would be a Psychiatrist. Why should I be the only one with a makeover? Who else would like a suggestion for a new name? We can throw something out there for everyone!
  21. Dammit, would you people put the artist and tile on your songs! Grrr. :Eldar's exasperated look icon: Oh, and here's a song for you: Touch of Grey -- Grateful Dead Must be getting early, clocks are running late. Paint my love a morning sky, it
  22. The Romans didn't invent Stoicism. They did, however, try to embody it from time to time. That you've shared this problem with us on the internet shows that you don't possess a "stoic heart." Good. I respect that stoicism is a way for folks to face the world, and for some folks it's easier to present a stony face when toiling under hardship. I wouldn't dream of speaking ill of your adoptive father. On the other hand, stoicism is just philosophy, and I don't even believe it is the best philosophy. Keeping your head is always a good idea, but hiding your feelings less so. If you're open and honest with your friends. If you're melodramatic, then might want to restrain some of your more exhuberant moments. At any rate, there are worse sins than wearing your heart out on your sleeve. One such sin would be to lack a heart in the first place.
  23. I don't think people should be allowed to pledge allegiance unless they mean it. I also think that children should not start saying the pledge until they know the proper words and can comprehend what those words represent. If someone doesn't feel fit to pledge allegiance to the country, that's their decision. I forsee that this will probably come to nothing as well. As I understand it, no child is actually forced to recite the pledge and, should they choose to recite the pledge, they are free to pause during the phrase, "under God." The court will rule, so it's not exactly a grave concern for me. I know many children who recite it without knowing the words. Try being a teacher for a while and you'll hear all sorts of stuff. Reciting the wrong words or treating the pledge as a joke in the first place seem far more damaging than outright refusing to say the pledge. Finally, the pledge is a great idea, but I don't expect folks who secretly hate my country to have any problem whatsoever in reciting the whole pledge correctly in the first place. It's not the folks who bristle at saying the pledge that worry me.
  24. Good luck with the baby, Wiggins.
  25. You should have gone for it, my Commie friend. I'm not having an identity crisis, SS. More of a spam crisis. If you send Vol over to R00fles me, then I will change my name to Eld00fles. BTW: Nice to see you, Kitty. I didn't think we got you around this neck of the woods these days.
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