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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. Just now, I was inspired to post a pic of Eldara:
  2. You're a right mean bastard, Jags.
  3. Where is My Mind -- Pixies
  4. I rather like the two songs I've heard so far. A lot more mellow than I'd suspected. I'm going to try some of the harder stuff just to see how it sounds. Now that I have my new speakers, the sound quality is quite good.
  5. Here comes your man --- Pixies
  6. Wave of Mutilation -- Pixies
  7. Finally, everything is running. I'm particularly happy with the sound, although I'm not sure it's the card or the speakers or maybe some combe. As promised, pictures. The new rig: The mountain of madness: It runs the max settings on FEAR at 1600x1200 with the lowest FPS 21. The test showed 5% less than 25fps, 75% 25-40fps, and 20% over 40fps. When I kept the resolution at 1600x1200 and made some minor quality adjustments, I managed a lowest fps of 37. Nice card so far. :Eldar's sharing his gaming joy with his homies who had his back: Thanks for the advice, homies.
  8. Chorale from Little Suite -- Bach
  9. Why choose when you can have both?
  10. Well, you remember the Dark Phoenix thing started out fairly slowly. Didn't she come back and everyone was happy, then grew more and more powerful, more and more evil, and finally, more and more sexy? Just think, at least the actor they chose to play Phoenix has plenty of room to grow in all of those areas.
  11. Ah, I was just ribbing you. Have a piece of cake for me!
  12. Forums, the soap operas of the computer geeks.
  13. Happy birthday, Nick. Say hello to Airin for me. hahaha
  14. Happy birthday, you damnable Dane! :Eldar's sharing a beer with Gorth icon:
  15. I should download a Pixies song just to hear if it's worth the hype. That's Amore -- Dean Martin
  16. Well, I've really hit the big time. I got my review before Cant did. Nyah nyah nyah nyah. Speaking of mead, julian, I wish I had some now! :Eldar's wishing he had a mead even though it's only 10:56 in the morning icon:
  17. I never actually addressed your post directly, Ginth. I disagree with it most strenuously, but I've scorned you enough over time that I just couldn't see engaging you in another extended discussion. I wonder, and this isn't a flame, I'm honestly curious, if you really are just trying to trawl the waters. Maybe you want to see how many folks come out of the woodwork to defend CRPGs. I've known your opinions regarding MMORPGs for some time. Fair enough. When you say that a genre is not to you taste, that's fair enough. When you deride others for enjoying the genre, that's questionable. However, when you write things like: "Maybe RPG gamers are stereotyped as "nerdy" or "loserish" because the idea is that we lack the ability to improve our own lives, thus we turn to improving the lives of an imaginary character in a game, with definable progress. You can SEE the level of your character going up digit by digit, but you may not see how your own life improves. If entertainment fills up what is lacking in our own lives, and RPGs give us the sense of accomplishment, development and growth... does that mean that our lives are lacking accomplishments, development and growth? Do we escape to RPGs because we are stuck in "Level 0" in reality? Because that's really scary." I have to wonder about your line of reasoning. Improve our lives? Ginth, I have a good home, a great wife, a wonderful family, tons of friends (the "real-life" version), and no excuse for complaint. How is it that you get the final word on whether or not I've improved my life or whether my particular tastes, in gaming or otherwise, are legitimate? It's a lot of responsibility to settle on your own shoulders. It takes real balls to come stand on the soap-box and preach to the unwashed masses about the futility of their endeavors. That's especially true when I must take for granted that you are the better judge for the worth of my every endeavor. As far as this "stereotype" is concerned, the activities that you describe, "pick up new habits, dress better, eat better, take better care of yourself," are applicable more to the Sims than to CRPGs, and yet the one area upon which many Sims and CRPG fans can agree is that Sims is not a role-playing game. This is a point on which I disagree, but it moves us away from the singular notion of CRPGs. Ultimately, I don't think you're trolling. I think you're misguided. While I dont' know the source of that misguidance, I will say that you can and should work past it. Oh, it's not that you should return to the CRPG fold. It's just that you should worry far less about what's wrong with the genre and more about what makes you happy. Don't stay awake at night fretting over how I have fun. Find your own fun and own it. I know you, in your online persona, to be forebearing, calm, and friendly. In a sense, this whole board, built up from the personas we create, is nothing but a large RPG played in the internet from our computers. ...And it's as worthy a waste of time as any other. Maybe a damn sight better than most. Finally, you seek refuge in the nihilistic argument of waste, and yet you would cherry-pick those wastes that are wose than others. If all life ends in nothing, then no waste is any better or worse than another. It's all a waste. I don't believe that and I hope, deep down, you don't either. You argue for something because you don't believe everything is truly pointless.
  18. Actually, if I remember correctly, didn't Dark Phoenix become more powerful over time? ...And wasn't she still basically one of the good guys at first and then became steadily more evil?
  19. Well, everything arrived and the HDD is 72% formattted. I have to leave and do other things, but I was happy to see that, with everything running, the CPU idles at 36C and motherboard went from 36 up to 40C and stopped there. The case seems to cool pretty damned well so far. I'll post pictures later.
  20. Oh, get back in your cage. Dammit. :Eldar's beating Vol with a stick and feeding him raw meat icon: Alignment does suck. Ha goodfun game over kthanksby hahahah roflmao whatever.
  21. *snif* The smell of roast Eldar flesh.
  22. I can understand that strategy. It's a good strategy. I'm following the same one, only I'm more willing to drop the coin for a high end card. Still, you know what they say about a fool and his money? That's probably me.
  23. Good Lord, that was beautfiful, Azarkon. I'm jealous of your rant. I say that without either irony or sarcasm.
  24. Hades, dude, what's wrong? Here, let me give you a drink. :Eldar's handing Hades the beverage of his choice, taking his coat, and offering him a chair icon: Ginthaeriel is just going through one of those gamer angst moments we all have. Well, some of us have.
  25. Moose, you cynical jerk. hahaha Wow, Hades really went off on Ginthaeriel. Jeez.
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