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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. Haha Bravo!
  2. With practice, you hardly even look at the colors after a while.
  3. Dammit, I guess I'll have to listen to Caribou now.
  4. I have to agree with Nartwak. The fact is, you've got to have a thick skin when it comes to asking for opinions. That, and you really shouldn't ask for opinions unless you want them. The fact is, you've got to be willing to listen to some painful comments if you want to improve your writing. HEHE: For example, using redundant statements, misspellings, and run on sentences are all bad, and that's not even getting into the real heart of your writing like plot-lines, pacing, and all sorts of other stuff that make or break your writing project and don't get me started on something really hard like research.
  5. You know, you think about submitting this to an online mag. You should look around and see if anyone is taking submissions.. I don't have two minutes to rub together these days, but he might be interested in showing some of your stuff. You could clean up this story quite nicely. You'd have to work on it, but that's the nature of writing. Actually, that might not be a bad idea for some of the more prolific of our members. Look around if you're interested.
  6. Hey -- Pixies Then What Might Have Been -- Little Texas I'm thinking of a couple of you Obsidz folks while listening to music tonight.
  7. A couple of friends and I are playing it, and it's been pretty good fun. There's just one thing missing though. The big part of why Diablo is so popular isn't because it's Diablo. It's because of battle.net. I found out after I got the game that there was no battle.net equivalent, and it's a bit of a downer as a result. The game is fun though. I've made a Conquerer, Elementalist, and an Assassin. Two of my friends got it so at least there's some MP goodness. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Assuming I'm only slightly interested in multiplayer, is this game worth it? Is it a full action RPG, or is it a mix?
  8. Oh, that's too funny. talk about modularity. I was afraid you'd have 768 different cases! Your solution is much better. Forget the batmobile. Instead, you've got the casemobile. I'd think external video cards must make it a lot easier to use a few. 768 is a bit out of my price range, however.
  9. Hahahahah Wait, I should post something more substantial. HAHAHAHAHA
  10. Well, then, happy birthday Archmonarch. Hopefully you aren't drafted.
  11. Please refrain from direct personal attacks. "Get a life, jerk" is not an appropriate response. Now, you can attack the argument while thinking the person is a lifeless jerk. That's fine. Attacking the person, especially by calling them names, isn't the right way to go.
  12. I've thought of volunteering again, but that's probably not feasible, as my health is pretty bad. The wife hates the idea. I've mentioned it a couple of times, but she reacts to the idea with a fair bit of hostility. The circumstances which will make a draft necessary are pretty grim. ...And if they get to the point where the voters will stomach a draft, then we're probably in pretty bad shape anyhow.
  13. How can you beat someone senseless with a wig? Lucius, you scare me.
  14. Pretty small thought, huh? hahahaha No, Kaftan, don't kill me! I was just joking. Anyhow, I think sometimes we have to live past our bad showings and give others the chance to do the same. I think I don't want any of you folks to die horrible deaths, especially if I have to witness it or clean up the mess.
  15. I thought someone said something about Eddo having suffered an injury. That would preclude him from military service. I don't believe we will have a draft. It's easy to call the civilian government a bunch of cowards, but having the civilian government make the decision to go to war is much better than having a military government. Democracy doesn't mean we get Eddo's idea of what is good. It means we get what we vote. If the United States government institutes the draft, then the voters will have every opportunity to change the decision.
  16. I think alts are officially not supported by this board and I thought long and hard and I think I'd rather be Cantousent, the nice guy, than Eldar the meanie.
  17. First of all, I want no credit for siring x1Predator. Second of all, "I'm not that ugly" Ouch. have more respect for your father, kid. Anyhow, get back to posting pictures, you louse ridden bunch.
  18. When over half the article about the PS3 interface centers on the Xbox 360, there's something wrong with the writer. I haven't seen an Xbox 360 interface, and I probably won't see for the PS3, but articles like this don't help much. Why? It's like virtually every other article I see. It sounds like the guy writing the article is spinning like a top, often as he assures you that he is impartial.
  19. I just think it would be easier to cool and easier to replace.
  20. I think we should think of this topic as the Obsidz version of the shoutbox, only no shouting allowed and there is no box. I think I think highly of my Danish friends, but I live in California and I think I'll laugh a while at the idea that I would be bowled over by the women there, bautiful though I think they probably are. I think that I didn't think much of the second Pirates movie, but I'm thinking of PMing him the scene after the credits anyhow, just because.
  21. Are you subject to the draft, Eddo? By that I mean, is it possible that the United States government will draft you should it introduce the draft?
  22. You're a looker, alright, Lou. Plus, I'm glad to see more pictures in our little picture thread.
  23. Paragon City, here I come!
  24. I think I finished chapter 11 and I deserve a little CoH break.
  25. How much bigger can these things get? I mean, there was a time when companies were proud at how small they could make a component. Now, the video cards are huge and the manufacturers are telling us we might need a secondary PSU just to make the things work.
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