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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@

  1. <_< No not really... Though it could be considered ethically dubious, it's simply a matter of market research which is only applied in the games ingame game browser.... Which makes it... Different to unknown spyware that install itself on your system, and monitors your actual browsing.
  2. You most likely did get the original, and it's probably the german version. Next to no games get Estonia translations, I don't know of any big titles anyway. Games that I've picked up in Eesti were always in English, so i can imagine this is just some freak occurance of some place buying in the german version.
  3. Good job i have 1GB 3D card then init.... NWN's 2 PWNED
  4. uml ONLY SERVES TO SPEED UP DEVELOPMENT sorry about caps
  5. CPU Recommended: Pentium 4/Athlon XP or better You Have: 2 processors running - AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+ PASS CPU Speed Recommended: 3 GHz You Have: 2.41 GHz Performance Rated at 6.90 GHz PASS System RAM Recommended: 1 GB You Have: 1022.5 MB PASS Operating System Recommended: Windows XP You Have: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) PASS Video Card Recommended: 256MB Direct3D compatible video card with DirectX 9.0c compatible driver (NVIDIA GeForce 6800+ / ATI Radeon X800+) You Have: NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GX2 (GeForce 7950 GX2) PASS Video Card Features - Minimum attributes of your Video Card Video RAM: Required - 256 MB , You have - 512.0 MB Video Card 3D Acceleration: Required - Yes , You have - Yes Video HW Transform & Lighting: Required - Yes , You have - Yes Vertex Shader Ver.: Required - 3.0 , You have - 3.0 Pixel Shader Ver.: Required - 3.0 , You have - 3.0 Video Card Driver Version (DirectX) Your driver version number is: FYI: Make sure you have the latest driver for your video card. Click 'Free Driver Update' and we'll direct you to your video card manufacturer. DirectX Version Recommended: DirectX 9.0c (included) You Have: 9.0c PASS Sound Card Recommended: Yes You Have: SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio PASS Sound Card Driver Version Your driver version number is: FYI: Your sound card driver version is provided for your information, but it is not part of this analysis. But proper sound card driver versions are important to the proper operation of your product. Free Disk Space Recommended: 4.6 GB You Have: 380.2 GB PASS CD Recommended: Yes You Have: SONY DVD-ROM DDU1615 PASS, but the Speed could NOT be analyzed. ^ ahem
  6. LMFAO That don't dominate, it'll run it, but it don't dominate.
  7. XBOX 360, a whole lotta pointless power, it can only look as nice as your TV will let ya.
  8. Developers need to rewrite all the shaders in the engine for the multiple code paths (SM2, SM3, SM4 etc). Most codepaths are backwards-compatible (SM2 code will run on an SM3 card), but you can't run SM3 code on an X800 ATi, you'll have to supply SM2 shaders with the engine as well. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I figured this was common place?
  9. Despite BASIC being for beginners I would still recommend C#, which is often seen as being rather close to BASIC.
  10. It would be a difficult decision for a game developer to hire you assuming that you would stick at their job, when you haven't stuck to your previous commitments, specifically (and relevantly) the expected education ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd say despite that, if someone is good enough they will get hired, but the industry is changing it's starting to mature and I reckon the days when you could work in the industry without higher education are indeed coming to a close, I suppose you always have the exception to the rule... But still. Oh BTW Carmack dropped out of uni, look at him now...
  11. It's Joanna Newsom tuning her harp before a show. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks for that Josh, that's rather interesting. These appear to be issues that cropped up due to the fact that naturally you've spent a hell of alot of time scripting with the engine, adding content etc... When Obsidian first announced NWN2, I actually suggested that a tool be created to help manage .2da, perhaps along with some integration with the editor, this is naturally a headache from a coders POV. I suppose that a .2da editor could deal with files in the manner of seperating them out into a structure, like you've spoken of, and then basically output a larger .2da, as a tool for designers that would most likely have been extremely useful, and perhaps the modding community would also find use in that... Anyways thanks for the feedback, you've given me an idea!
  12. My grandfather loved making Hungarian goulash. Probably because he was Donauschwaben. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I understand that NDA's and such may make you unable to talk about technology on that level, but I am certainly curious about the things you disliked about the logic and data formats, or anything else,. Why such changes would be made, what would be gained from the changes etc... Being a coder and a developer I've always found that designers don't grasp coding fully and why things are done the way they are done, this no way implies that you don't.
  13. YOU'RE ALIVE!!!! (w00t) (Sorry for posting off topic)
  14. Having used both Java and C#, I'd take C# any day of the week, you can get into actual games coding very quickly with it, it's great for n00bs.
  15. http://www.amazon.com/C%2b%2b-Programming-...6787239?ie=UTF8 ^ good book, I still occasionally refer to this book, help me learn the syntax in a few days. C# is also interesting, try ;looking at visual C# express and XNA, that's a fun place to start.
  16. It's not so much a matter of being clever as much as a matter of thinking about problems in an abstract yet logical manner, also helps if your memory is good. Not everyone programs in the same manner, some folks will plan things and follow set patterns. Most of what I write is organic, it just grows from a thought, kinda like a picture would I suppose, I generally rework it all afterwards, and naturally improve it, think of it as a sketch, before you paint. I consider coding an art, while others consider it simply to be a matter of logical operations to fulfill and said function. Coders sound alot cleverer than they are, this is due to the fact we hate designers due to there ineptness and over creative flare LOL, just kidding. We(coder) are very lonely people LOL.
  17. I like it, and I saw it all.... I'm not one to be giving out spoilers but if you ask me it's set alot of lovely groundwork for the coming season.
  18. *burp* Existence...
  19. your kidding right?
  20. Well truth of the matter will all become clear soon, but I would like to thank Alanshu for giving fantastic idea! It's been great to know I can come here and knock heads with coders.
  21. This is the method of AI I was speaking about using in a possible TBS that may or may not be being released on the XBOX 360, and may or may not be being produced by the studio I currently work for, but all the same, the idea fitted perfectly for desired said game and thus it may or may be demonstrated in said project. Was that vague enough?
  22. Nah, I've been using another wholey different toolkit/engine at work. It's just put me off toolkits/scripting pretty much for life lol.
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