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The Elite_elite

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Everything posted by The Elite_elite

  1. How about none. Handhelds suck.
  2. Apperantly I'm a realist.
  3. That means you're lazy enough to be one of the dumb@ss officers. (I'm not saying that you're a dumbass. Afterall, not ALL officers are morons. Just the majority)
  4. I don't get cable so no sci fi channel which means no SG-Atlantis. At least we get SG-1 on regular channels, but not the latest seasons. SG-1= Great sci fi TV show. But I like the movie Stargate better. But both are good.
  5. That's good and all but being healthy is less about what you eat and more about how much you eat and how much you work out. Keep doing what you're doing and if you aren't working out, work out!
  6. Of the ones I've played Age of Mythology. I really would like to try Battle for Middle Earth though. I plan on buying it when it goes down to $20-$30. After all, it's most likely like Star Wars Battlegrounds was. Age of Empires but in the LOTR setting. (not that that's a bad thing)
  7. Am I the only one who thought it looked really silly? Probably <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. And when I saw the Yoda fight scene I nearly burst out laughing. (I actually did when everyone else did) AOTC was by far the most kiddish of the movies.
  8. I'm going to get all 6 movies when the come out in a DvD set together.
  9. There's a reason. You're suppose to be paying attention to the class not talking to your friends.
  10. Question. Why would you txt message someone when you can talk to them? I've never gotten what made txt messaging on a cell phone so appealing.
  11. I have no need for these "cell phones" that you speak of. People spend way too much time and money on those damn things.
  12. Obviously you haven't seen the film. Either that or you don't like Batman. Batman Begins is a reference to A)Them restarting the franchise, and B)Its an origin movie. And I thought this was only the 6th Batman movie... I guess if you count the animated ones it pumps the number up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Both actually, Batman has never interested me.
  13. So says the man with the dancing ninja as a avatar.
  14. "Batman Begins" I'm sorry, what is this the 100th Batman movie ever made? Come on, when are they going to stop making batman movies?
  15. I hate AOTC but you rather mow the lawn?! I don't hate it THAT much. Ok, I must be wierd cause I thought the begining of ROTJ was the worst part of the movie. The only good part about Jabba's Palace was Leia. But I think ROTJ in general was pretty crappy. Almost as bad as AOTC, ALMOST.
  16. Thanks for taking the time to post here Akari.
  17. i havent played kotor 1 in ages, can someone refresh my memory as to who Yuthara is? is she the Sith who recruits you on korriban? if not then woops.. if yes then, how do u redeem her? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just talk to her a lot and be nice. And let her live after you kill Uthar in the tomb. If Dantooine is still around you can go there and find her.
  18. KOTOR1: HK KOTOR2: HK What can I say. I love bloodthirsty droids.
  19. I can. Every game has something cut from it. It's very normal. The game creators keep getting ideas that they can add to the game but because they have to release it sometime they get rid of the non essential stuff slap what's left together and sell it.
  20. I guess I should've mentioned I have the Xbox version.
  21. Let's see. Here's the Star Wars movies in the order I like them. SW:ESB SW:ANH SW:ROTS SW:TPM SW:ROTJ SW:AOTC
  22. Ok, I was playing as a Dark Side male and I had a very high influence with handmadien. After a while I noticed her robe turned black. Then I go to turn her into a Dark Jedi Gaurdian and of course Kreia says Betryal. Then it loads the Acadamy on Telos and I'm stuck there with noone else there. This never happened to me when I turned her to a light Jedi. Is there anything I can do to make her dark without this happening or do I have to be content with making her either lightside or leaving her as she is?
  23. Last I checked capital punishment is given to people who MURDER other people. I guess it's easy to forget the person who was killed should be avenged.
  24. There's another thing I hate about Civ3. Few resources ever appear in your area. They always are at the AIs' cities, forcing you to try and either trade for them or take them by force so you can build railroads, tanks, nukes, ect.
  25. You heard wrong. Halo2 is NOTHING like Halo. The only things that are the same are the characters and places. It plays nothing like Halo:CE. It has MASS auto-aim, noobed up weapons, and lame campaign. It's the worst sequal I've ever played in my life.
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