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The Elite_elite

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Everything posted by The Elite_elite

  1. While im sure the graphics will be upgraded. Why should they change engine? It always amazes me over the years, people ask for new engines in highly successfull game lines, developers do it, and game tanks as it loses its feel. I hope they keep same engine and just upgrade graphics, keep the fundamentals the same so KotOR franchise continues to be the star it is. Yes, the KOTOR engine works fine right now, so don't go picking at it. *shudders* This is making me think about the Bungie forums before Halo2 was finished. And we all know what happened because of what they did to Halo2. Now that I think about it in this light, no new engine. I don't want this to be the next big disapointment for me.
  2. Here's something interesting about the PS3 I read. It's long but good. (alt+ http://www.halo2sucks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4841)
  3. Well, the controls are a matter of opinion. "Horrible bugs" Which games are you playing cause in my PC games I've rarely (if ever) noticed any bugs. Well, if they want those games so bad than they'll get the Xbox/PS2 and buy those games. Or not everyone wants all three. I'd say by that comment you haven't played Halo2 on Live that much. (the immature part, not the kiddie part) There's tons of morons running around on Live actting like idiots. I'm not saying PC games don't have their share of morons but I've noticed more on Live than on any PC game I've played. I personally hate most EA sports games.
  4. I had a similar thing happen to me in KOTOR1 on my comp. I think it was because of the mods I had. Try unistalling the mod(s) you have. If it still doesn't work trying unistalling the game. (Yes I know it's a pain but better to have to redo it than not get to finish it)
  5. I'll be getting the Xbox360 when it's gone down a bit in price. The PS games never appealed to me and I know nothing about the Revolution.
  6. Sorry, just cause your comp sucks doesn't make the console version of a game better. Consoles are generally for people who can't afford to upgrade their PC all the time. Sorry but, as long as you have a decent comp the console version is not as good .(unless like I said earlier it was a crappy port) Plus, if a console game has split screen multiplayer than you can be sure that the PC version has online MP unlike console games where it has to say it on the box. (Live enabled or can play online on the PS2) Haven't played KOTOR2 on the pc so can't comment on this.
  7. We shall see. As for what I believe. I believe we go to either Heaven or Hell. Simple as that.
  8. Games will always be better on PC than on Xbox/PS2/GC. (unless it's a crappy port [Halopc anyone?]) I've only played KOTOR1 on both Xbox and PC but I have to say, it's better on the pc. Although I don't like how much friggen memory it takes up so I only play it on my Xbox. But in general, the PC version of a game is better than the console version.
  9. Because, a new ship shows some creativity on the part of the game's maker. Plus, if we're a new PC in KOTOR3 then how are we going to end up with the Hawk this time? We were suddenly attacked by Sith, saw the ship, and flew off in it? Or maybe the Exile gives it to us before leaving to find Revan? Come on, I want a new ship.
  10. Actually, I rarely buy new games a lot. In fact, the only new games I've gotten for Live after starting my subscription (which was X-mas) were gifts.
  11. Despite any other good ideas, you immediately lost my interest when you said the K1 romance was good. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What!?! You didn't like Bastila and Revan romance!?! I could understand the Carth and female Revan but, Bastila and Revan? What, do you want it to be like KOTOR2 were there is no romance at all!?!
  12. Good ideas. BTW, aren't you on my friends list on Xbox Live? Or is this some extreme coincidence that you have the same name as the person I played with in Republic Commando and Halo2?
  13. Why is it enjoyable? Most of the time everyone comes out of a political debate hating everyone else because of their differing views. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ive found the only ones who hate those who disagree with them probably already hated those people. And if not, were eventually bound to do so. Anyway, politics is an interesting subject and when discussed intellectually instead of emotionally can be both entertaining and informative. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Really. Cause I liked Darth Vader BEFORE that evolution thread. Then, after reading his arrogant post (see first page of that thread) I hated him. I thought "What an arrogant prick." People like WHITETEETH however seem much nicer. You know the kind of person that can say " You believe that and I respect it however I don't believe that." Those kinds of people I like, even when they believe something I don't.
  14. Yes, good idea. Another good one. For sure. Yes, that would be very nice. Ok, I've got to stop you right there. Enough of the Ebon Hawk. I want a new ship, or is that too hard for the people who will make the next game in the series to think of? Or will it be LA's fault by sticking in a time constraint that makes it impossible to think up of much of anything new?
  15. I don't like the idea of a new game engine. Look at Halo2. The new engine sucks compared to the Halo1 game engine. What happened to the worthogs fliping and the guns flying because of a grenade blast? What happened to melees that you had to aim instead of the game aim and lunging for you? My point, new game engine = possibly worse than the old (not that there's anything wrong with the old engine of both KOTOR and Halo) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes they could have done a better job with Halo 2 but did it really change the great game play that we experianced in the first one? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. Halo:CE had skill involved. Now I'm not saying Halo2 has no skill it just has less than the first. I do like playing Halo2 though. (although I play Halopc more than Halo2 on live) Plus, in Halo1 most of the time you started out with weapons that gave you a chance. The assualt rifle and human pistol. Now, in Halo2 you always started with the SMG or plasma rifle. Granted they finally got rid of that on some levels (that was a bitch on Coagulation) and start you with the battle rifle and SMG, the SMG is still there on other levels. (Come on, Waterworks and containment should have battle rifle starts too) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you're having problems with the starting weapons in multiplayer just change them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm talking about matchmaking. Plus, in custom games most of my friends will have the stupid SMG as a starting weapon. (plus they get pissed when they find out I didn't waste $6 on maps that'll be free soon enough like they did) If there was a custom game search that I could do then it wouldn't be so bad. I'd just go and look for a game that has a decent starting weapon. But no, this has to be the only game on Live that doesn't allow you to search for custom games.
  16. I don't like the idea of a new game engine. Look at Halo2. The new engine sucks compared to the Halo1 game engine. What happened to the worthogs fliping and the guns flying because of a grenade blast? What happened to melees that you had to aim instead of the game aim and lunging for you? My point, new game engine = possibly worse than the old (not that there's anything wrong with the old engine of both KOTOR and Halo) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes they could have done a better job with Halo 2 but did it really change the great game play that we experianced in the first one? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. Halo:CE had skill involved. Now I'm not saying Halo2 has no skill it just has less than the first. I do like playing Halo2 though. (although I play Halopc more than Halo2 on live) Plus, in Halo1 most of the time you started out with weapons that gave you a chance. The assualt rifle and human pistol. Now, in Halo2 you always started with the SMG or plasma rifle. Granted they finally got rid of that on some levels (that was a bitch on Coagulation) and start you with the battle rifle and SMG, the SMG is still there on other levels. (Come on, Waterworks and containment should have battle rifle starts too)
  17. I don't like the idea of a new game engine. Look at Halo2. The new engine sucks compared to the Halo1 game engine. What happened to the worthogs fliping and the guns flying because of a grenade blast? What happened to melees that you had to aim instead of the game aim and lunging for you? My point, new game engine = possibly worse than the old (not that there's anything wrong with the old engine of both KOTOR and Halo)
  18. If money is a concern, then don't play. $15 dollars a month to me is perfectly reasonable for a fun game. In fact, if the game is fun enough you might save money . Every time I am involved in an online MMO I only purchase games that I know I want to play. Otherwise, I would spend more money to try out other new titles that just look interesting. Do these same people keep punching themselves in the crotch to see if it is going to hurt the next time? If the game isn't fun, why play it? More importantly, why take seriously someone who is obviously confused. If you asked if a movie was good and the person replied "It sucks. Im going to see it again", what would you say to them? Why play any new games when you can just play other games you have already purchased? Why go see a new movie or read a new book? I hope the answer is obvious. I understand its your opinion, but it doesnt sound like you've played even one of the Warcraft games to make a comment like that. You might as well not play any new Star Wars games because you played the arcade game in 1986. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've played Warcraft 3 actually and I have to say, it seemed pretty much like Age of Empires except mytholygical (sp?) like. I enjoyed it quiet a bit though despite it's similarity to AOE. Granted, I never played the online portion of it but it seemed like it might be good. Also, where did I say that those people who said that MMORPG sucked keep playing them? And also, money isn't a huge concern. It's just, when I play on Xbox Live I know I'm paying $50 a year to play tons of games online plus the ability to talk PLUS download content. MMORPG you pay way more a year to play just one game that doesn't have talking but does have download content. If you ask me, I'd just feel like I was ripped off compared to what I get for Live. Although not many MMORPG interest me anyway. The only ones I'd want are WoW and Star Wars Galaxies.(although I hear the Star Wars one was a HUGE disapointment) If WoW lets you try a free trial of it then sure, I might do that sometime but I doubt I'm going to want to spend $14 a month for one game. That's just me though.
  19. Why is it enjoyable? Most of the time everyone comes out of a political debate hating everyone else because of their differing views.
  20. Or just make sure you have master force drain.
  21. Oh, well when you stuck GW I thought you were talking about Washington. While I don't think Bush is an idiot I don't care for him too much myself. (and not because of the war)
  22. Hey, sounds just like G.W. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sounds like you for making a stupid comment like that. You know how many people you might piss off by saying that?
  23. Well, I personally recomend NOT getting a MMORPG. Why you ask? Well let's see. 1) Most of these online only games cost, what, about $14 a month. That's ontop of whatever internet you already have. (which has to be highspeed/broadband if you're considering a MMORPG) 2) Plus, I hear from lots of people on the fourms I go to that, are they fun? Sure. $14 fun? No. I even hear some people say that they suck. 3) Why would you want to pay $14 a month just to play one game when you can play tons of other online games for free? If you ask me, it just doesn't make any sense to buy a MMORPG. You want Warcraft online, buy one of the Warcraft games and then play the online part for free. This is all just my opinon though, so it's really up to you if you want one or not.
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