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The Elite_elite

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Everything posted by The Elite_elite

  1. I voted KOTOR. What I really would have voted for is Halo: Combat Evolved.
  2. My God it's amazing how many lame ideas people have. When you start a game you have a choice between male or female. You take one you're stuck with it. After all, you CHOOSE to be that. You start the game as male then you want to be female, well here's an idea. FINISH THE GAME OR START A NEW ONE!!!!! Don't go complaining about something you chose.
  3. I don't care. If it lets me use the force while protecting me better than the robes than I'll use it. And I wouldn't go so far as to call it gay. Just dorky.
  4. I don't hate Civ3 but I really hated some things about it. Let's see, I go to an AI to trade world maps and of course they want some technology and gold for it in addition to my map. And I send my modern armor at some spearmen and my tank is nearly dead at the end of battle. Come on, what are spearmen going to do against a tank?! And the AI always demands things from me even though I'm more powerful. And they always come to you with unfair deals. Like I'm giving you mathmatics, bronze working, and 100 gold for your territory map. And that's not even their world map! I hope Civ4 takes care of these kinds of problems.
  5. Well, I'd only come back to them after having done about a dozen quests. Maybe that's why I've never had them deny me money.
  6. Was it the Jekk Jekk Tar? I thought they waited for you in the other Cantina. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's the other cantina. And yes, someone is there. Like the dancer on Telos you get an unlimited supply of credits from this guy.
  7. KOTOR1: Robes. KOTOR2: Armor that lets you use Force powers.
  8. Let's see. If I were 12 again it would be 2002. Wow, not that long ago. I think the only thing I would change is working out more. That way right now I'd have big arms, sexy abs, and an overall hot body. :cool:
  9. I find that difficult to believe. As far as I know he's the only one who's been dumb enough/brave enough to put his health on the line in that sort of test. If there have been other studies though feel free to link them in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, it was on 20/20 actually. This was a long time ago. They were showing a group of people, 2 men and 1 woman if I remember right, who, because they saw how stupid that video was, decided to prove him wrong. They all went to McD for every meal but the difference was they all worked out. The woman was the only one of the three who had the healthier choices of meals however. She lost the most.
  10. Oh and by the way. If you needed to see that stupid video of that moron stuffing his face in to see that eating out all the time will make you fat then you are a friggen moron. Anyone with half a brain already knew that. Answer this question for me. If you get fat by eating at McD who's fault is it? Your's for eating there or McD's for making their food fat filled? I wouldn't be surprised if you say McD's. God forbid we take responsability for our actions. After all, they didn't force you to eat there. You went there of your own free will.
  11. No. No amount of physical exercise would be enough to offset the caloric supply of a diet consisting of daily McD's food. You don't see bodybuilders or other athletes eating at McD's. And the physical exercise can't do anything about the cholesterol that will turn your arteriae into waste dumps. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wrong. Remember that dumbass who made a film about his eating at McDonanlds? Well, on the news they showed people who were eating just like him yet they worked out. And guess what? They LOST weight. BTW McD sucks. In-In-Out is the best.
  12. I think it's on both the Xbox and PC version. I stumbled on it once by accident. I had no clue what it was at the time so I had it take me right to the next planet. Now I've tried to reactivate it hundreds of times and I've never once got it.
  13. Lets see. I'm rereading the Lord of the Rings, and um, Star Wars books. :">
  14. Like I said. Clone Commandos are the best. Clone Commandos> ARCs> Clonetroopers> Storm Troopers.
  15. 6 hours to complete on hard. And the multiplayer is even worse than Battlefront. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Alright, it's obvious you have no taste in first person shooters. If you think RC is worse than Battlefront than I KNOW that you have the worst taste in the FPS catagory ever.
  16. WHAT!?!?!?!?!?! SW:RC is one of the best FPS I've ever played. How can you call it rubbish!? Don't like the skill involved? Don't like the fact that there is no auto-aim? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't like it being so short...and boring...and sloooowwww...zzzzzzz <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Try it on hard. Also, play the multiplayer part, that's where the real fun is.
  17. WHAT!?!?!?!?!?! SW:RC is one of the best FPS I've ever played. How can you call it rubbish!? Don't like the skill involved? Don't like the fact that there is no auto-aim?
  18. Clone Commandos are better than either of those. :cool:
  19. As long as it's Star Wars and looks good I'll buy it.
  20. zone alarm <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks man. Hopefully this will help my comp.
  21. It
  22. Not true. Another big advantage consoles have over PCs is that they don't get viruses while PCs can get them easily. So now you have to chuck out big bucks for a nice anti-virus and spyware and firewall and so on. Believe me I know, I think my PC has one cause every time I put in a game it kicks me out.
  23. Sorry but, not all of us are rich. Besides, I don't care for the games on the playstation so why would I want to buy it?
  24. Really. If you love the PC so much howcome I always see you always saying that consoles are winning the war? How come you say most games are better on the console? How come PC sports games suck but the console version rocks? Yes, I can see that you like the PC more.
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