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Everything posted by Namyra

  1. Ezren (in a party with Harsk and Kyra) met Kaven Windstrike on Heroic, failed the ridiculous Charisma check (had Darkest Night wildcard as well), got dealt 3 damage which he avoided with a Sihedron Medallion. The Sihedron Medallion then had a recharge check of 11 instead of the usual 9, which I assume is because Kaven's ability to raise the difficulty to defeat when alone by 2 mistakenly triggered on that as well.
  2. Certainly made this otherwise horrible random argh scenario more entertaining
  3. Solo Seelah on Normal chose Blessing as her Card Feat from 3-2 The Fort in Peril. She didn't acquire any blessings that scenario, so she was down one. To fill the spot, she was offered only Blessing of the Gods, when she should've been able to choose any blessing with adventure deck number B, C, or 1.
  4. Just letting you know this bug persists in 1.0.3 (I know it wasn't mentioned in the patch notes, so I shouldn't be surprised).
  5. Since this is a hotly discussed topic I just want to point out that this was only the case in Season of the Shackles. In Season of the Righteous and Season of Runelords, box culling works the same as it does in the regular adventure paths: starting with AD3, Basic banes always go poof and Basic boons go poof if you like, and starting with AD5, same with Elite.
  6. Many rogues and a few other characters from later sets have a power that lets them gain a Melee skill that is based on Dex when wielding Finesse weapons. I guess they weren't sure how to use this yet in RotR, but put Finesse on the weapons anyways to be safe for the future. The Starknife is still a very strange weapon though. All the other Finesse weapons you still acquire with Str/Melee.
  7. Actually Blackcloth Armor is one of the better armours out there, in my opinion. A reveal effect that helps you in combat, if only a little bit (but every +1 counts), on an armour is quite lovely. Changing it to 1 die would be completely overpowered, that's pretty much like giving you a (combat only, and a little harder to use, but combat is quite common, and being alone at a location isn't exactly rare either, regardless of your party size) blessing you only have to reveal to use.
  8. You have a source for that one? I know all cards that replace a check add their traits, but I don't know of a case where I've seen it say that they add their skills. Most weapons for example have Melee as a trait, so that would be redundant, same with spells (they have arcane or divine as a trait on the spell). I haven't seen anything that ever keys off of having Diplomacy as a trait, for instance (although lots of things key off diplomacy checks). In fact, I can't think of anywhere other than Seoni at the Thassilonian dungeon where such a rule would ever really apply, so it seems oddly specific. I don't believe that's quite right. If a card defines a check, the CARD'S traits are added to the check. The skill itself is an entirely separate entity. (Hence, the confusion with Ranged and Melee being both Skills and commonly used Traits.) If you check page 12 of the Wrath of the Righteous rulebook, first column, under "Determine Which Skill You're Using", the third paragraph clearly states: "The skill you’re using for the check, and any skill referenced by that skill, are added as traits to the check. For example, if your character has the skill Melee: Strength +2, and you are using your Melee skill, both the Strength and the Melee traits are added to the check. When you’re playing a card to determine the skill you’re using, that card’s traits are also added to the check; for example, revealing the weapon Heavy Pick for your combat check adds the Pick, Melee, Piercing, and Basic traits to the check. (This isn’t the same as giving you a skill; for example, playing the spell Dazzle adds the Arcane trait to your check, but it does not give you the Arcane skill.)" Only ADDITIONAL skills that might be added to the check by other powers are not added as traits, but the main skill you use for the check (if any), which in Seoni's Arcane Blast's case is Arcane (and also Charisma), are added as traits to the check.
  9. This is actually wrong. Arcane blast wasn't properly adding the Magic trait, and is not supposed to add the Arcane Trait. This was an error in our notes. It has been corrected! Good catch! It's not entirely wrong. It should have BOTH the Magic AND the Arcane trait. It's a power that replaces your Combat check with an Arcane skill roll (the power currently says die, but that is incorrectly worded, it should say skill instead), and all powers/cards that replace your combat check with a different skill add that skill as a trait to the check. Good to read that the Magic trait is being applied though, that is by far the more important of the two.
  10. I agree, nice card, both mechanically and thematically fitting!
  11. Very well put, I agree with pretty much all of wakasm's post! I also think that choosing not to acquire a boon (and yes, I know it counts as failing and thus doesn't help against a certain lovely wildcard) has several valid applications and isn't just a minor, very rarely used thing, even if the app handles getting rid of Basic/Elite boons differently (though that is of course one of the main reasons why you would want to fail acquiring stuff in the physical card game). It's not absolutely terrible not to have this option, but personally I would really like to see it added sooner rather than later.
  12. Also as for 3), I think it's been discussed that this will likely work differently in the app somehow, like a percentage of Basic cards getting removed automatically or so.
  13. Yeah, I thought the extra cards were meant to be "if there's not enough loot, everyone else gets something useful for them," which is indeed cool. I didn't have the duplicate card issue happen to me yet, but in my party of 4, after 2-5, I got the 4 loot cards, of which Lem got two, and Seoni instead got a Lightning Bolt. Not that I'm sad about that Lightning Bolt, but I'm a little confused about how those extra cards are supposed to work now. Besides even if they are meant to work that way, that everyone who misses out gets something extra, isn't it a little weird then that with a party of 3, after 2-5, you get 6 cards (4 loot, 2 people who are missing out on double loot, so they get an extra card), while with a party of 4 you only get 5 (which I thought should be 4, at that)?
  14. Merisiel must've lent me one of her Spyglasses indeed. ;D
  15. I noticed that in quest mode on the party formation screen you can see the level of each character on their portraits as a small white number on the upper right. As it is right now, this is very hard to read as it overlaps the golden ring around each portrait and looks a little messy, like it's not really an intentional part of the UI. If it is (and I think it certainly doesn't hurt), it might be nice if that were cleaned up a little, maybe put it in a small golden circle with a dark background (or a light background, and black text instead, much like the level indicator on the character sheet).
  16. Lem forgot to use an apostrophe in one of his dialogues, though clearly he is perfectly capable of using them most of the time, since he does in his next sentence! I believe it should be "... an adventurer's life." Meanwhile Seoni seems to have been so exhausted by the long journey to Sandpoint, she promptly forgot an "in". I think she meant to say "...than it did in my dreams." Also wouldn't you say "...arrived in Sandpoint!" rather than "at"?
  17. Posted my feat selections and current deck in the other thread!
  18. Since someone asked, here's the way I built Lem for this so far: Skill Feats: Charisma +3 Power Feats: Weapon Proficiency, Improved Bardic Performance Card Feats: Spell +2 (6) And my deck currently consists of: Weapons (1): Returning Throwing Axe +1 Spells (6): Augury Cure Enfeeble (added at the end of 2-5 in the new spell slot, thus placeholder) Holy Light Lightning Bolt Scorching Ray Items (2): Masterwork Tools Sihedron Medallion Allies (3): Crow (banished something better, had to replace with a Basic, thus placeholder) Father Zantus Shalelu Andosana Blessings (5): Blessing of Abadar Blessing of Calistria Blessing of Erastil Blessing of Pharasma Blessing of Sarenrae
  19. There's a few other instances where higher level cards are strictly weaker than their lower level counterparts (Wand of Shield vs. Amulet of Life and Battleaxe vs. Longsword come to mind). That said, the Kohl of Uncanny Discernment is still a good card (like Spyglass is), and there's one thing that jumps out at me that might make it more valuable to certain characters. None that are out right now, though. It has the Alchemical trait, so Alchemists might be able to do something with it that they can't with the Spyglass.
  20. Same here, even when I build him as a caster primarily, it's good to have that weapon as a backup, as he doesn't have that many spells and a few are usually taken up by utility.
  21. Lini's Beast Form is currently wonky for combat. It somehow doesn't pick Strength for her combat when you use Beast Form with her unarmed. It works when you use a melee weapon with her, but sometimes requires fiddling with the order you do things in (I don't remember exactly, but either revealing the weapon first or using Beast Form first makes it not work as expected). This makes her pretty hard to play without someone else handing her a weapon right now, unless you build her into a combat spellcaster.
  22. Yes, this is a known bug. Seoni's built in spell currently somehow does not have the Magic trait. I can confirm that it does have the Fire trait at least, you get the bonus d6 from the Old Light when using it and can double bless it with Blessing of Zarongel. It also has the Attack trait, Scarecrow Golems are still the stuff of nightmares for Seoni (as they should be). It also has some other bugs. It used to not count as a spell, i.e. Blessing of Pharasma did not double bless it, but I just tried and that seems to work as intended now. I also just checked, it doesn't count as playing an Arcane spell for the Thassilonian Dungeon location power, which it should (it specifically counts as playing a spell, and since you roll your Arcane die for it as your main die, the Arcane trait should be added to the check as well). It also says "roll your Arcane die," which I believe should as per the newest rules instead be "use your Arcane skill." Otherwise you wouldn't get your Arcane skill bonus on it, which I don't believe is the intention.
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