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Everything posted by kirottu

  1. I think it's time for you to let that picture of Jessica go.
  2. I googled your problem and either you're fired or it's cancer. So, uh, here's hoping you got fired.
  3. Bioware made the first NWN. So NWN 2 forums are hosted by Bioware to not to split the NWN community.
  4. I'm shocked and appalled to find a spider in attractive insect thread. Spiders aren't insects.
  5. I don't think these quotes are even remotely as bad as the "awesome button guy".
  6. When he was 15 years old, he told a racist joke and the video of it has surfaced.
  7. Truer words have never been spoken. This is the most offending thing I have ever read in the internets! How dare you say to someone, whose only dream is to be a mod, his dream is the reason he should not be elected!?! How dare you sirs!? How. Dare. You. " whose only dream is to be a mod " Oh, my dream is joke to you? Others insult and you start laughing... I expected better from you, Bruce. Just so you know, there are dozens of us who just wish to be moderators. Dozens!
  8. Truer words have never been spoken. This is the most offending thing I have ever read in the internets! How dare you say to someone, whose only dream is to be a mod, his dream is the reason he should not be elected!?! How dare you sirs!? How. Dare. You.
  9. Snack Man is still better superhero than Subway Man.
  10. You would make a Ferrari out of fur? Just to cruise it to furry conventions and pick up some chicks dressed up as chicks? Because that would totally what I would do.
  11. Because he experimented and killed mutants. She wanted revenge. Yes? Destroing his reputation would have been much better way of doing it. That way you destroy his future, everything he has been working for, and his life. Watch everybody slowly turn their backs at him until he has nothing and no one.
  12. Days of Future Past Why didn't Mystique simply destroy Trasks reputation?
  13. Like it should be in a tank game(I'm looking at you WoT).
  14. It took me awhile, but I found it streaming on Hulu. I'm watching it now. Best movie I've seen where nothing happens and people just sit and talk.
  15. Really? You don't believe people have attacked Volo over the internet?
  16. Man who showed us all that drawing human genitalia can be a good business. R.I.P
  17. What is director of audience development? Is this person developing me and why do I get the feeling he/she should buy me dinner first?
  18. With tickets to next Maiden concert. Guys, I think I'm in love.
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