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Everything posted by kirottu

  1. Even for a Master of Orion fan the trailer is kinda meh.
  2. Ask and you shall receive the knowledge! It's called vihta or vasta. It's made from silver birch branches. At sauna you keep it at separate water basket and occasionally (softly) beat yourself with it and occasionally put it on kiuas for one the best smells ever. It lasts one perhaps two sauna times.
  3. Slightly off topic, but I feel this fits with the recent Witcher 3 discussions: It’s time for Marvel to make Magneto black. Yeah, let's take the one iconic jewish superhero/villain and a holocaust survivor, and make him black. These people... they really can't see diversity past skin color or gender. Not to mention how america centrist would changing a holocaust survivor to black civil rights movement activist be.
  4. Fallout 4 confirmed to not to come to PS3 or 360. Has there been any word of choices from Fallout 3 having any impact on F4? I haven't got any of my F3 savegames saved.
  5. "Slavics are actually Anglo-Saxons." by Alex Lifschitz These people... they really don't know anything and are weirdly proud of it.
  6. I think the main problem is they don't actually play games.
  7. TotalBiscuit: Doubt I'm the only one who thinks it's culturally imperialistic to see Americans lecturing Polish devs on what to do with Slavic mythology. Semi-relevant link: George R.R. Martin on violence against women in game of thrones.
  8. A reasonable indie response: Not so reasonable indie response: Let's let Brad Wardell to tie things together: It's uncanny how many anti-GG seem to be against this. Should we simply start to call them anti-consumer? And WTF is a 30 second game?
  9. I would love if Bethesda would give Obsidian free reign with Fallout Europe or somesuch. I found Fallout 3 to be okay fallout game, but pretty bad RPG so I'm cautiously hopeful of Fallout 4.
  10. Samuel L. Jackson was amazing in Unbreakable.
  11. Mighty Jingles and RitaGamer play Armored Warfare. Graphics alone blow WoT away and the gameplay seems much more well paced.
  12. Too soon, man, too soon. Not cool.
  13. Why is this person even writing about games for games site? Also, having some imagination helps getting immersed in a game, but obviously this guy has none. Edit: It really seems like these type of people have failed in everywhere else, because of their lack of skill in anything relevant, and they have never understood their personal failings are their own fault. Then they find a job what has so low standards even they can get hired. It isn't flipping burgers. It is games journalism. Leigh Alexander is a good example of this. Now she has her own site that has only her going for it and she's in deep trouble, because her writing is bad. She never needed to improve her writing.
  14. Could this be? Could this finally be the moment when actual industry people start to call FF for their bull****? The article itself linkes to this: https://medium.com/@adrianchm/feminist-frequency-and-the-witcher-3-6b126d3d6206 Dear lord, what happened to the graphics in Witcher 3 btw? That just looks appaling Another good piece from Adrian. I really hope these are the first signs developers and journalists start to see what FF is all about, which is a human equivalent of a broken clock: "It's always 12 o'clock. Everything is 12 o'clock."
  15. Why feminist frequency is dead wrong about the witcher 3 by Erik kain of Forbes. Could this be? Could this finally be the moment when actual industry people start to call FF for their bull****?
  16. And this is why I'm not with GamerGate anymore: http://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/37moxz/people_josh_sawyer_of_obsidian_defends_fallout/crnzbaq Check the comment thread that's minimized for too many downvotes by Sylphied. Why the hell is he downvoted for stating the facts while the idiot doing mental gymnastics to try and guilt Obsidian is upvoted to oblivion? We are all a part of this community. We know in what ways to be disappointed in Obsidian and in what ways they don't deserve blame. We saw it happen and develop as it happened. Seeing **** twisted like that just to continue being angry feels way too similar to the SJWs themselves. 20 people is not representative of the entire movement, but I still find it cause for concern that their narrative is a popular one that isn't being slapped with a truth stick. There was someone who said early on when GG was just starting and people were discussing tactics and such, "if you see SJW doing something don't do the same thing". I still think it is the best advice for GamerGate.
  17. Based Sawyer defending his game back in the day. Just looking at it makes my testicles swell with pride.
  18. Ten years ago, Theodore Bergqvist pioneer when he started a site for digital sales of games. He named it GamersGate. What could go wrong? Swedish article translated by google. Anti-GG harassed this guy out of business yet the article still somehow manages to be anti-GG. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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