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Everything posted by kirottu

  1. "Fool! You cannot support your family!"
  2. Bit more new stuff and I'm getting bit more exited.
  3. Leaked conversation between kn0thing and the /r/science mods.
  4. Petition: Step down as CEO of Reddit Inc. Has over 100 000 signatures.
  5. Mister Jingles plays the just added PVE content.
  6. This is probably better explanation than my first post. Reddit is the self proclaimed "Frontpage of the Internet". Many of the subreddits gone private have millions of subcribers.
  7. What happened: /r/IAMA went private and this was reddit admins "kn0thing" response yesterday: https://archive.is/Sak3J In surprise to no one with actual functioning brain this didn't go well with reddit mods. Lots of other subreddits have gone private as well with the latests and biggest being /r/funny. Today kn0thing gave a new response filled with corporate talk without actually doing anything: There's still no official word why Victoria was fired, but these are the two leading speculations: 1. She was against commercializing AMAs. 2. Moderator sacked the day after a disastrous Jesse Jackson AMA. KiA megathread about the issue.
  8. She did this, but with GamerGate. As something gets popular enough she will find someway to unfairly criticize it and then label every criticism she gets in return as harassment with one example that actually was harassment.
  9. I'm not a fan of Salvation. Almost all the John Connor parts felt off somehow.
  10. I went to see Terminator Genisys yesterday and it was a pleasant summer popcorn flick. Every scene with Arnold was awesome, but others not so much. Better than the last two Terminator movies.
  11. Apple Removes All American Civil War Games From the App Store Because of the Confederate Flag. What's next? Banning all the WW2 games because of the nazi flag?
  12. Todd Howard talks mods, in game building, and map size.
  13. Dylan Roof did it because video games!!1
  14. The sound effects sound like they were taken directly from Transformers movies. And that's pretty much all I have to say before I see some actual gameplay footage.
  15. Does that look like he's holding Oblivion game box to anyone else? Like he's going to get his Oblivion game box autographed? Please say it isn't so, please.
  16. http://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/3a6j7m/happeningsthe_game_dev_behind_mechanical/ SJW response: doesn't matter, he's french.
  17. Someone pointed out that 10.11.2015 is 150 days after E3.
  18. Most probably. It's an expansion, probably within the same client I suspect so why it shouldn't be? With improved AI some Sawyer like person might think every encounter needs to be tested and rebalanced. But I'm not pointing any fingers.
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