Baldurs Gate 1 : 70% (Never finished it.)
Baldurs Gate 2 : 83% (Good fun, although main plot was somewhat uninteressing))
Icevind Dale 1 : 70% (Never finished it. Too much combat.)
Icewind Dale 2 : 70% (Never finished it. Too much combat.)
Planescape Torment : 93% (One of my favourites.)
Fallout 1 : 88% (Ah, sweet memories.)
Fallout 2 : 95% (Ah, sweeter memories.)
Neverwinter Nights : 68% (OC was so very very avarage and boring and... But I did finish it for some strange reason.)
KOTOR 2 : 80% (Good game.)
Morrowind : 70% (Never finished it. Got bored.)
Daggerfall : 75% (Better than morrowind, but buggy as hell and therefore I couldn