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Everything posted by kirottu

  1. Good posts, w666tvr.
  2. Since this is not bioware forums...
  3. Not mention the whole thing with goats. Good example is finnish santa called that is still joulupukki=xmas goat. It used to be someone in grey robes and goat mask giving gifts. But since goat was such a strong part of many european pagan religions christianity devided to make it their adversary.
  4. Did he show his business card at any point of the movie?
  5. Oh, very well then... 1mb connection is more than enough for me...
  6. Why did you make the second contract with the same company? No other internet connection providers in that area? That sucks.
  7. But it is also fun to think that this kind of reoccuring story like jesus is reoccuring, because of "greater" reason. Gawd and stuff.
  8. You can found ultimas up to 8 on abandonware sites...
  9. I took it from someplace over 6 moths ago and my memory has never been that great. I have several "bouncing" ones... I mean... No, I don
  10. Simply bacause I first saw anime then manga... I hope I haven
  11. I kinda miss John Morgan The Ass. Prod., because he made lot
  12. Kaftan is master of photoshop arts.
  13. I see a nipple. Oh... The tattoo is too big to be cool.
  14. Dark Thingies
  15. It is Shinji chibi. Almost as cute as Reveilled
  16. In black isle boards I used Kirottu Uneksija, but I got bored becacuse apparently it
  17. Yes, if you want be an evil bastard you most likely will have a rape scene in hentai game, if you choose it so.
  18. Yes and no. I think they use too much same kind of language as in bible.
  19. Or does violent people play violent games?
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