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Everything posted by kirottu

  1. My childhood favourite.
  2. Now we only need Karzak and spear +6 and we can have a flamefest. Yay. Flame On!
  3. Those colors make them much easier to look at. Thanks.
  4. iPaska? Oh, don
  5. Apparently so. I wonder how free the camera control is?
  6. Hmmm, that helps. Not much, but thanks anyway.
  7. Thanks, just found it myself too. I can
  8. 42. The best reason ever!
  9. Can you give an example? I have never seen Fionavar treat someone or some threads unequally. Ofcourse Fionavar isn
  10. Apparently it
  11. From Bioboards... *sigh*
  12. How long is she going to be pink? Or it
  13. December
  14. Ya it seems like something he would say. He always posts the funniest stuff. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think you can find it in one of his interviews, but I don
  15. Marketing people work in mysterious ways.
  16. This is quickly becoming good unintended humour thread.
  17. I really don
  18. It
  19. Thanks Jaquars. I have been waiting for this for long time.
  20. So next monday at latest I
  21. Me wanna see!!!!
  22. No it is a feature. Live with it.
  23. Very well then. Finnish theatre sucks.
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