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Everything posted by kirottu

  1. Combat was good until you fought in city.
  2. Sabotaging your own game doesn
  3. Lou Gutman - Death Classical You forgot the growling...
  4. Chances are he
  5. That FAQ sounds like a codexer
  6. Internet scars FTW! :D
  7. You hadn
  8. Nothing like getting in to da mood with pictures of Man Faye.
  9. That site is slower than one legged man on bicycle going uphill.
  10. I tried to press the X of that folder. :"> My current:
  11. Damn man, I wanted to post pic of the Man Faye.
  12. The real reason, why those old games were great and these new games are crap, is brothels. Give use back brothers, gawddamnit! But noo... in these modern times women have forgotten their proper place between fist and kichen and have started to play RPG games. This is the result when developers start to make pretty little games for pretty little girls! Give us back the time when men were men and RPGs were RPGs! MASCULINE MANLY POWAAH!
  13. I guess you
  14. But ending was cut to it
  15. I still think RPG
  16. Some old music my dad is currently listening way way too loud. He always does that when he gets too drunk. God I love live with my parents once again.
  17. It was N64.
  18. Something like that. I think the tickets were under 10€ or something. The gig was in some rundown old tiny place. The band itself was about two hours late and whoever organized it decided to play techno at max, while the fans waited. It had no air condition what so ever so after people had smoked there for couple of hours and the gig actually started also meant that some people started to pass out. It was awesome. :D Pretty much so, yes. I like that one too. First album was the best and after the band started to drift more to this "love metal" thingy two of them called quits.
  19. I actually was in HIM gig after the first album. You could actually walk around without bumping in to 16 year old girl, with leather mini skirt and screaming for Valo to take her virginity.
  20. It
  21. HIM - Our Diabolikal Rapture
  22. I think some mod should rename this thread as "Three wii games".
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