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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. I never even considered playing a Paladin character, until I came across Rick Burton's mods. Now I play Paladins a lot ... but he has spoilt the class for me, because he customised it (in a good way). Good ideas, especially if you want some improvements for gameplay over the OC, and considering he's now working for Bioware ...
  2. ... ... "We are best known for our Star Wars IP, but we feel like we oversaturated the market in the past," says Geoghegan [pronounced Go-Heegan] vice president global sales and marketing at LucasArts. "We were inadvertently harvesting the brand and we were shipping too much undifferentiated, mediocre product. We have to be more careful about how we manage the brand." ... Sounds like as much of an admission of guilt as we're evver likely to hear. No mention of the patch for the game described as: ... some gamers going so far as to argue that the best Star Wars products recently released--on any media--are videogames. Adventure KOTOR II and action game Battlefront have many admirers ... What does this remind me of ...? Trust us, this time for sure! Nothing up my sleeve, and Presto! Bulwinkle the Moose! (Bull something, that's for sure.)
  3. Well, I suggested an Initiate who turned out to have empathic force powers that were vital to how the plot evolved, but nobody bothered to comment on that idea... ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Perhaps if you restricted your novels to just the five hundred words at a time, then people would be more able and willing to read them? " Sure, but don't forget that Malak's attack on Dantooine was centered on the Jedi enclave and the starforge map. He really couldn't care whether any of the other rabble lived or died and wouldn't waste laser fire on them. Taris was a different matter, however, because the point was to kill the entire planet just so that he could be certain to get rid of Bastila. Even then I don't think it's a planetwide destruction, but since we did see the attack being centered right on the area where Revan and Bastila were active, I doubt the Undercity could have survived, seeing as how it was directly underneath. And as for Dantooine, just how many survivors from KotOR1's Dantooine did we meet in KotOR2's Dantooine? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, but Malak wouldn't even know about the undercity: to him those people were already dead, beneath his notice. I don't find it nearly so implausible. A lot of the K1 Dantooine people were at least mentioned; the warring families, for example.
  4. No, you mentioned something to do with the Outcasts. I fleshed it out by suggesting a Force sensitive Outcast is actually the PC. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, that idea! I didn't like that one, anyway. No, I want the protagonist to be a non-Sith, non-Jedi. That way, it would make sense that they are a true "grey", with some dark and light powers and with emotional and Jedi-like influences. It needs to be a character taht the audience can bond with, a ostracised member of the universe, like Nemo with his gimpy flipper. Maybe choose between a non-combat Ithorian strong in the Force, or a more assassin-like scout/scoundrel with lesser Force Sensitivity ...
  5. Are there? I've never encountered a problem!
  6. metadigital


    I dunno. I have one of those books in my house, and I've never once found that the things described in the book as meanings having a relation to my life in some way that wasn't pretty vague. And the things connected to the meanings are pretty vague. Like, if water is an emotion, does that mean if I dream of an ocean, or if I happen to drink a glass of water in my dream? Would dreaming of meeting Queen Victoria have a different meaning than dreaming of meeting Queen Elizabeth, other than indicating what period the Strategy game I'd played before going to sleep was set in? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The missing ingredient is always the dreamer. I find the reference books are useful. Why? Probably because we all have some common archetypes (either group unconscious, as Jung hypothesized, a genetic race memory that is passed on like the BIOS of a new computer, and our lives are built with an OS and applications on top; or perhaps it is just the commonalities of our nurturing). These archetypes mean the same thing to all of us. Water equals emotion. Yes, a glass, or an ocean. Drinking the water would connote some sort of swallowing of a reaction. For example, I dreamt of flying over an ocean. It was difficult to leave the water once I was in it, but I could (as I was lucid dreaming). That tells me I was distancing myself from some large emotion. The specifics are up to me, the dreamer, to unwind, but I find that if you have a prompt (like: strong emotion) then you can make some sense of an otherwise random vision.
  7. metadigital


    So you dremt of being murdered, eaten and raped on purpose? Then you were doing whatever you wanted. All that means is you are an emotionally unbalanced individual. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If I were would it be wise to poke fun at me? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Over the internet, YES.
  8. Hey, that was my idea! And the True Sith super-ninja marine chimps flipping out ...
  9. That will cut down on used disk space, then.
  10. Yeah, I kinda take those little emoticons very lightly. I always imagine there is a wink and a tongue-in-cheeck one included, free with each posted emoticon.
  11. Pick up a gamer mag, for $5 they'll have some instructions and a recommendation for doing it. Or just go to their forum and ask questions (or read the FAQ, 'cuase it's bound to be in there). PC Gamer PC Format PC Zone Or modding mags.
  12. Yes. You should. I can give you my preferences, but I recommend just playing all the ones that look good in the Hall of Fame (skip the ones that don't; read the feedback, some of them have bugs, though I only found one that was too much trouble to play).
  13. Just powergame through the bits you don't like. The only certainty in life is change. If you don't like the module, then wait awhile for it to change. (Just hope it changes for the better. )
  14. metadigital


    Interesting. The Australian Aborigines call their mythological history "The Dreamtime"; all their legends are passed down in pictures (those X-ray lateral images of men and beasts, with all the dots) as well as in song, so all the legends (of the surviving tribal people) survive to this day, possibly dating back as far as 30,000 years. Who knows exactly what is going on; certainly I think there is a basis of necessary mental hygiene to keep the brain functional; what the mind does is anyone's guess ...
  15. Well, I would have said they don't have the same problems with violence. They certainly have problems, but more to do with their rampant sexual fetishisms ...
  16. metadigital


    Please epand upon your thoughts some more. What do you mean by introvert and extrovert, when referring to the mind of a dreamer?
  17. metadigital


    So you dremt of being murdered, eaten and raped on purpose? Then you were doing whatever you wanted. All that means is you are an emotionally unbalanced individual.
  18. metadigital


    Yay! \o/
  19. metadigital


    Rosbjerg is back! \o/ \o/
  20. metadigital


    Drugs impair normal mental acuity. (Even and especially halucinogens, wrt sleeping.) Alcohol actually prevents REM sleep, for example, so that you will feel more tired when you wake up after a big drinking binge regardless of the sleep you seem to have had.
  21. metadigital


    Sure. I actually taught myself to lucid dream, too. I highly recommend it. Yes, the first thing everyone does when they know they can dream (after having intercourse with a blue person, Kaftan) is to fly. I regularly fly in my dreams, it is meant to be really good for the nerves.
  22. metadigital


    It is because of your sleeping pattern. You are probably over-tired and not sleeping in aa environment conducive to sleep. (You have a lot of non-sleep furniture in your room, like computers and tv, etc.) Darkness is essential. Try to write your dreams down, using the technique I posted above. They'll soon come back to you (well, the last ones of the night, you dream about four hours every night). Physical health affects mental heath more than most people realise. Somatopsychic effects, where the cardiovascular fitness of an individual impinges on the mental acuity; the brain uses about 90% of the oxygen in the blood. I remember one time I was taking a mid-term and I ahppened to be very fit at the time (running at least four miles, four times a week, going to the gym and swimming 1km three times a week); I looked around when I finished the (Psychology :D) test after about fifteen minutes and I tried to work out why no one else had. Then I noticed their concentration kept slipping every few seconds, as they tried to re-read the question and failed to keep the complex sentences in their head and connect them and then solve them. It was just concentration, and it made a BIG difference. Caffeine seems to grant some short-term concentration benefits.
  23. metadigital


    That's because the neurochemical that switches off your muscles (so that when you dream of running, your legs don't move) isn't conducive to long-term memory. The way to remember dreams is to: Have writing implement and pad next to your bed. Within arm's reach. Don't move when you wake up; sloshing your head around mixes up the endocrimological soup that is your brain. Write down your recollections immediately; what you do remember is in short-term memory, and won't last more than a few minutes at best, no matter how clearly it seems at the time. Dreams are a way for the mind to play out scenarios in your head, under full control. If you record your dreams, the images will mean something to you (you can use a book to lookup what a particular thing means, like water is emotion, but it will always relate back to something in your frame of reference). It is also possible that dreams are a physical necessity for the normal functioning of the mind; a sort of garbage-collection routine, where all the recent experiences are either transliterated into "lessons" and usable memories, or discarded. A sort of filing/defrag system of mental hygiene.
  24. There's a petition? Well, then it's certain, then. No K3.
  25. Maybe the Ewoks weren't yet evolved from pond scum in the KotOR timeline? They look like their gene pool is a little shallow.
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