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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Plus ugly interest.
  2. Let's not and say we did.
  3. Endor Crack Suicide Squad, Atten-tion! Pro-duce arms. Kill YOUR-self ... Aaaahhh!
  4. Noooooooooooooooooooo!
  5. Alan. Put the keyboard down. Step away from the computer. There is nothing to reply to here. Move along ...
  6. Does it come with a joystick and chewing gum?
  7. I don't care, I was just telling you there was a mod for that... (it's not mine) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because (explaining the bleedingly obvious) the game has failed to entertain me. I do not want to pretend to eat a bowl of porridge in Morrowind.
  8. Wouldn't be a problem if the games allowed for more replayability: that would be better than making a sequel that does exactly the same thing with another liniear story. Kalfear, you have some dumb ideas, but this one is up there with a bullet.
  9. No I will not download the mods to my PC.
  10. Yep, that was the point. There is one (two?) merchants that have infinite fund-restores after your PC sells something, exits from the conversation and re-initiates it ... the dude in the middle of the island in the giant crab shell was one, I think ... right on...Morrowind emphasizes *realism* and *immersion* above all else. being able to buy farm implements and silverware and such items from merchants that you absolutely cannot use illustrates the point. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... At the expense of FUN. If my character actually needed to eat with a knife and fork, or COULD, then maybe it might be useful to have them in the game. Then again I would have probably been able to finish the game if the walking speed was 50% faster from the start. I don't need to play a game that is more boring than RL. I would rather go sky diving or rock climbing ...
  11. See next post after yours. Is that an invisible rabbit, or a blind one ... Haha, this made me laugh.. for all the wrong reasons. Yeah. You go, girl. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> >makes no comment about $20 whores<
  12. Interesting. Lawful good Captain America versus Chaotic (Good?) Iron and Spider-Men ... Hmmm.
  13. Perhaps you might have a better response from the Developer's forum? Reading from a file is pretty standard stuff in Java, btw. And any language, come to think of it.
  14. No, I made sure he was fine. Except once when I blew him and twenty other zombies into tiny, flaming pieces. But other than that ...
  15. Morrowind could be a good game. The problem is that the lovingly crafted freeform world was to empty and the interface was not fit for purpose. (You can say move the mouse to effect a strike / slash / club / whatever, but how many people don't just click the "use best attack"?) Beside that, for some reason the developers decided that realism was more important than fun, so walking was implemented to in such a way as to make the game almost unplayable. How is that fun? I think what needed to be done is remove som things. Not every idea is a winner. Good writing is knowing what to cut as well as what to keep ...
  16. Just so long as they don't make Lego Adventures of Endor ...
  17. I saw "Sid Meier's Colonization" in a local electronics store (they have some really, really old stuff in there ... I think it was priced in pounds, shillings and pence ...) "
  18. ... That's probably why they have decided to expand on her character in Episode One ... :D
  19. And you know if she doesn't, Hades/Giant Rabbit most certainly will. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What'samatta Mothie? Don't like others having the forum monopoly on ugliness?
  20. There is one predictor that, if used, can help eliminate over 99% of violent crime. Lock up all males. On a slightly different tack, men (presumably due to innate strength bias) usually use bludgeoning-type offences. Females will use a knife and either John Wayne Bobbit, or stab. My own experience is that females are more cold-blooded ...
  21. Narcissim.
  22. No. Nothing so intuitive.
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