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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. I miss Kaftan's b&w pictures ... :'(
  2. The official wanted to get into your friend's pants. I think you should report him to social services.
  3. The first one bears less resemblance to the restrictions that corporeal life forms must adhere to.
  4. I try to do it silently, all the time, to everyone. But what's up with all the robots? Dang things can't be stealth-killed!
  5. Yeah, even though I quite liked Emmy Rossum in The Day After Tomorrow, I thought she was by far the weakest actor in this film. Not completely surprising, considering that Kurt and Richard helped bulk up the troop ...
  6. The verb is inferred, Calax.
  7. She has a great laugh.
  8. Is that good? " I just watched the remake of Poseidon, with Kurt Russell and Richard Drefus ... and was impressed (again I didn't have high expectations, considering the first one wasn't terribly good, although it had Gene Hackman). Finally a disaster film that doesn't demonise people: it was just plain bad luck that the catastrophe happened, and everyone did what they could / should throughout the "adventure" ... it only became a little fondue towards the end ... but I really liked what happened to Valentino ... "
  9. Cats are matriarchal, so it was probably a little girl, too. ^_^
  10. Nothing personal, Ms Darque ... I thought you weren't going to surface for a while, now that you have a shiny new graphics card ...
  11. Beyond doubt.
  12. Just found out why Freelancer hasn't turned up ... it was cancelled by the supplier (not able to supply), and I seem to have been short-changed the
  13. Ragdoll Physics Y'know E=mc
  14. metadigital


    Satanism is also the name given to certain spiritual paths which emphasize the Left-Hand Path, as opposed to the much more common Right-Hand Path. Left-Handers believe in spiritual enrichment through their own work on themselves, and that ultimately they are answerable only to themselves, while Right-Handers believe in spiritual enrichment through the dissolution or submission of the self to (or into) something greater.
  15. Buy a last generation console, as that is better value for money.
  16. See second part of answer, above. Roofles.
  17. Ans. Because when it gets too big it will need to be closed and the next one opened, AND Because the topic is always on the first page anyhow. I think I'll go and play Episode One, followed by some more Space Rangers 2 (as I don't have a powerful enough GPU to play FEAR, Quake 4 and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory at acceptable resolutions ...)
  18. I'm still waiting for it to arrive ... :'(
  19. sober statistical results >>>>>>>> base fanboism
  20. Part 3 beginning Part 3 Last page Because some things change, and some things never change ...
  21. It is an award-winning classic photograph, ifnothing else: the little tabby looking angrily up the tree at the baby bear ... :D
  22. metadigital


    Well, God must have known AND let him do it, otherwise god isn't omniscient and omnipotent ...
  23. OMG! A real post! I mean, great story, Eddo!
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