Excellent. Bought and paid for, being shipped.
I love it when someone tries to "explain" maths (and especially when they aren't trained in the white-coat priesthood). Kafty, just because you have trouble visualising more than three-plus-one dimensions, doesn't mean it can't exist. (Hint: watch the video again.) (But I still wub you. )
I've seen a (model) of a fourth dimensional hypercube: it is basically a cube within a similar cube, both on the same focus, and all the apexes are joined by vertices (that would be perpendicular, rather than isosceles-angled, in the real hyper-cube).
Another way I have been taught to imagine higher dimensions is to take the fourth dimension as a row (i.e. a line of) cubic tables; similarly the fifth dimension is a table of these three dimensional tables, and the six is a cube of cubes. (In fact, quite similar to the example, linked above.)
I was pretty happy to see the entire contents of our universe, and anything we could imagine in it, catered for in the ten dimensional mapping. I am still considering if there are further dimensions ...
Well, electricity was thought to be pretty useless at the time Faraday did his experiments and nowadays our whole lives depend on it. The same could be said about relativity and quantum physics as well.
Electricity is real, string theory is just a theory.
Excellent argument. So tell me, is light a particle or a wave?