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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Does it hurt?
  2. The first Rambo wasn't even called "Rambo". It was "First Blood(as in "who draws it")". "Rambo 2" was called "Rambo: First Blood Part 2" so technically, by saying you "didn't even know there was a Rambo 2", it demonstrates that you did know there was a "Rambo 2", because "Rambo 1" was referred to as "Rambo 1" only after "Rambo 2" was released and the term "Rambo movies" adopted by the masses of undying Sylvester Stalone fans(his mom). "Technically". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wouldn't the nomenclature be Rambo II: First Blood Part III? "
  3. If I were judgemental, I might be tempted to say something about the ugliness of the leg in the picture. Fortunately I am not.
  4. Volo's personal grammar lesson for the day.
  5. Rocky Balboa )
  6. What GAME? (Doofus) All generalisations are wrong. "
  7. Check out all the Doom and Quake mods. And how about the "Last Man Standing" games of Max Pain (2)?
  8. Well, I wouldn't mind the team getting some cash back for their YEARS of development.
  9. Skip Half-Life and Half-Life 2? The two most popular games EVA? Painkiller certainly had loads of gore, but it was just a mindless Quake-clone. I think it would be quite unusual to find someone who didn't like Half-Life, even amongst those (few) who thought Half-Life 2 was over-hyped. I will certainly play when it is finished.
  10. And I haven't edited any posts. It was a caution for future posting.
  11. ) What that?
  12. Teh sneaky bandits!
  13. So the application calls the database of behaviour patterns (say, every time it needs to find out what the monster in the scene does next)? It's programme-/language-independent? Sounds neato.
  14. Bump? Jorian, who are you addressing this to? A fan to make a mod, or Obsidian?
  15. I just bought a second-hand PSone, and I have had no problems. It cost me about ten DVDs (exchanged for), plus I got the original Tombraider.
  16. Thanks for everyone's help.
  17. I think we'll draw a discreet curtain over this topic, as it is hardly something that Obsidian will want others to read on their commercial website.
  18. Thanks for playing. Remember to remove the sand as you exit the pit.
  19. I see you're completely up to date on your anger-management medication. Let me help you out here: when I say "I", I am personifying the (disenfranchised) people who might read the topic unknowingly. Leave your attitude outside the thread, and please use the spoiler tags, or I'll be forced take action. Thank you.
  20. Are you suggesting that Coke won't be around in the 22nd Century, or that they wouldn't sponsor the military?
  21. What about the game?
  22. Guys, just a reminder, I haven't played Planescape: Torment yet, and I intend to. So use the spoiler tags, please. Thanks.
  23. And custsomizable hilts. Where?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> here
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