The most important problem with this point of view (and there are several) is what you are tacitly creating: a private "organisation" ABOVE the law of the land.
organisation = one or more persons acting in concert for a private agenda
law of the land = the only reliable existing form of legal control of members of societies, i.e. national laws (as international law is hardly robust and certainly not reliable, as it depends on pre-arranged treaties between nations).
You have just given Rupert Murdoch carte blanche to create his own self-serving global organisation and behave in any way he wants, including breaking any regional "backward" laws that stand in his nation-spanning organisation's way.
So, paradoxically, your treatise to the individual over the state just creates a law of the jungle where economic might makes right. And thereby results bribery, extortion and even pork-barrelling like that of the Hezbollah in Lebanon, where the extremists are BUYING political power with cold cash.
See, duty to a state works both ways: the state can protect the individual when the individuals protect the state.