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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. I would like to say that I saw two Transformers trailers at the cinema tonight (slow part of the season, perhaps? ). The second one, which had a lot more slow-mo Transformer/Decepticon character action-focused, and seemed significantly better than the first. Still, I think I know the entire plot now.
  2. Just watched Ocean's Thirteen. I wasn't expecting much (I was hoping to catch a different film), and I thought it was better than the last one (there was less "let's trick the audience by not telling them stuff so we can go 'look at how clever we are' at the end"). I'm not sure if others would get anything out of it; I was enjoying the minutiae (the croupiers' procedures etc). It still struck me as more of a television film, though. Also watched For a Few Dollars More, too.
  3. Why does ageing have to replace levelling? Surely it is a separate mechanic: perhaps at certain peak ages a PC would level faster, for example learning quicker at earlier ages and, at later ages, the advantages of greater experience (as opposed to XP) would contribute to balance out the slower levelling at that age. You also seem to be ignoring the benefits of old age. Certainly there are disadvantages, like a lessening of dexterity and strength; there are advantages imbued by a lifetime of heuristic learnings, so that intelligence and wisdom would naturally increase (for a start). Sure memory would need to be maintained with exercises, much like physical skills, but that is separate to mental acuity.
  4. Dopio espresso whilst I study.
  5. Back off-topic, Income Tax was "temporarily" levied on the British population to prepare for the Napoleonic wars, in 1798, by Pitt the Younger to help bail out the government's debt. linkie!
  6. Sit in the corner and suck on your lollipop. There's a good boy. Don't let the nasty complicated science hurt you. I thought you'd retreat once I took the semantic argument from under you. I'll reply in detail shortly. Nice side-step on my counter proposal. I'll conclude that you concede that point.
  7. I haven't played NWN1 in ages and only played the Paladin Trilogy as a player made module (well I only got through half of Midnight before a problem warranted a reformat), but do you have to roll back patches to play these modules (I have 1.68 and they need 1.62)? I'm pretty sure those are minimum requirements (I haven't been to the vault for a few years); part of the fun of patch management is ensuring that existing reliant software still works ... backward compatibility, as it were. The only area that could possibly be a problem is if the author had manually patched the module to customise some code from NwN that has subsequently been modernised by Atari. Which is a vanishingly small probability.
  8. Here is the issue: there is no reason to assert that, because P is true therefore Q follows. It is stated that this is a fact, without any support. Why does Q follow P? Dragons exist because people play DnD? Penguins fly because a Gold atom has 79 protons in its nucleus? If Q was a consequent of P then we would know so, because we would observe it somewhere. Under such a circumstance, modus ponens is certainly logical, valid and correct. Just invoking MP on an arbitrary collection of assertions is fruitless and illogical. I'll assume you didn't follow the links I provided in my last reply, due perhaps to the new forum formatting. Fallacies of Definition As for splitting hairs about whether it is informal or formal, I draw your attention to the wikipedia again: Formal Fallacy Informal Fallacy There is no empirical a posteriori ratification for the statement "Intercessory prayers > Purgatory". It is affirming the consequent: P: Purgatory exists for those whose sins aren't so bad as to be sent straight to Hell [completely suppositious, and supposititious to boot] Q: people pray to ease the suffering of those in Purgatory [observable fact] affirming the consequent My highlights.
  9. I know you will all be upset to know that I have had a cold this past tenday, too.
  10. Actually I agree; HK-47 was arguably the most well-grounded character, certainly better than most evil characters in almost any game you can name. He wasn't mad and he wasn't silly, he was just using a Nietzschean
  11. Not to mention that tertiary degrees cost significant funds, and most students graduate with a
  12. Verily that is true. But that doesn't discount the mechanic ... in fact it could be used to help make the life of the PC more relevant, more special because it is limited ... can you imagine fighters losing strength and dexterity with age, and would end up as a private militia (if they are unlucky), or a leader of same (if a bit luckier). Magic Users end up as tutors, and old clerics just end up dribbling in the corner ... er, helping out in the poorer parts of town, or becoming an episcopal leader (if their religion has such). I'm suggesting that people would play these roles (though they could easily do so: not everyone wants to play an
  13. It's not a bad business model.
  14. But you can sneak around to both sides ... like Clint Eastwood's character in A Fistful of Dollars!
  15. Burnt toast?
  16. Arts degree graduates now actually have a lower mean salary than people who have no tertiary qualification, here in the UK.
  17. Ah, but it IS a major part of DnD ... one of the major controls on level nine spells is that they age you ... a Wish spell ages you about 20 years, IIRC.
  18. Sorry taks, just had to do it.
  19. Fallacies of definition
  20. The Dictionary Switcher extension.
  21. Well, I could just make the snide comment about the chieftain on the last planet. *makes snide comment about the chieftain on the last planet*
  22. Or, to state it another way, mumbling isn't threatening.
  23. Are you still using XP? I've heard the Vista drivers are far from usable ... purple terrain in Oblivion for example. If it isn't overheating, and the GPU is performing as expected in other games, then it must be the drivers.
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