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Everything posted by Bazy

  1. Somehow I forgot how to split stacks and had to come to the forum. Double click is unintuitive.
  2. The offset position for rods is really far forward and looks odd at most angles. Haven't tested with other implements.
  3. I know some weapons are scaled up... but the Warhammer seems to be a bit too much. The Hands of the BB priest are clipping into the base.
  4. I imagine this is known... but didn't find a bug report so.... Every time you save I save a game in Trial of Iron I am sent to the main screen.
  5. I see both sides... but... for example... Say I want to play a wizard that carries a staff and uses a wand, rod or, sceptre. I "have" to pick up two different talents. At least with the proficiency system there was a cap on points, which forced you to diversify... Here diversity = weakness.
  6. Small "bug" but the Hold Beast icon is a mechanical trap. It doesn't really seem to match the spell of a voice based paralyze.
  7. Having to make choices that matter = good Countdown timers = very bad Being rushed sucks. But being able to take 2 months to return some super important item without consequence is also bad. There is a balancing act.
  8. The bigger issue is that it pushes you down a path you may not want to take. If you pick up the talent you are must use those weapons without feeling a loss of power. A big part of the weapon/armor system is choosing the right tool for the situation... these talents make it limited. Also for RP purposes you can never have weird crazy combinations without feeling the loss. Still a huge improvement over proficiency points.... I think.
  9. Priests are not necessary. The healing output was never that high and got nerfed pretty hard. Scrolls, Potions, and food all provide massive buffs and healing currently. They are the only thing that feels "mandatory."
  10. Everyone seems to be underestimating Lore. Scrolls are insanely overpowered. You need lore for scrolls...
  11. I would like to hear more about the plans/possibilities for modding. Other than externalized files we haven't heard too much.
  12. More of the same. No need for the editing/effects/explanations. Just cut the video when needed. Save the starwipes for the documentary. Or just get some interns.
  13. There are never enough portraits
  14. More of that please. Super interesting. Also did we lose all hope of a the Arcanum playthrough?
  15. why limit yourself. 6 wizards... 30 slickens per fight !!!!
  16. To be fair there is not really anything stopping you from resting after a fight. And I imagine one of the easier mods to create will be to increase camping resources and reduce the duration of resting (for rp purposes). Or are there still zones you cannot rest in? I can't remember if that was implemented.
  17. This being a level 1 ability is disgusting. If this becomes per encounter that is going to be so broken. All wizard party inc...
  18. I don't think anyone can disagree with this. As lisible as possible imo
  19. So why blunders and not arquebuses?
  20. You answered questions that I didn't ask.
  21. 1. Are wizards, chanters, ciphers lacking in "tactical advantage?" 2. Druids currently have over 50 spells. Is this more than necessary to have a "tactical advantage?" Isn't there some room to give? 3. Do you feel that because druids/priests have become such do-it-all casters that more traditional aspects of being a druid/priest have been compromised? (shapeshift/diety specific abilities/bonuses) 4. Would you do anything with your druid/priest other than stand in the back and cast spells? Does this feel tactical or compelling?
  22. You also could have enchanted your chest with +1 might I was multiplying So I get 2.68 + .5 (savage attack) + .25 (crit) = 3.43 x 32 base damage = 109 highest crit +10 deep wounds.
  23. Arguably more op than the super ruffian Might + 1.33 Blinding Strike +1.25 Deep wounds +10ish per hit Reckless Assault +1.2 Vulnerable attack +5 DR 2H style +1.1 Lash +1.25 Exceptional Weapon +1.3 Sneak Attack +1.25 Would probably be better with savage attack than vulnerable attack.
  24. Penetrating shot you get -5DR. Blunderbuss = 5 attacks = 5x5 =25 extra damage per shot = OP
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