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About Havelok

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  1. Since obsidian Screwed Up the Godlikes Royally, I had to adjust the portrait to fit the Moon Godlike in the game better. Here they are if anyone else wants to use them.
  2. Easy fix for Load times is to install the game on an SSD. Load times will be atrocious in most games if you are still using an old hard drive.
  3. This is a minor gripe but I can't fathom why they went this direction. The Moon Godlike heads have changed to such an extent that Portraits that worked perfectly well for Moon Godlikes in the first game no longer match the Character models for the Moon Godlikes at all. There isn't even an option for Pink or Purple hair to try and get the character to at least somewhat resemble the portrait. All the hair colors are blue or white. I am specifically referencing this male Godlike portrait: And the closest male head is the one on the right: As you can see, completely different.
  4. Right. Likely a gimmick party like a cadre of Rifleman Chanters or some-such.
  5. The first time the character loses all their endurance and they fall unconscious, they recover some of their endurance and get on their feet again to continue fighting. It's a pretty good enchant, especially for a tank .
  6. Playing a moon godlike I am finding it fairly easy to roleplay. People around me are spooked by my "status" from time to time as the watcher and the magics tied into the role fit well with the color scheme. The miniature space piglet also goes quite well with my character. I am pretending that part of the reason I was spared was because of my Moon Godlike nature. I haven't run into any specific reactions to Moon Godlike yet but I assume they will come with time.
  7. Congratulations on making 92 Friggin Updates to your backers packed with information and insight. You guys are paragons of crowdfunding and I hope I get the opportunity to participate again.
  8. I've personally convinced a few old fogies to buy it since they happened to be completely unaware of the resurrection of the cRPG. Millions bought the games back in the day. There are plenty of fans out there who are clueless about Pillars. I think the sales bump is mostly the fault of the Paradox Plan, however. (Giving streamers access) . Giant Bomb just had a Quick Look, and that probably pushed it over the edge. Second wind will be when reviews hit! Many sites seem to be using their Infinity Engine Game fans as reviewers, so the outlook looks good.
  9. It's a fight she won't win. As I mentioned in an earlier post, it would be better if the artist just accept it and let everyone enjoy her work for whatever purpose they deem most satisfactory. In this day and age, the audience wins, the end. Every alternate portrait in this thread that is sourced from an unnamed artist is proof of that. The creative commons is common to all regardless of the wishes of content creators, and there is no taking it back the moment the pixels hit the network. do you think if you're a big enough **** to her she'll give in and "set her work free" according to your "mandala code" or whatever, or are you just doing it for the pleasure of being a ****? is it so hard to credit someone's work? her name is already on the image! it takes more work to erase it! I'd rather convince someone through calm rational discourse then resort to insults and superlatives. I'm simply relating reality. If you review my posts I haven't explicitly broken her wish to preserve copyright, merely suggested that such efforts are fruitless and damaging. It honestly makes me sad to see to see another artist get upset about this sort of thing. She is very talented, and It would be tragic if she stopped producing artwork because of a misconception regarding how content ownership works in the age of information.
  10. It's a fight she won't win. As I mentioned in an earlier post, it would be better if the artist just accept it and let everyone enjoy her work for whatever purpose they deem most satisfactory. In this day and age, the audience wins, the end. Every alternate portrait in this thread that is sourced from an unnamed artist is proof of that. The creative commons is common to all regardless of the wishes of content creators, and there is no taking it back the moment the pixels hit the network.
  11. It will be possible, just really difficult. Obsidian isn't making it hard to mod the game, in fact they have a partnership with Nexusmods. I'd expect some decently impressive mods in a year or so.
  12. I usually prefer to go into games blind, but not with PoE. It's simply too large a game to have the experience marred by too much pre-exposure. The infinity engine games are marathons meant to be enjoyed for months if not years. This game looks to be the same. A little pre release hype won't touch that.
  13. I'm perfectly fine with them never implementing multiplayer. I personally can't become immersed in an RPG while playing with a friend. They always ruin the narrative or get impatient. This is coming from a long time GM of tabletop rp games. I understand the value of group play, but it just doesn't work in videogames if you want to be invested in the story.
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