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Everything posted by Farbautisonn

  1. I frankly find the prejudice and lack of real knowledge in this thread staggering.
  2. The donor list is a "whos who" of people who can be conned into buying "magical beans".
  3. /siigh...
  4. Ive allways wanted to craft Lederhosen in an RPG. And it happened NEVER! I feel my civil rights have been trodden underfoot!
  5. I would actually want crafting to be a chore. Going from novice to grandmaster as a smith with two coppers and 3 minutes of Realtime isnt my idea of a challenge.
  6. The very premise for the PS setting is that most everyone of importance in Sigil are devils and demon, demigods or gods. Its on planes that are created by gods or deity level creatures. Pit fiends of 800 plus kilogrammes that wild blades and magic that is next to unheard of in the prime material plane. The very setting dictates that level of power and "realism". You dont pit a gnoll against a pit fiend, give him a deity level weapon and then expect him to beat a pitfiend. Thats not a lucky d20 roll. Thats a lucky d100 roll. My desired aesthetic is (for me) the correct one because its consistant with the lore and ingame logic. .You have people who draw 18 wheelers with their teeth, chinese contortionists, trickshots, etc. You dont have anyone that combines them. Its acceptable to me because you might excell in one area, two perhaps, but not three. Hawkins is a sterling theorhetical scientist, but i dont think he would make the NFL as a Quarterback. If you excell to genious or top end elite status in a field, you generally do so at the cost of others. I rather like that rule. Makes sense to me that you dont become an olympic sprinter by casually jogging around the block every evening. Never used the guy. And I played PS:T alot. Besides, plate is a bit more practical than trying to swing a sword thats in excess of 1½ meters blade lenght in a confined space. And you can take off the plate. IF youre dualwielding claymores AND carrying plate, AND carrying backup weapons, AND carrying your food and other kit. Well... youd need a cart. Give me your definition of "Super" kthnks la~. I dont mind "Super" as long as it doesnt cross the boundary into downright ridiculous and contradictory. And flailing two zweihanders next to your allies in cramped spaces or in the vicinity of VIPs without them getting hurt or killed is. Being able to wield them whilst wearing heavy armour, plate, or backpacks and weighing in at only 50 kilogramme is. The ingame logic dicatates that your solid matter swords hurt your foe, yet passes straight through friends? That seems to clash with the ingame setting logic. Hard. But Im sure you have plenty of examples from games and litterature and perhaps even RL where precisely that happens. .Never used that spell either. Besides, the multitude of spells and options in BG was true to the Forgotten Realms lore and insetting logic. Having 18 plus strenght means you look rather beefed up. Even as a woman. That the graphics dont represent that is primarily because the game mecanics dont allow it. An umber hulk has 2 strenght and 25 dex... never. Nope. Not really. But then the conquestadores wore breastplate in jungle. In Chu Chi you had american tunnel rats wearing body armour going into tunnels. Not practical either but rather effective, and most tunnel rats rather fast decided to go down only with a greasegun or a 45 and their shirts. I suspect that after having been in a few dungeons with your twin zweihanders and full plate youd decide to... not.
  7. 1) You asked why I presumed that PE would be a WRPG rather than a JRPG, why I believe our common friend should seek out other pastures. I answered. 2) A 50 kilogramme lithe human doesnt have the appearance of a gnat and the strenght of a dungbeetle, the ambidextry of an spider and the stamina of ghengis khan combined with the martial skill and speed of an olympic fencer wielding a coalfiber blade. Ill believe one of the above, two perhaps. Not three or more. That you are willing to suspend your disbelief to that extent must make you a really good client in the console shop and fiction stand. I personally like to have something that is at least anchored in some normality. Makes it easier for me to Identify with and thusly RP my toon. Colour me oldfashioned in that sense. ...ermn... no. Sure you could have Hibben knives esque designs, but nothing where you had your toon wielding or dualwielding blades that were thrice your own size with the precision and speed of a rapier. There is a (to me at least) big difference between "exotic" and "completely impractical". Again, its a RP thing. If you have an impractical blade that causes you to get nicked or cut everytime you use it and if you cannot wield it with precision and deadly accuraccy, then its not really going to be a great idea. Even if the SAS is primarily made up of scotsmen, they do not do hostage rescues and tactical assults with claymores and bagpipes. Light infantry (which I was) carry tons of crap, but we never carried crap that made zero tactical sense. We didnt tug around heavy mortars or GAU8 miniguns. In PE , Youre an adventurer. A Bodyguard. A light infantryman. Member of a tactical unit (hired to advise on small unit tactics or to partake in small battles). Youre not the 50 kilogramme version of the Deathstar or even Tirpitz or a Landkreutzer. With the magical ability only to hit your adversaries even if your line of fire and area of denial is saturated by your own fire. And if you are, Its not a game for me. I cant pretend I am that superhuman and still find RP elements. Havent since I was five I think. Your subjective opinion vs mine then... lets leave it at that, shall we? But can we at least agree that dualwielding claymores in a dungeon, when close to friends and allies, etc is a somewhat unpractical notion? Even if your moves look great?
  8. Isn't that whole argument defeated by the fact that the very game you use to describe what JRPGs are like is... not a JRPG? Additionally while you may not like the aesthetic clearly a great many people do (even amongst IE fans; bastards weren't exactly small and female elves were the definition of super strong 100lb supermodels) so why should Failion be the one to find a different genre and not you? ya but no one used a female elf in a fighter role in those infinity engine games How many of those IE games had you dualwielding claymores?
  9. Isn't that whole argument defeated by the fact that the very game you use to describe what JRPGs are like is... not a JRPG? Additionally while you may not like the aesthetic clearly a great many people do (even amongst IE fans; bastards weren't exactly small and female elves were the definition of super strong 100lb supermodels) so why should Failion be the one to find a different genre and not you? You perhaps see WoW as a typical WRPG? Does WoW have more in common with Final Fantasy than with Baldurs Gate? Soo... not deafeated really, no. Im very well aware that many appreciate the aesthethics of WoW and Final Fantasy esque games. They are very commercially viable. However as I believe it, one of the premises of this game is that its a more traditional RPG in a typical WRPG setting with WRPG kit. From a gaming studio which has an empirical background in this genre. Now, if you would care to go to Obsidians homepage, you will find a poll of what game you hope that PE would be the most like. Baldur's Gate 1 or 2 Call of Duty Icewind Dale 1 or 2 Planescape: Torment Temple of Elemental Evil Baldurs Gate and PS:T seem to be rather popular and Final Fantasy isnt even represented. None of those games strike me as typical JRPG genre type games. And Im rather confident that if the people who back this game get a final fantasy inspired game and setting, they will be somewhat miffed. Perhap you would disagree? So if Failion seeks a gaming experience that he CAN find in the JRPG genre, but will be highly unlikely to find in this game (as per inspiration, empical history, choises in poll, promotion of the game setting, etc) it strikes me as somewhat odd, and certainly very optimistic to come looking for them here. Colour me a cynic. Ofcourse the man is well within his rights to try to influence the devs on the board, but then so am I and those that oppose such steps. I dont go to Taco Bell asking for a bigmac. I might get a burger, if I insist and pay, but It will not be a bigmac. I hope I have made my position sufficiantly clear.
  10. The ad hitlerums arent here yet.
  11. Im not entirely sure I approve of that sort of morbid thinking....
  12. Did I write that? Please quote me back. Pretty please. With sugar on top. Combatting a percieved generalisation with yet another one doesnt really fly mate. .Im awfully sure you have a source on that. And when you provide me with that source, Ill counter it with mortality rates. Thanks. .No reason. And thankfullly most women arent portrayed as weak. However there are biological differences that we cannot escape. Men and woman are built and have evolved significantly different from eachother. Men are generally stronger with more muscle mass (due to testostorone) by a factor of 2 to 6, our respiratory systems are generally better evolved etc. Not saying that women cant be as strong or even stronger than men, they clearly can. Just saying that genrally speaking, women are not as strong as men. We are different. Vive la difference! .If you count Cro Magnon or Homo Erectus perhaps. But then they also had bigger brains. Infact it seems as if our brains get smallerwhilst we get more smarter. Biology and logic are strange things. Effect does not allways mean causality. .Never said that, and the above was in no way shape or sense indicative of my postulate. My postulate was that a woman with thin arms (and thusly likely hardly any musclemass) would be hard pressed to lift a 1,5 metric ton flail and flip it around like a ball on a elastic. Much less two. Even in a fantasy setting. Yet. You see that in some JRPGs. If you have ever had the displeasure of seeing an olympic female weightlifter or high end bodybuilder, You will notice that their bodies do not look very feminine and that they do indeed have bodyshapes like men. .I ment it as an advice. Not as an offense. JRPGs have WoWesque armour and weapons wielded by near anyone, despite size or bodily capability. It apparently has some aesthethic or intrinsic value to those gamers who enjoy that sort of thing. I personally dont think a miss america model would be able to dualwield 2 claymoresfor very long. Especially not in full plate. If you have a different opinion or perhaps even personal experience that dictates otherwise, I would love to hear it. To me it would be "too far a strech" and thusly break my suspension of disbelief. You apparently have no such problem when playing RPGs which is why I mildly suspect you play them for different reasons than mine. Perhaps the more aesthetic ones, yes? A US marine sniper with a Barret 50 cal does the same? He can plug a lightly armoured vehicule and more with the right ammunition. And he can even carry his kit as well as his very heavy rifle and ammo into the field. It not that much of a leap of faith compared to a 14 year old japanese modelwho can lift the equivalent of the LotRs Wichkings Macetimes two and then wield them like yoyos in close quarter combat with allies standing within radius of the things lethality. Strikes me as a bit too far fetched. Perhaps you are better able to subliminate your belief. Yep. But they have to maintain some sort of balance. IE Foes would have to maintain some sort of challenge, and preferably one that goes beyond WoWs "50 people spamming their nuke and attack templates because the mob has an obscene amount of HP". Again, no detriment to wow players or people who like that sort of thing, just isnt very believeable and its not very... ahem... original. "Perhaps".
  13. http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/86/9/07-043489/en/index.html Hanging seems to be number one generally speaking.
  14. I believe (withtout having concrete data) that selfinflicted gunshot wound is the leadingcause of suicide in the US whilst pharmaceutica such as painkillers or ODing on prescription drugs (in the case of people with depressions/anxiety attacks/bipolar disorders) leads in Europe. Read that somewhere . Men are three times more likely to succeed than women. Dont know if thats a statistic worth aiming for... if youll forgive the pun.
  15. You rate pretty hard in the statistics. Ofcourse with service weapons that jacks up the ratio, but its still a firearm held by a "civillian" even if he is a "semi reservist". But then if you measure pr captia, guns are actually pretty prevalent in europe. And since the statistics only observe legal weapons, the true picture could be significantly different.
  16. Boy... they must be desperately strapped for cash...
  17. Just think about it, if EA was publishing, we could get a 9th companion character in day one dlc, and a 10th a few months later! No. If EA was publishing we could get a 7th companion character in day one DLC, and an 8th companion if we pre-ordered through their preferred retail partner. Oh, don't be so negative. And the 10th companion would be Darth Maul. If we bought the latest DLC AND the "Extra special 3D extended directors cut hyper version" of "Return of the Midiclorians"... ermn.. Sith.
  18. Highlighted the important bit here. Some people. Extraordinary. And superhuman really means having reached the level of Pit Fiend as far as I am concerned if you are to effectively dualwield zweihander flamberges. Then I too will accept it. If its something that is given to your toon when he is level 30 or 35 and you get stalked in the woods by ninja treeants with vorpal daggers.
  19. It would be a dealbreaker to me because I would giggle profusely and then not be able to take the game seriously. I wouldnt be "ingame" as my character. I would be a 39 year old guy sitting infront of a computer screen thinking that Skyrim had more realism. Soulpower? Sure. Go ape****e with that. But that power is a power like any other power. If it becomes ridiculous then it detracts from suspension of disbelief and you end up with WoWesque toons where you stathunt and hack and slash more than RP. If every toon and his mother has the "soulpower" to dualwield claymores, then its not a "cool" or "nice" feature. Then it just becomes more ridiculous. You could say: Well, once you hit level so and so, that would be ok. The dualwielding of claymoress that is. But I would STILL feel as if I was relegated to playing WoW in singleplayer. Or a JRPG where aesthetics and form are more important than suspension of disbelief and a certain degree of insetting logic. If that becomes the case, Ill congratulate all of those who like that stuff, and wait for the next RPG to my liking. No hurt feelings or anything . Go play JRPGs then. They have a completely different mold. Aesthetically pleasing Small girls with pixie arms and fragile looking bodies dualyielding 1.500 pound Flails and throwing chain lightning at will. Im not knocking it. Im just saying: "Its not my style". So in the end, its subjective but it would seem that what you aim for is more JRPG than WRPG. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that or with your wish that Obsidian should move in that direction.
  20. You need to brush up on the term "Suspension of disbelief". I have played fantasy games for more than 20 years both PnP and CRPG. I can suspend my disbelief it somewhat makes sense to do so in the setting. If I was a Baatezu as a class I wouldnt have too many problems with dualwielding claymores. Your average elf in full plate with a backpack, mule and standing within 1½ yards of his allies flailing 2 claymores like they were bamboo sticks? Not ****ing happening ever. Vararity has to make "in setting" sense or you end up having pixies comming at you in mithrill plate wielding sentient zweihanders and throwing meteor shower spells at lvl 23.
  21. Considering that I have actually swung a friggen claymore and that Im not a tiny guy, dualwielding massive weapons really makes zero tactical sense. You would be out of breath in seconds, not minutes and a pitched battle would be right out of the question for any number of reasons. A sword and a kidney dagger or a small axe, Two shortswords at the most. Its not enough that you can flail them haphazardly around in the air for 20 seconds. You have to be able to use them precisely and with a surplus of stamina for a considerable time. Personally I really dont care if people want to dualwield obscene weapons like dai katanas or zweihander flamberges but it annoys me to the point of breaking "suspension of disbelief" when I see it in an RPG. If I could evade a guy dual wielding twohanders I would be able to walk up and break his neck after 2 minutes of flailing because the guy would have collapsed from exhaustion from both the flailing and the weight of his armour. I would say "leave it to the mod squad" and then not concern myself with it. Dualwielding small axes (Danish axes) or smallswords, no problem. Katanas and perhaps even Rapiers, ok. Zweihander flamberges and claymores? Id laugh, run 100 yards then turn and poke the guys guts out with a spoon.
  22. I started ripping the fur off my live pet rabbit when I read that.
  23. Pleasure flesh golems? Shudder. Beats "Pleasure Rust Monsters".
  24. Cant we get a Hooker as a Companion? Historically speaking lots of armies and adventurerers have brought ladies of ill repute, cartographers, historians, photographers or other "non combat class" personell. Having your own little drummer boy or a big viking announcing your arrival by way of gjallarhorn or accordion would be epic. Or perhaps a slave to carry my crap. Mules are expensive and Ill likely run into someone who doesnt want to die, who really ought to. Standardbearers, Squires for warriors, apprentices for wizards, trainee for rogue, guys to test my food, clown, a dwarf (no not one of the cool beared ones. A "vertically challenged" human whom I can poke fun at. One armed with a wooden sword, sharp wit and halitosis. A flatchested dimwitted female vampire with a sombrero and a monotome visage to do my cooking and rub my feet. Or a . Just not a friggen dog.
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