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Everything posted by tarna
Sorry. I had the webcam on at the time. :"> :D
*Blows rum & coke though nose on screen* I'll get you for that!
Don't worry, soon you'll wonder where all those 233Gb gone. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Gods! Ain't that the truth! When I added my first drive ( a whopping 60 Gb! ), I figured I would be set for life . Idiot! That only started the trend of saving anything and everything. That drive filled up so I added a PCI expander card and a 120 Gb drive. Upgraded to WinXP. Then a 250 Gb. Lost a 60 Gb folder. G**D**mit! Almost put match to fuse to the Presario over that one ( still looking forward to it! Soon. Very soon. ). Bought data recovery software, recovered folder and bought another 250 to back up the first. This is stupid so I bought a 320. Built a new rig with two motherboards so that the first could act as an archive and drive controller. Then a second 320. Then a third when I caught them on sale. Damn cables! Bought a USB hub and IDE to USB adapters. This computer is a freeking mess. Bought a 500 Gb SATA and started consolidating and indexing so I can find this crap. Now a 750 Gb SATA and even more consolidating ( will index drive some day maybe ). Now I need another 500 and 750 to back up the data on the two large drives in case they crash . Moron! :D The stupidity never ends. Carefull Bok. We're not supposed to be admitting these little weaknesses.
:D You can never have too much HD space. I built my wife a gaming computer last year for Yule ( Christmas ) with a 100 Gb drive. I loaded 40 Gb worth of games right from the start and it hasn't gotten any better. It was a SATA1 drive so that helped with loading/starting the software but I have the feeling I'll be upgrading her system soon. She plays casino games so her system doesn't take up the same resources that a 'real' gaming rig would but she still needs HD space. Check your motherboard's BIOS abilities and get at least a 500 Gb ( check on ebay ). You won't be disappointed. Any secondary drives will be controlled by WinXP ( or Vista ) so you don't need to worry about it's size.
:D I remember seeing pictures of some of those drives. Monstrous! The platters were the size of 33 1/3 RPM vinyl records ( you kids wouldn't remember that ) and were coated with a metal ceramic mixture. Back in the 80s when I was a programmer, you couldn't kill for enough memory. Now it's almost free. :joy: Probably why I hoard as much as I do. My computer has way more space than the entire county network I used to use ( my college too! ). I used to lock up the college system by placing too high of a demand on it's resources to make artwork for my apartment. Since it was also time-shared out to the accounting depts of some oil companies, the school got a little pissy about this. One of the few benefits of being an old geezer...you have the benefit of perspective.
Don't know anything about Hitachi's drive record so I haven't bought any. The only Tb drives I've seen ( I really haven't been looking too hard though ) have been smaller drives RAIDed together to get a Tb. I have had a good run with Western Digital and Seagate has a good rep as well as a 5 year warranty. I figure if they have that much confidence in their drives, they're not planning on replacing too many. Surrep...I haven't had any problems with my larger drives. Because of their size though, I will be adding secondary drives as redunancies. I had though about mirroring 750s to have automatic back-ups but a virus or any screw-up would corrupt both drives so I just make the copies by hand. Time consuming but safer.
What exactly do you do with all your hard drive space? Don't you also have several 500GB drives as well? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've got a 500 ( Seagate ), 3 320s ( Western Digital ), 2 250s ( also WD ) and several smaller drives. The 750 was to consolidate my stuff onto just two drives. Movies, music, board records form several boards, downloaded software, webpages. Pretty much anything that I think I might need at some point. The filing system to locate the data was a nightmare though. You might be surprised.
Turn up your stereo! I just bought ( and formatted a 750 Gb [ 3 hrs!!! ] and transfered the data). Seagate is quiet as hell . Standard drive ( as far as speed is concerned ).
Don't watch too much TV but I'm gonna put 'House' as a definite regular and '24' when I get a chance to watch it.
Actually, ko'peika (ko'peyek is a morphological form) is equivalent to a cent. Conceptually, not in value. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't know what I was thinking when I posted that. Rubles=Dollars. I guess Vicoden and booze mix really well ( smashed my thumb yesterday ).
Yeah I remember hearing something about that. How they were hoping to steal secrets and bring hygiene to Hungaria. How did that ever work out? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Be nice Laozi. No remarks about hygiene concerning the 'unwashed masses'. You wouldn't want you ancestors described as such.
But can you do it with style? :D And for a disclaimer...the Federal Communications Commission would definitely frown on such a use of microwaves. Since it also screws up radio in most all bands, the local police would be very eager to have an intimate conversation with you as well ( probably involving cavity searches just to humiliate you for troubling them ). BTW - The Ruskies built such devices into the Russian built US embassy back in the 80's as 'spy' devices. Microwave emission causes confusion at low power. Higher power causes the above mentioned 'medium rare to well done' results in humans. Burned human flesh smells very bad.
You guys need to experiment more! Microwave ovens only affect a small variety of metal. Throw a handfull of change into your oven and turn it on. It will not react with most metals. Gold, iron and tin are bad choices where a microwave oven is concerned. Most others are ignored ( they will warm slightly though ). For some real Mr Wizard fun, toss a small florescent bulb into your microwave and turn it on. Make sure that the electical terminals at either end are not touching the sides. It'll light up nicely. I've got a small 'black-light' bulb as well as one that is a hideous shade of green. Very bizzare. A 'rule of thumb' with microwave experiments...if it throws sparks, it's probably not a good idea. Otherwise have fun. I tore one apart one years ago and 'rebuilt' it to induce voltage onto car stereos that rattled my windows when some jerk-off didn't have the courtesy to turn his tunes down in a residential neighborhood. High voltage in a car stereo usually doesn't do good things to it. Had to be carefull where the microware 'spray' went though. Microwaves affect pacemakers.
The word 'Kopyek' is the Russian equivelent to dollar. This sound like BS but if it is true and they are using the exterior metal of the coin as the transmitting 'antenna', a simple trip to the nearest microwave would destroy the internals of the device. This will BTW, also destroy any hidden RDF chips that are being considered being added to clothing and what-not. Can't have Sears 'seeing' what size and colour of Victoria's Secrets underwear that Sand is wearing that day.
How do I transfer my email to a different computer
tarna replied to tarna's topic in Skeeter's Junkyard
Same motherboard and processor though. -
How do I transfer my email to a different computer
tarna replied to tarna's topic in Skeeter's Junkyard
The number string generated by Outlook Express for the personal files name is different. :"> I used the same WinXP disk. -
How do I transfer my email to a different computer
tarna replied to tarna's topic in Skeeter's Junkyard
I could have used that address earlier! :angry: I did locate it but it took a bit of time. Outlook's DBX file didn't show up in a search ( probably for security reasons ), that's why I had to hunt for it manually. I placed it in the same location on the other computer and it wasn't acknowledged as even being present. Meta's first link looks like it might have promise. The second doesn't. -
How do I transfer my email to a different computer
tarna replied to tarna's topic in Skeeter's Junkyard
I've already tried that by setting up the same email on a 'static' computer and placing the 54 Mb file in the 'Inbox' of that account. It did not recognise it's presence. I did 'not' however, import it but don't know that it would make a difference because of the format being used. I might add that this is the last thing preventing me from ripping the final original component out of my Presario and making it into a somewhat proper system. I really want to get this accomplished soon. -
I'm running a POS P3 for the internet. Motherboard is dying and I am using Outlook Express for my email ( no wise-cracks guys! ). I have around 2000 various emails with documents, names, addresses and whatnot that I want to save to put back on my new computer. 2000 emails is a bit much to save by hand and I have found the DBX file ( encrypted ) that holds my email. Someone told me that I should download another email program and transfer it to that and then save the folder and reload it to the same software when I get my system finished. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Not much in the way of horror stories as much as examples of stupidity on my part. :joy: Christmas eve several years ago I decided to get some work done on a machine when no one would be bothering me. I tear apart a large fan at a hotel and proceed to rebuild it. I'm almost done reassembling it. Cool! Life is good! I'm tightening the main pully ( @ 1 metre ) and my wrench slips and I clock myself in the nuts. Frigging OUCH! After I have a cigarette and get the colour back in my face, I decide that I'll be smarter than my dull wrench and position myself in the opposite direction and pull the wrench toward me instead of pushing it away from me. I'm working in a tight spot with no light so I have a small flashlight in my mouth as I work. Idiot! Guess what? The wrench slips again. The momentum of my arm brings the wrench upward and then downward onto that very same flashlight. Now I'm running my tongue across my teeth and figuring this is not a good thing as I'm spitting blood on the floor. I have grease up to my elbows. I finish putting the fan back together, find a place to wash my hands and look into a mirror. Jesus. My three front teeth were so buck-toothed that I could bite the back side of a frigging apple. Pushing my teeth back into my face, I have my wife call our dentist's emergency number and ask if I should be seen now or if it could wait. He laughed and said he would come in a do some temporary work until we could figure out what was needed after the holidays. I killed three front teeth by cutting the nerves when I blew them out. I also got to listen to the SOB sing "All I Want For Christmas Is My Three Front Teeth". Bastard! :D I go home and listen to my wife describe a dinner of steak, corn on the cob, apples, that sort of thing. "Give me my GD porridge and shut up woman!" My kids were greatly amused and I'm still hearing about it from everyone involved. This was in 1999. The Elder Gods had it right when they ate their young! Just before New Years a few years ago I went in for a hernia. I knew I had one and figured it was a good time to get it taken care of. After a rather intimate exam that I would have normally expected dinner and a movie to be involved ( as well as a woman! ), the good Herr Doktor told me that I had a double. Dandy! I go in for surgery a couple of days later and when I wake up the wife is waiving an 8 x 10 glossy under my nose showing that I had a triple. Cool, leave me alone and let me enjoy what's left of my anestesia buzz woman! Go home and what do they have as a movie for me? "Pirates of the Caribean"! I hate Johnny Depp. His acting still sucks. The percodan, assisted by a few rum and cokes made the movie tolerable.
Ask her if she's Vegan. Otherwise she probably will eat eggs which are 'aborted fetuses'. Remember that when you next scramble a poor baby ( chicken ).
Wrong. Nice try though. :D I don't switch user-names. "
My mistake. :">
...and many happy returns. Not sure how old yet but we can run him/her through the wringer and find out soon.
If only you'd asked earlier, I'd have mentioned that I would sell them to you myself at a reasonable discount. What would you like to feel like? I'll mix it up for you here in the kitchen sink. :D