Not quite, considering Star Wars already is a household name as you say. Neverwinter Nights needed what Star Wars doesn't need any longer - added time and resources to promote its name.
Damn good at allowing players to make their own fanmade content. Which was actually what made it damn good in the long run. If it weren't for fans input and their determination in consistantly creating new adventures to increase replaybility, what would you have? Just the barely passable game.
And no replies consisting of "the game is the package", you know what I mean.
And comparing the amount of hype Neverwinter Nights and those games got is a bit out of tune, considering NWN had five years of development, most (if not all) of them filled with its public interest excessively bolstered by publicity, showcasings, and the like. At times you'd get the feeling there was a new developer interview every day at sites like IGN. It was everywhere.
As for the other games, ToEE got little publicity at all, and Baldur's Gate got moderate amounts.
Not necessarily, considering hype is there mostly to affect initial sales, not sales in the long run.