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Everything posted by archangel979

  1. Neither it is universally liked because 4 people agree with it. Anedoctal evidence is hardly reliable. What you said does not "beat" what I said. You just confirmed by statement.
  2. These spells have acc bonus because wizard has worse base accuracy than fighters and because there are no feats that give bonus accuracy to spells. Maybe removing accuracy bonus would be a good idea but giving a negative modifier would be a bad idea. Nobody would use these spells anymore. What they actually need to do is remove stupid graze/miss/hit system and just have miss/hit/crit. Or at least make graze not just time reduction but also effect reduction.
  3. Yea I really hope pathfinding is improved. I cannot bring myself to replay the game until it is fixed. It made my first play a worse experience than it should have been and I cannot bring myself to return to that same experience.
  4. I would have prefered this more. This is how pen&paper works, you can rest as much as you want but only in safe places. If you try it anywhere it can go very badly. My guess is that they gave up on this idea because people would keep coming to this spot and camp after each encounter and then complain how game makes them waste time doing this. Just like how some complained how now the game makes them go back to town to rest after they are out of camping supplies because they also rest too often. At least for most people camping supplies will force you to not rest all the time and going back all the way back to an Inn is usually too far so they will not do it while more people would probably go back to that spot on last level of the dungeon to rest freely. They could have also had camping supply and rest spots, that might have been even better. But only true solution for this is to have time gated quests where if you rest too much you fail in some way or quest parameters change, so if you rest more than once, the last fight has more enemies as they arrived as reinforcements or the hostage was killed and you only were able to bring her/his body back for burial and so on. Actually Torment Tides of Numenera will have such a system where resting will advance time and quests/events.
  5. I'm not looking for realism. But some internal logic is always nice. If you want to artificially restrict resting, there are better ways to do it, IMO, than giving you an object that you pick up/buy and carry but acts completely different than every other object in the game world. There are more than one such things. Stash is completely unrealistic, I don't even remember the game even trying to explain it at any moment. Then not being able to use your local inventory during combat is not realistic, not to mention buffs only being active during combat and many other ****ty decisions like that.
  6. It is not clearly polarizing because 3 people complain about it.
  7. Naturally i don't consider any "review" by any outlet anything but some random guys opinion. My argument it's so much of a whine about a class i like being less useful but an argument in defense of any given class to make it worth using so the game has more replay value; Fighters are still rubbish dispite their arbitrary upgrade most likely doled out to appease fans who were mad about the petty -10 deflection issue, Druids with their extended animal form are by far still better tanks than fighters on top of being greater dps deliverers with great buff/debuff abilites to boot. Also, Paladins are still useful tanks with their per encounter heal abilites to provide icing on the cake. Fighters are not only offering nothing now, but provide even scantier build options to utilize with their already nearly universal ineptitude. And Immunities for enemies are not the problem causing Fighter's lack of usefulness but how Fighter itself is designed is the problem. Immunities give the whole party a new layer of tactical planning and they are a good thing.
  8. How many enemies do have these immunities? And how many have them for abilities often used by other characters? I remember my cleric using his knockdown ward often and that spell was much more powerful than what fighter has and it became encounter spell. So I would say Cleric got a bigger nerf. Wizard used terrify effects often enough to debuff enemies, so wizard is also nerfed. That "review" is just a forum post of a single person in video format. And at the end of a day, this is a team based game and it is only important that the team can still function. Immunities bring new challenges to overcome for the whole team, not individual characters.
  9. I hope your contribution to Copper Dreams end up a positive thing overall Your ideas might seem good on paper but only when implemented and tried by thousand players you can find out for sure
  10. I am certainly not interested in a game that is more DAO and even less BG.
  11. Kiting exists in turn based as well. I kited a group of goblins in DnD in turn based combat with a elf archer using a longbow easily.
  12. ... And I wondered why I could finally enjoy the game without using the IE Mod to disable engagement! Thankfully the mod still offers the option, should the devs have a change of heart Actually it is still the same, only thing that changed is AI now will break it, take the hit and go after your squishies. Before as soon as enemy got engaged it stayed there until it died no matter how dangerous disengaging would be (except for a few enemies like Vampires). It is still better to use the mod and play the game like it was supposed to be (like IE games).
  13. I'm curious. Any time you are starting new cRPG you are already familiar with its entire rule/mechanic set. I mean you know it in advance? I just ran against some flaw in this system (in my opinion) and try to discuss it here. That was not discussing, you were almost screaming at people trying to help you. You just don't want to accept that the game is designed to be played differently than you imagined and you don't want to conform. When I play a new game, I try to learn it, understand it and make plans on how to "beat it". I don't come to forums screaming "this is not how it is supposed to work". I might say "I don't find it fun how it is", but that is very different.
  14. Well, ok, you are still trying to help me build my party. I appreciate this of course, but this wasn't the initial reason why I've created this post. But that is how cRPG are played. You get mechanics of the game in front of you and you figure out how to play within those. You don't do whatever and expect to always succeed. For that you can play casual games like Dragon Age series.
  15. There is something missing in this tease. Making switching wizard spellbook have a purpose except to annoy us.
  16. I hope stronghold enhancements also include some changes to main story where in Defiance Bay they actually recognize you as owner of land. And a Castle on that land :D
  17. This patch 3.0 sounds very interesting. Together with immunities patch my faith in Obsidian is slowly returning. I just might buy both White March expansion when they arrive now that the game is turning into an excellent game (from a good game).
  18. So now NPCs cover all classes (assuming new character is Barbarian).
  19. D:OSEE has a much weaker characters and conversation and less. But main reason for this is that they are releasing the game on consoles and console peasants cannot read obviously. Unless Obsidian also decides to release PoE on console, I don't see them ever investing so much money.
  20. This sounds good, it seems I will postpone my 2nd play even more :D
  21. Even without the expansion, encounter spells were broken. I did all fights by spamming Cleric's ward spells. It worked in all fights. Barely ever needed to use lvl 3 or above spells. I felt bad for having access to them but never using them I started randomly using them here and there although they were not needed. This was on Hard difficulty.
  22. lol, and where did you get this convenient tit-bit of info? From only place crazy enough to find every bit of info about PoE, RPGCodex.
  23. Luckily for PoE 2 they are going to go for BG2 style strongholds.
  24. This happened to me in base game as well, the prisoner escaped like 1 hour of play time later although I had very good security. The whole prison feature is completely pointless in the way it is implemented... like most of the Stronghold.
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