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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. So old vid, and not a soundtrack per se, but I still found it interesting:
  2. Both are vets. One is/was a USAF colonel, intelligence. The other deployed to Iraq as "Squadron Judge Advocate", whatever that is. There's psychos in all branches though, so I'm not making guesses as to whether they are actually "combat" vets or just glorified desk jockeys.
  3. You bought all available schematics? That's a lot of credits. Regardless, as Gromnir said, from 400 to 500 crafting is... inconsistent. In addition, level isn't always the determining factor regarding crafting difficulty: According to this, you should craft augments from 410 to 420 as you are doing, but I don't remember if it's the only available option for leveling.
  4. A T-Rex's top speed is estimated to be around 30 km/h and weighed about 6 tons, just a tenth of a present day MBT. In order to accelerate something like a T-Rex to 60-80 km/h, you'd need to apply tremendous force on the ground. If it's bipedal, the pressure on the ground is twice as great as for a quadrupedal creature and it has exactly half as much stability. An elephant that trips and falls can sustain life-threatening injuries. An elephant can run at ~40 km/h and weighs no more than 10 tons, which is about half as much as the lightest 'mechs and just 10% the mass of the heaviest variants, from what I've read. Comparing an animal to a fictional future tank is not exactly a sound argument, but the physics are the same and in the event of a crash, slip, trip or similar mishap, you can bet it would suffer major damage. So yeah, not necessarily impossible, but hella impractical and unnecessarily complicated, so unlikely to ever be built for any reasons, which was the original sticking point. (loses badly to cyborg ninjas with raspy voices though ) Regarding the KS, seems to have slowed down a bit. I have little doubt they'll get to 1.85M but the MP PVP stretch goal is probably beyond what they can muster.
  5. CM stuff isn't such a big deal to me, never bought any packs, but... src: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20151001
  6. Aaaaand it's science time! Just scaling up insects doesn't work so well because the size-mass ratio is a power law. Consider this: some insects can walk on water, because even though their weight is distributed more or less evenly between 6-8 small limbs, the pressure they exert isn't enough to break water's surface tension. On the other hand, a present day 60-ton main battle tank whose weight is distributed along large tracks can often put enough pressure on the ground to destroy paved roads. Nature is full of these "tricks" that work provided the organism weighs little, but scaling them to human size or larger is a no-go. Even if miniaturization, materials science and engineering could overcome the huge physical challenges posed by simply scaling stuff up, operating a 100-ton bipedal mech outside of a low-gravity world would probably be too risky.
  7. «It would be well for your government to consider that having your ships and ours, your aircraft and ours, in such proximity... is inherently DANGEROUS. Wars have begun that way, Mr. Ambassador.» (lol @ "moderate rebels" btw. Yeah, the whole three of them need protecting!)
  8. It's bad because the west has consistently made a mess of things, has had a year to degrade ISIS with little progress shown and apart from having made a mess of things looks likely to make a further mess of things with no consistent strategy from the past, present or future. Russian intervention can scarcely be worse than that. Plus, if you happen to loathe retrograde extremists you can pretty much guarantee that Russia will go after the lot, not just selective ones based on not offending certain 'allies'. I very much doubt that Russia can simply bomb Assad's problems away — the US have shown that solely airpower is not enough to defeat threats even when they were bona fide trying to win wars. Assad had his own airforce too, and his army has been utterly incapable of capitalising on it. I doubt it will magically become an effective fighting force with Russian warplanes involved. It's going to take boots on the ground to give Assad the definite upper hand, and Russia's track record isn't exactly great wrt asymmetric conflicts (and whose is?). I wouldn't want to be a Russian conscript right now. And then there's the House of Saud... ah, such fine allies they make.
  9. This may surprise you, but I completely agree. Which is why I'm actually fine with people in Europe dealing with the consequences of the blunders caused by "a few unaccountable ****s in Brussels". Last I checked, all EU members are still nominally democratic. If that is what it takes for people to ****ing wake up and smell the coffee, then so be it. All I can say is that during the Yugoslav Wars I was too young to raise a stink anywhere, though. I'm neither a corporate media fatcat nor a NATO senior commander, so other than raising my voice there's little I can do to affect things. However, past wrongs don't justify current or future mistakes.
  10. Wow. That jacket looks right like the kind of thing I'd love to have and never use. Eh. I have never played a MW game before and don't know anything about the universe, but IN HBS WE TRUST.
  11. To be honest, I probably could have had a reply ready by monday afternoon. Sleeping 10 hours in 3 days plus ADD isn't exactly a path towards productivity, though. It's not like the issue is going anywhere, so no rush anyway. @Bartimaeus: yeah, even if the person you're replying to won't bother with your posts, it's a public forum, so in the interest of keeping the topic going, it may be worth replying anyway. And then there's Bruce...
  12. Okay, I really have to ask. Have you actually read any of the links you posted? I don't need to refute your sources, because your sources don't back your points! Let's see, factual errors first, politics later. Nearly four in every five (79 %) asylum seekers in the EU-28 in 2014 were aged less than 35 (see Table 3); those aged 18–34 accounted for slightly more than half (54 %) of the total number of applicants, while minors aged less than 18 accounted for one quarter (26 %). — Yep, clearly 3/4 of them are men in their best fighting age. (men aged 18-34 actually amount to ~41%) Out of the 185k first-time asylum seekers in Q1 2015, 26% were Kosovars, 16% Syrians, Afghans amounting to 7%. Those of Maghrebi (North African) origin are a negligible fraction at best — Yep, clearly about half of them are North African or Arab. In 2014, close to half (45 %) of EU-28 first instance asylum decisions resulted in positive outcomes, that is grants of refugee or subsidiary protection status, or an authorisation to stay for humanitarian reasons [...] This share was considerably lower (18 %) for final decisions (based on appeal or review) / At the end of March 2015, around 530,000 persons were the subject of an application for asylum protection in the EU still under consideration by the responsible national authority — Yep, clearly everyone (well mostly everyone) is welcomed in Europe. In most regions, fewer favor other specific aspects of sharia, such as cutting off the hands of thieves and executing people who convert from Islam to another faith. [...] While many say there is only one true interpretation, substantial percentages in most countries either say there are multiple interpretations or say they do not know. [...] By contrast, only a minority of Muslims across Central Asia as well as Southern and Eastern Europe want sharia to be the official law of the land. [...] Among Muslims who support making sharia the law of the land, most do not believe that it should be applied to non-Muslims. [...] In Central Asia as well as Southern and Eastern Europe, relatively few Muslims who back sharia support severe criminal punishments. [...] Muslims in Central Asia as well as Southern and Eastern Europe are generally less likely to support stoning adulterers. [...] Elsewhere in the two regions, fewer than four-in-ten favor this type of punishment, including roughly a quarter or fewer across the countries surveyed in Southern and Eastern Europe. [...] In Central Asia as well as Southern and Eastern Europe, only in Tajikistan (22%) do more than a fifth of Muslims who want sharia as the official law of the land also condone the execution of apostates. — Yep, clearly executing apostates and non-Muslims and conducting female genital amputation is morally paramount. And you ask me why I'm so hostile? Well, you should well know: "The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it." Seriously, if you try to flood me with a bunch of irrelevant or misleading links again, I'm just going to reply by posting a ton of cat memes. I do have a lot of free time — that doesn't mean you get to waste it. Now: Yes. Or we could also look at the rape of Polish and Soviet women by Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS members, the rape of German women by RKKA members, the Rape of Nanking, the rape rate in Detroit in '85 and so on and so forth, to see why "the increase in sex crimes in Germany is being fueled by the preponderance of Muslim males among the mix of refugees/migrants entering the country" is total bull****. It's not about Muslims as much as it is about a bunch of other factors such as a complete breakdown of the rule of law, absence of repercussions, dismal living conditions and hopelessness. A bit of сum hoc ergo propter hoc never hurt anyone, right? Now, for some quick fun, let's try a little thought experiment. Let's take Marseille, which ZeroHedge claims has the highest Muslim ratio of any city in Europe, and go with a worst-case scenario: 35% are already Muslims. Now we dump the whole of France's refugee quota (30k) in there. The Muslim percentage goes up from 35% to a whopping... 38%!!! OMFG!!! Clearly, this scheme is going to "radically change the entire demographics in Europe". If you want me to find links to prove that refugees fleeing from IS and Boko Haram who are granted asylum in Europe will not be raped en masse and murdered by IS and Boko Haram, well, yes, I don't have any. I also don't have any links proving that water is wet and rope is useful for pulling but not for pushing, so please don't ask. I still believe however that we have an immediate moral mandate to at least give people whose countries we're complicit of turning into hellholes a chance to request asylum. I haven't argued for accepting everyone no matter what, because nobody is proposing that. I'm just calling bull**** on your doomsaying. Europe and "the West" at large is much more likely to fall due to to dumbass westerners more worried about their level 100 Pikachu than the fact that their government murders abroad in their name, and who are incapable of thinking for themselves, of even understanding what the freedoms earned by their forebears entail (let alone standing up for them), than to hordes of Muslim refugee-rapists. No, I don't have evidence that absorption of unskilled and uneducated foreigners is positive from a socioeconomic standpoint, and to be honest, I don't believe it is. However, I'm of the opinion that moral imperatives must overrule macroeconomic arguments. And by the way: being an able-bodied male does not mean you are generally obligated to fight in any war. Especially not in those you haven't had a hand in causing. Removing potential manpower reserves from war-torn areas is a good thing, I should think.
  13. It's about 20k asylum applications in Austria in 2015, not "hundreds of thousands". The recent surge (an estimated total 80k for this year by authorities) will be handled by the recently approved quota scheme, relocating most to other EU countries. Strike one. Inflation, unemployment. Inflation is at ~1% currently, down from ~3% in 2012. Unemployment is 8.4%. It seems to be increasing somewhat, but it's still below the Euro area average of 10.9%. Strike two. Regarding "super high crime rates": according to data, Austria is consistently placed among the safest countries in the world[1] [2]. Strike three, and you're out (of touch with reality). So yes, you really have to explain how we get from the current refugee situation to the failed state scenario you are advancing, because facts certainly aren't on your side. That's the slippery slope I keep mentioning: you haven't explained precisely how the end of the world is going to result from this particular issue. I'll deal with DE and MeshuggerVC's posts tomorrow, if work allows.
  14. No, bro. In fact, it's you who has to prove how fulfilling your ****ing obligations with regards to basic international law (cf. Geneva Convention on Refugees), not to mention showing a modicum of humanity is going to "radically change the entire demographics in Europe", let alone the rest of the tripe about the end of Yurop, Allahu Akbars taking over the world and so on, that you have been spouting lately. Take your time, I'll be here. My screen is fine, by the way. You sure it's not your own bile?
  15. The hell are you talking about. Who said anything about dedicating ALL RESOURCES and spending ALL ENERGY to "help the poor"? I'm talking in the context of a refugee crisis, in the context of what you can do NOW, to prevent people from being slaughtered, starving to death in camps, etc. Please keep your slippery slopes to yourself. And lol @ "sustainable welfare". You mean sustainable for you, right? "I got mine so **** you", is what you mean. At least be honest. And yeah, I have made my donations, as a matter of fact. Not just now, I donate to several NGOs, yearly, on top of volunteering part of my free time (not with refugees, though), of which I thankfully have quite a bit. But of course, that's not going to be enough for you because, since you are arguing from a fallacy (seriously, slippery slope, look it up), you won't be satisfied until I live in the same squalor as the refugees we're discussing. But please, enlighten me. How exactly are your living standards being affected. How is your country being "attacked". How much has your purchasing power decreased since the refugees started pouring? To what extent have waiting lists for public healthcare increased? What is the increase in violent crime (%)? Is there rationing going on? Power outages? I'd like concrete figures, please. With citations.
  16. Selfish and wrong? Yeah, its so selfish to protect ones country, living standards, health care system and security. Lets give it all up for the sake of humanity. If thats what you believe then its your duty to give up all the luxury and the stuff you don't really need to donate it to the poor refugees. Help them. You can start right now! And, yes. Sorry to break it to you, but it is wrong to leave people to die to protect your living standards. Deal with it.
  17. Anyone who believes that police can ever guarantee security deserves what they get. The report is just cops being pussies about being in over their heads, and hoping that the circumstances and their opportunistic fear mongering will get them emergency budget approvals. Understand that cops are conditioned to believe that they can call down overwhelming force on any problem, even if they don't need to do that most of the time. Whenever that feeling is threatened, they are scared ****less. Yep, that seems to be more or less the prevalent opinion here as well. But it's selfish and wrong. The foremost duty of the state is (should be) to uphold human rights within its jurisdiction to the best of its ablity, and human rights are universal and not contingent on citizenship. Sad that some of the hardest lessons learned in the wake of the bloodiest conflicts in history are already forgotten. Personally, handling refugees is probably the only excuse I'd accept for a tax raise, considering that my country has been directly involved in causing the current state of affairs in the Middle East. I'd like to believe that the state is resourceful enough to handle ~15k refugees without levying new taxes, but as usual in public management matters, I'll just assume that I'll be disappointed again.
  18. Sure... I mean it! I haven't played anything since SR:HK, just can't find it in me. I bought a 2-month game time card and only have logged in to grab the Havoc Squad set from GTN, because reasons. I've tried shaking the rust off and re-learning a few classes but... ugghhhh, can't do it. On the plus side, I got off my ass and vacuummed the house while it downloaded. So I'm not totally unproductive, just gaming-wise. (perhaps this should go in "What are you playing now?" Maybe if it also was "Or not playing now?") rambleramble
  19. http://www.snopes.com/business/genius/spacepen.asp Excuse me, I must go stand in the corner now.
  20. If the PMs agreed to it, then their electors can kick them out of office if it really means the countryside is going to be ravaged by bands of marauding Muslims and <doom/gloom>. Won't happen though, in part because the people dgaf (cf. Greece legislative election Sept. 2015) but mostly because it's not such a big deal. As for the video, I don't see how you can be impressed. She's a demagogue, as we both know that what she actually means is "French women for the magical 10-15% of hot French men", right? Joking aside, I can't be certain that he's not actually laughing at both the original retard Mayor who commissioned that (you can always find a Spaniard at the vanguard of imbecility) and the vandal "square patriot". Doesn't look like the guy is interested in deep social commentary beyond teh lulz. I only watched his "Planet Fitness and Transgender Women" vid, though. You may have been had... Marine Le Pen's case is bull****, I'll give you that.
  21. Apparently after today's patch I need to redownload the whole game. Probably something to do with disabling the streaming launcher. I hope the performance upgrades are worth it at least. Oh well it's not like I'm in a hurry to play or anything.
  22. What version of DF are you playing? The DLC for SRR or the standalone Director's Cut? There are some differences between the two versions, with the latter being the superior one. I'd go with DF before HK. Quality-wise, they are about the same except for the final act which, echoing the prevalent opinion here, is stronger in DF. HK received a few UI, mechanics and inventory upgrades, and going to DF after HK could feel a bit like playing BG1 after BG2 (plot notwithstanding).
  23. You misspelled "stupid SJW nazis".
  24. It's not very sensible to believe that Islam -or any other religion- is Christianity and will "naturally" follow the same path. Not because Christianity is something special, a religion of peace at its core (lol) or whatever, but because the secular societies we live in today are the product of a myriad historical factors that allowed and resulted in the people wresting power from the Church. That outcome wasn't guaranteed and could have been different. A religion that is used as a basis for political power becomes inextricable from the power structures it legitimizes, and therefore can only be "reformed" after those power structures are torn down — by force. The Thirty Years War and the French Revolutionary Wars (and the Napoleonic wars that followed) make the current unrest in the Islamic world look like a hiccup. Personally, I'd like to imagine that there is another path to secularization than centuries of bloodbaths. I'd like to think that other peoples can benefit from the lessons learned from these horrific experiences. Also: reminder that, until the first decades of the 19th century, the Spanish Inquisition was alive and well. The matter of its dissolution and the rest of the liberal reforms that accompanied it were only ultimately settled, naturally, after reactionaries launched a war to roll back all changes. edit: oops Zoraptor basically made the same point already. Ninja'd et al...
  25. Apparently he is responsible mostly for the JK story, maybe other grand plot stuff, not too sure. Someone a few pages back in this thread had more details about it, if you want to search. And yes, he's the author of the novels that took a massive dump on Obs' vision of the KotOR canon (aka "my Gary Stu is cooler than your Gary Stu" syndrome), and which laid the foundations upon which the JK and Revan/Maelstrom Prison/Foundry plot arcs are based. edit: herp-a-derp grammar
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